238 research outputs found

    'The Tinker' for Rodin

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    Molecular simulation study of aqueous solutions of alifatic alcohols

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo provést série molekulárně dynamických simulací vodných roztoků alifatických alkoholů v nekonečném zředění. Pro práci s molekulárně dynamickými simulacemi bylo nutné seznámit se s programovým vybavením umožňujícím molekulárně dynamické simulace spustit a poté vyhodnotit. V rámci této práce byly simulovány soubory obsahující 300, 400, 500 a 1000 molekul vody a jednu molekulu alifatického alkoholu. Z výsledků simulací byly určovány změny objemu simulačního boxu spojené s vložením jedné molekuly alkoholu do systému (odpovídající parciálnímu molárnímu objemu) a radiální distribuční funkce mezi jednotlivými páry atomů. Výsledky byly porovnány s experimentálními daty.The aim of this bachelor thesis was to carry out set of molecular dynamic simulations of aqueous solutions of aliphatic alcohols in infinite attenuation. In order to work with molecular dynamic simulations it was necessary to become familiar with the program equipment to perform molecular dynamic simulations and analyze the results. Within the work the basic simulation boxes contained 300, 400, 500 and 1000 water molecules and one molecule of aliphatic alcohol. From the simulated trajectories we evaluated the volume change associated with the insertion of one particle of alcohol and the radial distribution functions around the molecule of solute. The results were compared with experimental data.

    Automating Event-B invariant proofs by rippling and proof patching

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    This work is supported by EPSRC grants EP/H024204/1, EP/E005713/1, EP/M018407/1 and EP/J001058/1.The use of formal method techniques can contribute to the production of more reliable and dependable systems. However, a common bottleneck for industrial adoption of such techniques is the needs for interactive proofs. We use a popular formal method, called Event-B, as our working domain, and set invariant preservation (INV) proofs as targets, because INV proofs can account for a significant proportion of the proofs requiring human interactions. We apply an inductive theorem proving technique, called rippling, for Event-B INV proofs. Rippling automates proofs using meta-level guidance. The guidance is in particular useful to develop proof patches to recover failed proof attempts. We are interested in the case when a missing lemma is required. We combine a scheme-based theory-exploration system, called IsaScheme [MRMDB10], with rippling to develop a proof patch via lemma discovery. We also develop two new proof patches to unfold operator definitions and to suggest case-splits, respectively. The combined use of rippling with these three proof patches as a proof method significantly improves the proof automation for our evaluation set.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Developing and Debugging Proof Strategies by Tinkering

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    Prevalence, prenatal screening and neonatal features in children with Down syndrome: a registry-based national study

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    BACKGROUND: Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities among newborns. In recent years advances in perinatal and neonatal care have improved chance of survival for the children with DS. The objective of this Registry-Based study was to get more accurate data of DS prevalence with evaluation of antenatal screening, neonatal and maternal features among total births in Croatia from 2009 to 2012. ----- METHODS: We used retrospectively collected data for DS newborns from the medical birth database and perinatal mortality database for the period of 2009-2012. Differences between DS and the referent population for each year in quantitative measures were assessed with the independent t-test. Other differences in nominal and categorical values were analyzed with the chi-square test. ----- RESULTS: The total prevalence for DS in the period of 2009-2012 was 7.01 per 10,000 births, while the live-birth prevalence was 6.49 per 10,000 births. The significant differences (p < 0.05) between the DS and reference populations for each year were noticed for birth weight and length, gestational age, mother age, Apgar score of ≥6 after 5 min and breastfeeding. Among newborns with DS, there were 64 (53.33 %) males and 56 (46.67 %) females versus 88,587 (51.76 %) males and 82,553 (48.23 %) females in the reference population. In the DS group compared to the reference population the mean birth weight was 2845 grams versus 3467 grams in males and 2834 grams versus 3329 grams in females, respectively, with a mean birth length of 47 cm versus 50 cm for both genders. The mean gestational age of the DS births was 37 weeks and the mean age of the mothers was 32.6 years, versus 39 weeks and 29.1 years, respectively, in the reference population. Only 68.3 % of children with DS were breastfed from birth, compared with 94.72 % of children in the reference population. ----- CONCLUSIONS: The significant differences for neonatal and maternal features between DS and the referent population were found similar to other studies. The total prevalence of DS in Croatia in the period of 2009-2012 was lower than the previously estimated prevalence based on EUROCAT data. The establishment of a new national registry of congenital malformations covering 99 % of all births in Croatia is necessary to improve the health and prosperity of children, adolescents and adults with DS in Croatia