14 research outputs found

    Global trolling: The case of “America First”

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    This study examines a global trolling event, “America First,” with the intention to identify whether non-state-sponsored global trolling exists, and if so, what trolling behaviors and tactics characterize global trolling. Through an analysis of sixty videos from different countries, that featured “America First”as their common theme, we were able to focus on the specific cultural manifestations of global trolling. Back in 2017, the videos were posted over a three-week period and they all exhibit repetitive, provocative, pseudo sincere, and satirical trolling behaviors. While trolling behaviors crossed national boundaries, at times they were correlated with Hofstede’s dimensions of cultural diversity. Future research may examine the extent to which these relationships exist in other global trolling events

    Development of a Methodology for Expert assessment of the Digital Trolling index in Social Networks

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    В статье рассматривается такая форма современной виртуальной агрессии, как троллинг. Описаны основные характеристики данного явления, способы распространения и влияния данной технологии в России. Приведены примеры методов борьбы с кибер-агрессией в социальном пространстве, а также, описана разработка методики выявления троллинговых аккаунтов в социальных сетях и проведена апробация в Интернет-пространстве.The article examines such a form of modern virtual aggression as trolling. The main characteristics of this phenomenon, the methods of distribution and influence of this technology in Russia are described. Examples of methods of combating cyber-aggression in social space are given, as well as the development of a method for identifying trolling accounts in social networks is described and tested in the Internet space

    Graphicons and Tactics in Satirical Trolling on Tumblr.com

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    Internet trolling is inherently multimodal, relying on both textual and graphical means of communication (or “graphicons”). We examined how satire and ideological trolls who use graphicons on the microblogging site Tumblr.com, use knowledge of local culture as part of their trolling tactics. Based on a qualitative thematic analysis of 172 trolling posts (that include 284 graphicons), we identified 7 Tumblr satire troll tactics: the lying tactic, the derailment tactic, the parodic exaggeration tactic, the misappropriation of jargon tactic, the straight man (or “comical seriousness”) tactic, the troll reveal tactic, and the politeness tactic. We also found that ideologically extremizing language was the most commonly used outrage tactic and that trolls used graphicons frequently as flame baiting prompts and for tone modification

    Saving Social Media Data: Understanding Data Management Practices Among Social Media Researchers and their Implications for Archives

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    Social media data offer researchers new opportunities to leverage those data for their work in broad areas such as public opinion, digital culture, labor trends, and public health. Success of efforts to save social media data for reuse by researchers will depend on aligning data management and archiving practices with evolving norms around capture, use, sharing, and security of datasets containing this new type of data. This paper presents an initial foray into understanding how established practices for managing and preserving data should adapt to new demands from social media data, researchers who use and reuse social media data, and people who are subjects in social media data. We examine the data management practices of researchers who use social media data through a survey and an analysis of published articles. We discuss the data management practices described, how they differ from management of more conventional data types, and the implications for creating and maintaining stable archives for these important research resources. We discuss the similarities and differences between social media data and other types of social science research data, including other types of “found” data, and discuss the implications for data archives including social media data in their collections.National Science FoundationInstitute of Museum and Library Serviceshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154750/1/Hemphill Leonard Hedstrom JASIST pre-peer review.pdf1550Description of Hemphill Leonard Hedstrom JASIST pre-peer review.pdf : Pre-peer review articl

    How can we save social media data?

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    The availability and scale of social media data offer researchers new opportunities to leverage those data for their work in broad areas such as public opinion, digital culture, labor trends, public health, and social movements. The success of efforts to save social media data for reuse by researchers will depend on aligning data management and archiving practices with evolving norms around capture, use, sharing, and security of datasets containing this new type of data. This paper presents an initial foray into understanding how established practices for managing and preserving data should adapt to new demands from social media data platforms, researchers who use and reuse social media data, and people who supply social media content and are subjects in social media data. We examine the data management practices of researchers who use social media data in research through a survey of researchers and an analysis d of published articles. We present results from 73 respondents and 40 papers and discuss the data management practices described, how they differ from management of more conventional data types, and the implications for creating and maintaining stable archives for these important research resources. We discuss the similarities and differences between social media data and other types of social science research data, including other types of “found” data, and discuss the implications for data archives wishing to include social media data in their collections.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1822228.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149013/4/How can we save social media data.pdf1550Description of how can we save social media data.pdf : ManuscriptDescription of How can we save social media data.pdf : Main articl

    How Russian Rap on YouTube Advances Alternative Political Deliberation: Hegemony, Counter- Hegemony, and Emerging Resistant Publics

