12 research outputs found

    Modelling the development of an online learning resource by health care professionals

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    The aim of this study was to model the process of development for an Online Learning Resource (OLR) by Health Care Professionals (HCPs) to meet lymphoedema-related educational needs, within an asset-based management context. Previous research has shown that HCPs have unmet educational needs in relation to lymphoedema but details on their specific nature or context were lacking. Against this background, the study was conducted in two distinct but complementary phases. In Phase 1, a national survey was conducted of HCPs predominantly in community, oncology and palliative care services, followed by focus group discussions with a sample of respondents. In Phase 2, lymphoedema specialists (LSs) used an action research approach to design and implement an OLR to meet the needs identified in Phase 1. Study findings were analysed using descriptive statistics (Phase 1), and framework, thematic and dialectic analysis to explore their potential to inform future service development and education theory. Unmet educational need was found to be specific to health care setting and professional group. These resulted in HCPs feeling poorly-equipped to diagnose and manage lymphoedema. Of concern, when identified, lymphoedema was sometimes buried for fear of overwhelming stretched services. An OLR was identified as a means of addressing the unmet educational needs. This was successfully developed and implemented with minimal additional resources. The process model created has the potential to inform contemporary leadership theory in asset-based management contexts. This doctoral research makes a timely contribution to leadership theory since the resource constraints underpinning much of the contribution has salience to current public services. The process model created has the potential to inform contemporary leadership theory in asset-based management contexts. Further study of a leadership style which incorporates cognisance of Cognitive Load Theory and Self-Determination Theory is suggested. In addition, the detailed reporting of process and how this facilitated learning for participants contributes to workplace education theor

    Stories of single mothers : narrating the sociomaterial mechanisms of community literacy.

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    In light of the increasing significance of community activist scholarship in Rhetoric and Composition and given the overwhelming nature of institutional educational inequity, this dissertation takes a close look at specific literacy practices and the corresponding networks that shape these literacy practices at a community literacy organization. Based on interviews with participants and staff at a local nonprofit called Family Scholar House (FSH), this project paints a complex picture of each stakeholder’s perspective on successful literacy. First, I employ Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to analyze three specific literacy moments at FSH: an application for government assistance, a financial aid appeal letter, and a fundraising luncheon. I identify the various actors/actants involved in the networks that surround these literacy practices in order to understand the relationship work that helps students navigate these literacy practices successfully. I then use narrative theory to analyze three FSH students’ literacy narratives to demonstrate how students use their own singular writing identity as well as relationships within their lived networks to improve their literacy practices. The resulting new literacy narratives become actants within students’ networks, thereby allowing students to imagine different futures for themselves and for their children, for whom they model these changed literacy habits. I end by arguing for a hospitable approach to literacy research and pedagogy, discussing how to balance the predictability and unpredictability of narrative that are necessary for students’ literacy growth

    You mean here? - Video-mediated nurse-patient communication

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    This paper presents an analysis of an experimental setting where video-mediated communication between a nurse and a patient was used. The focus of the analysis is on the communication between the nurse and the patient and the role of the video conference system being used. The emphasis is on how video technology can support interpersonal communication, and thus the patient?s orientation not only to his nurse, but also to the knowledge that he is visible to his nurse, that is of interest here. This is done by referential practices which are directly analogous to those used in co-located situations. As a concluding discussion, the observations will be related to current and future design ideas

    A Study of Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad in Light of Appropriation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Through Translation and Adaptation Studies

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    This doctoral thesis examines both Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Or the Modern Prometheus (1888), and Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad (2014) in light of adaptation and appropriation by employing the framework of translation and adaptation studies. Adaptation studies first emerged as a field of study in the first half of the twentieth century but its generalisations and arguments initially focused on text and screen; for instance, essays and texts by Vachel Lindsay (1915), Virginia Woolf (1927), and Sergei Eisenstein’s (1944) highlighted the distinctions between novels and films in general as well as the changes and transformations that the screen had brought about in the course of adaptations of texts (Leitch, 2017, p. 3). This approach established the theoretical grounds for the discipline of adaptation studies as it developed in Europe and the West in the sixties and seventies. On the one hand, this thesis aims to introduce both adaptation and translation studies into the Iraqi academia as an effort to examine Iraqi fiction, particularly Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad, in parallel with the international and canonical literary works, such as Shelley’s Frankenstein. On the other hand, this research will also attempt to investigate and subsequently showcase the conclusions of the analysis of the Iraqi novel to the readership and scholarship of the British and European Frankenstein. The intersectional grey zones of the West and East, the civilisational missing links between the world and marginal literature/s, and comparisons between Shelley’s Gothic and science fiction and Saadawi’s Iraqi 2003 post-war reality will be portrayed in both of the selected novels. Therefore, this work represents the space shared by those novels to explore and discuss the various ways in which the latter work appropriates the former. Moreover, Saadawi’s work problematises several central themes also present in Saadawi’s work. For instance, Shelley’s Frankenstein considers science and scientific creation from various aspects as its central theme, while Iraqi Frankenstein depicts a brutal war iv against Iraq that turns Iraqi society into a slaughterhouse through the incorporation and intervention of Iraqi militias, sectarian terrorists, the US Army and its allied forces’ military attacks on and within the country. In other words, the Iraqi monster of Whatsitsname rising from the ashes of the US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq, represents the failure of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, which divided the Middle East and created new artificial borders based on the interests of the early twentieth-century superpowers such as France, Britain and Russia. As a result, adaptation and cross-cultural translation will, likewise, be employed to examine the selected texts and highlight the strong relations that connect them. It will, additionally, highlight the significance of the Iraqi Frankenstein, a work that concentrates on the post-2003 war context of marginalised Iraq by problematising some of Shelley’s main themes. Along with the various sources used in the process of undertaking this research, the current researcher conducted two interviews with the author of Frankenstein in Baghdad and its English translator into English language, which come as appendices at the end of this work. The main findings of this work revolve around the adaptation of the latter text by the former, the decontextualisation which exists in the latter, the expression of the disintegration and trauma of war, and the triumph of Saadawi’s novel as a crucial representational voice of the marginalised and repressed Iraq and its citizens.Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducci

