10,573 research outputs found

    A Graph-structured Dataset for Wikipedia Research

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    Wikipedia is a rich and invaluable source of information. Its central place on the Web makes it a particularly interesting object of study for scientists. Researchers from different domains used various complex datasets related to Wikipedia to study language, social behavior, knowledge organization, and network theory. While being a scientific treasure, the large size of the dataset hinders pre-processing and may be a challenging obstacle for potential new studies. This issue is particularly acute in scientific domains where researchers may not be technically and data processing savvy. On one hand, the size of Wikipedia dumps is large. It makes the parsing and extraction of relevant information cumbersome. On the other hand, the API is straightforward to use but restricted to a relatively small number of requests. The middle ground is at the mesoscopic scale when researchers need a subset of Wikipedia ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands of pages but there exists no efficient solution at this scale. In this work, we propose an efficient data structure to make requests and access subnetworks of Wikipedia pages and categories. We provide convenient tools for accessing and filtering viewership statistics or "pagecounts" of Wikipedia web pages. The dataset organization leverages principles of graph databases that allows rapid and intuitive access to subgraphs of Wikipedia articles and categories. The dataset and deployment guidelines are available on the LTS2 website \url{https://lts2.epfl.ch/Datasets/Wikipedia/}

    Social Interactions vs Revisions, What is important for Promotion in Wikipedia?

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    In epistemic community, people are said to be selected on their knowledge contribution to the project (articles, codes, etc.) However, the socialization process is an important factor for inclusion, sustainability as a contributor, and promotion. Finally, what does matter to be promoted? being a good contributor? being a good animator? knowing the boss? We explore this question looking at the process of election for administrator in the English Wikipedia community. We modeled the candidates according to their revisions and/or social attributes. These attributes are used to construct a predictive model of promotion success, based on the candidates's past behavior, computed thanks to a random forest algorithm. Our model combining knowledge contribution variables and social networking variables successfully explain 78% of the results which is better than the former models. It also helps to refine the criterion for election. If the number of knowledge contributions is the most important element, social interactions come close second to explain the election. But being connected with the future peers (the admins) can make the difference between success and failure, making this epistemic community a very social community too

    Search strategies of Wikipedia readers

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    The quest for information is one of the most common activity of human beings. Despite the the impressive progress of search engines, not to miss the needed piece of information could be still very tough, as well as to acquire specific competences and knowledge by shaping and following the proper learning paths. Indeed, the need to find sensible paths in information networks is one of the biggest challenges of our societies and, to effectively address it, it is important to investigate the strategies adopted by human users to cope with the cognitive bottleneck of finding their way in a growing sea of information. Here we focus on the case of Wikipedia and investigate a recently released dataset about users’ click on the English Wikipedia, namely the English Wikipedia Clickstream. We perform a semantically charged analysis to uncover the general patterns followed by information seekers in the multi-dimensional space of Wikipedia topics/categories. We discover the existence of well defined strategies in which users tend to start from very general, i.e., semantically broad, pages and progressively narrow down the scope of their navigation, while keeping a growing semantic coherence. This is unlike strategies associated to tasks with predefined search goals, namely the case of the Wikispeedia game. In this case users first move from the ‘particular’ to the ‘universal’ before focusing down again to the required target. The clear picture offered here represents a very important stepping stone towards a better design of information networks and recommendation strategies, as well as the construction of radically new learning paths

    Improving Retrieval-Based Question Answering with Deep Inference Models

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    Question answering is one of the most important and difficult applications at the border of information retrieval and natural language processing, especially when we talk about complex science questions which require some form of inference to determine the correct answer. In this paper, we present a two-step method that combines information retrieval techniques optimized for question answering with deep learning models for natural language inference in order to tackle the multi-choice question answering in the science domain. For each question-answer pair, we use standard retrieval-based models to find relevant candidate contexts and decompose the main problem into two different sub-problems. First, assign correctness scores for each candidate answer based on the context using retrieval models from Lucene. Second, we use deep learning architectures to compute if a candidate answer can be inferred from some well-chosen context consisting of sentences retrieved from the knowledge base. In the end, all these solvers are combined using a simple neural network to predict the correct answer. This proposed two-step model outperforms the best retrieval-based solver by over 3% in absolute accuracy.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 8 tables, accepted at IJCNN 201