    Legal Interpreters’ Self-perceptions of their Roles and Responsibilities in the British Judicial System

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    This study investigates legal interpreters’ perception of their roles in the British judicial system through three steps. The exploration began with legal interpreters’ role, which is the vital foundation of legal interpreting. Then, the definition, constitution, and approaches of legal interpreter’s main role, providing accurate and faithful renditions of original utterances, were explored. The investigation ended with the most prominent moral dilemmas and practical difficulties obstructing legal interpreters’ effective delivery of their role. Data is collected through a mixed methods approach using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with qualified interpreters on the National Register of Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI) and written interviews with six legal practitioners. Findings reveal that communication facilitator and faithful renderer of original utterances were the best descriptions of the legal interpreter’s role, according to their own perceptions. However, understanding of this aspect and the establishment of a clear professional status of interpreters have not been achieved across the British judicial system. Interpreters in this study were in general agreement on the concept of accurate interpretation and faithful reflection of the main linguistic content as well as the original pragmatic strength in the target language rendition. However, they reported divided views regarding the treatment of each pragmatic element of speech. Reflections on difficulties fall into five main areas of insufficient contextual information, linguistic challenges, complicated legal procedure, lack of understanding of the interpreting profession and emotional challenges. However, various parties in the current legal context have not recognised these difficulties. Interpreters pointed out the importance of addressing these issues in the training process for both interpreters and legal practitioners and setting up an interpreter support regime. Findings may help to identify gaps in the existing certification process and training courses helping legal interpreters to be equipped with knowledge and solutions to be better prepared for various challenging situations

    Penance: A Novel

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    Penance is a fictional novel written both as an Honors Capstone project and as a work that will be further revised and eventually submitted for professional publication. The novel is set in modern day, in the fictional southern city of Avington. Avington, like the rest of the world, is home to a group of terrifying creatures called the nephilim, a name derived from Hebrew, meaning “the fallen.” The nephilim are humans who once died and were reborn as undead creatures; because of their insatiable thirst for human life energy, they are considered demons with the faces of men. Despite the threat of the nephilim, few people even know that they exist; those who do include the Church and secret societies such as the Vigil, an organization tasked with slaying these creatures. The main problem, however, is that the nephilim cannot be destroyed. Though their bodies can be “slain,” they are always reanimated soon after. 25-year-old waitress Dahlia Ellis is an avid member of the Vigil and has harbored an immense hatred of the nephilim ever since childhood, when she witnessed a naphil kill her older sister. Everything changes for Dahlia, however, when she meets a man named Seth, to whom she is inexplicably drawn despite his enigmatic presence. As Dahlia grows dangerously close to Seth, Dahlia’s boyfriend Law, a fanatical Vigil member in his own right, is visited by an angel named Nathaniel, who claims to know how to destroy the nephilim once and for all. The more time that Law spends with Nathaniel, however, the more he suspects that the angel’s motives may not be as pure as he originally thought. After a twisted series of events, Dahlia finds herself sucked into the underground world of the nephilim and discovers the disturbing truth of their existence. Meanwhile, Law becomes an inadvertent pawn in a supernatural plot that threatens to destroy humanity and the world as he knows it

    La confesión en la práctica artística audiovisual: modalidades, estrategias discursivas y expresiones del yo confesional

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    La presente tesis investiga sobre la confesión dentro de la práctica artística audiovisual, revisando algunas de sus principales estrategias discursivas y aportaciones al lenguaje artístico. Si bien se han realizado importantísimas aportaciones en torno a la presencia de la autobiografía o del autorretrato en la práctica artística audiovisual, no ha existido una teoría equiparable sobre la confesión dentro de esta práctica. En nuestra tesis nos preguntamos en qué medida podemos vertebrar la confesión dentro de la práctica artística audiovisual y qué nuevos caminos creativos genera desde la propia especificidad de este medio. Respecto a la cuestión de en qué medida podemos vertebrar la confesión dentro de la práctica artística audiovisual, en primer lugar, hemos indagado metodológicamente en estudios sobre la confesión desde diferentes campos teóricos, para poder entender sus diversas reformulaciones a lo largo de la historia, abordando finalmente la confesión como acto creativo y como forma de auto-expresión. Partimos aquí de determinados estudios realizados desde el campo de la filosofía, de la religión, del procedimiento penal, del psicoanálisis y la psicología, de la literatura, de la sociología y de las artes. Con este propósito, nos hemos basado en autores como Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Peter Brooks, María Zambrano, Theodor Reik, Didier Anzieu, Erich Fromm, Joan Prat, Paula Sibilia, José Luís Pardo, Sharon Hymer, Outi Remes y David Galenson, entre otros. En segundo lugar, nos hemos apoyado en un campo teórico específico sobre cine, documental y vídeo; autores como Bill Nichols, Michael Renov, Jean Breschand, Berta Sichel, William Rothman, Julia Lesage, Stella Bruzzi, Raquel Schefer, Stuart Katz, Liz Czach, Jay Ruby, Jim Lane, Laura Baigorri, Mario Perniola o Raymond Bellour, entre otros. También partimos de contextos y autores que han hecho referencia explícita a la confesión dentro de la práctica artística audiovisual, como el contexto canadiense (basándonos en autores como Peggy Gale, Jean Gagnon, Shay Gibson o Matthew R. Smith), el contexto americano (donde el autor Michael Renov habla de vídeo-confesiones) y el contexto británico y europeo (donde destaca la teórica Outi Remes por su importante labor en la definición del papel del arte confesional). En tercer lugar, respecto a la cuestión de qué nuevos caminos creativos genera desde la propia especificidad de este medio, desarrollamos una serie de modalidades y estrategias de la confesión dentro de la práctica artística audiovisual para ver las principales características de este género y sus posibilidades narrativas. Para ello, en nuestro argumento, tratamos de aportar diversos ejemplos de artistas, analizando en profundidad obras concretas de Cova Macías, Valérie Mréjen, Jayce Salloum, Paul Wong, Lisa Steele, Martha Wilson, Renata Mohamed, Vito Acconci, Susan Mogul, Joe Gibbons, Roee Rosen, Juan Antonio Cerezuela, Colin Campbell o Steve Reinke, entre otros. Por último, hemos explorado las diversas manifestaciones del Yo confesional desde la práctica artística audiovisual partiendo del análisis en profundidad de la obra de artistas como Wendy Clarke, Sadie Benning, Paul Wong, Rodney Werden, Julika Rudelius, Dias & Riedweg, Beth B, Gillian Wearing, Elodie Pong, Valérie Mréjen, Lynn Hershman y Eija-Liisa Ahtila. El análisis aquí combina aspectos descriptivos de las obras – incluyendo transcripciones de algunos fragmentos – vertebrados en base a diferentes modalidades que pretenden destacar algunas manifestaciones del sujeto confesante dentro de esta práctica. Como resultado, hemos observado que la confesión constituye una forma de expresión creativa dentro de la práctica artística audiovisual, por su capacidad de construir discursos y formulaciones no necesariamente vinculadas a la verdad, y por su orientación hacia una forma de auto-expresión y de subjetividad del individuo. Este tipo de producción fílmica y videográfica propone, además, unas modalidades, estrategias y recursos propios que la constituyen como una vertiente específica dentro de otras prácticas próximas a este género. La confesión en la práctica artística audiovisual ocupa un lugar muy importante entre las formas expresivas y narrativas de un discurso potencialmente focalizado en el sujeto, en el que se tratan aspectos como la comunicación entre los individuos, la identidad, la sexualidad, el trauma, el lenguaje y la actuación, o la enfermedad mental y la fragmentariedad del sujeto. Así pues, la confesión dentro de la práctica artística audiovisual propone la construcción de discursos mediados a través de la propia especificidad del medio audiovisual, modelos de interpelación directa al espectador, estrategias participativas y modelos de discursos no cerrados, potenciando el habla múltiple y la posibilidad de la invención del sujeto.Cerezuela Zaplana, JA. (2014). La confesión en la práctica artística audiovisual: modalidades, estrategias discursivas y expresiones del yo confesional [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48472TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    "Working through it" : men's experiences of fatherhood following a life event / Allan H. Donelly

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    "This study set out to determine if and how men change their approach to fatherhood for reasons other than those prescribed by society, that is, are fathers capable of change for personal and interpersonal reasons. ... The participants needed to have experienced a life event whist being a father."Doctor of Philosoph