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    The late 2010s have seen the unprecedented rise of Russian rap culture on YouTube. This study delves into the unexplored area of the relationship between rap music, politics, and the Internet audience in Russia. It focuses on the analysis of the production of the most popular rap videos—their narratives, power relations, and socio-political themes, as well as the prevailing patterns in the discussion on socio-political issues by the YouTube audience. The study brings three contributions that identify the power relations in the Russian society that manifest in the field of rap music. First, the Russian-speaking users demonstrate a high level of criticality toward the pro-Kremlin rap music on YouTube and challenge the lies of propaganda rap. Second, pro-government rappers follow the Soviet authoritarian ethos and praise belonging to the collective of elites, while liberal ones adhere to the individual responsibility. Third, we demonstrate the prevalence of patriarchal gender values, including macho politics and unquestioned sexism, which are representative of gender politics in the country. This article proves the importance of socio-political commentary on YouTube and points to the rap videos as the popular hubs for the socio-political debates. Users flow to rap videos and utilize the comment section to have their say on the political context and power relations rather than the music, to engage with others, and to contribute to the emerging collective debate. The comment sections on these rap videos have a unique value for the Russian users who exploit them as the negotiation space in the void of other platforms for social dialogue in Russia

    Keinotekoiset kommentit? Astroturffaus digitaalisen vaikuttamisen välineenä

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    Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sosiaalista mediaa itseilmaisullisen retoriikan ja erityisesti astroturffaukseksi nimetyn ilmiön kautta. Itseilmaisut ovat yksilön subjektiivista näkökulmaa edustavia, arvottavia mediasisältöjä eli kuvia, tekstejä ja videoita, joilla sekä ilmaistaan oma kanta että pyritään vaikuttamaan muiden mielipiteisiin. Astroturffauksen määrittelemme organisaatiolähtöiseksi, tietoisesti ja harhauttamalla vaikuttamaan pyrkiväksi digitaaliseksi viestinnäksi, jota toteuttavat ruohonjuuritason mediakäyttäjät tai sellaisina esiintyvät henkilöt. Artikkelin keskiössä on kysymys siitä, miten itseilmailullinen retoriikka ja sen toteutumista tukevat sosiaalisen median käytännöt voidaan valjastaa astroturffauksen tarkoitusperiä varten. Tarkastelemme artikkelissa astroturffausta teorialähtöisesti mutta myös keskustelupalstoilta, Twitteristä, Instagramista ja YouTubesta kerättyjen esimerkkien kautta kysyen, millaisesta vaikuttamisesta siinä on kyse, miten sen tunnistaa ja miten siihen voi varautua. Vertailemme astroturffausta sitä lähellä oleviin ilmiöihin, kuten työntekijälähettilyyteen, trollaukseen, vaikuttajaviestintään ja spämmiviesteihin. Keskeisin argumenttimme on, että astroturffaus on monitahoinen ilmiö, jonka tunnistaminen vaatii pitkälle kehittyneitä mediataitoja.</p

    Keinotekoiset kommentit? : Astroturffaus digitaalisen vaikuttamisen keinona

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    Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sosiaalista mediaa itseilmaisullisen retoriikan ja erityisesti astroturffaukseksi nimetyn ilmiön kautta. Itseilmaisut ovat yksilön subjektiivista näkökulmaa edustavia, arvottavia mediasisältöjä eli kuvia, tekstejä ja videoita, joilla sekä ilmaistaan oma kanta että pyritään vaikuttamaan muiden mielipiteisiin. Astroturffauksen määrittelemme organisaatiolähtöiseksi, tietoisesti ja harhauttamalla vaikuttamaan pyrkiväksi digitaaliseksi viestinnäksi, jota toteuttavat ruohonjuuritason mediakäyttäjät tai sellaisina esiintyvät henkilöt. Artikkelin keskiössä on kysymys siitä, miten itseilmailullinen retoriikka ja sen toteutumista tukevat sosiaalisen median käytännöt voidaan valjastaa astroturffauksen tarkoitusperiä varten. Tarkastelemme artikkelissa astroturffausta teorialähtöisesti mutta myös keskustelupalstoilta, Twitteristä, Instagramista ja YouTubesta kerättyjen esimerkkien kautta kysyen, millaisesta vaikuttamisesta siinä on kyse, miten sen tunnistaa ja miten siihen voi varautua. Vertailemme astroturffausta sitä lähellä oleviin ilmiöihin, kuten työntekijälähettilyyteen, trollaukseen, vaikuttajaviestintään ja spämmiviesteihin. Keskeisin argumenttimme on, että astroturffaus on monitahoinen ilmiö, jonka tunnistaminen vaatii pitkälle kehittyneitä mediataitoja.Peer reviewe

    ¿Quién es el trol?: La construcción de identidades políticas en social media en el contexto peruano

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    One can easily find discrediting accusations between users with different political affiliations or ideological orientations on social media. The objective of this article is to affirm that these practices are neither superfluous nor secondary, but rather fundamental in the formation and consolidation of political identities of those who participate in these discussions. This article reviews up-to-date academic literature about three recent trends in the dynamics of political discussion on social media (the polarization of the political debate, the focus on personalities and figures, and the trolls’ practices) and, using tools taken from Netnography, it explores and applies these concepts to the Peruvian context. Consequently, the article offers an outline about the daily political dynamics on social media, how users take sides and disputes happen, and how this serves to the (re)production of political identities. The results of this investigation show a scenario where two characteristics prevail: the polarization between different political stances and the uncertainty about the information and identities in circulation.En social media es común encontrar acusaciones descalificadoras entre quienes pertenecen a grupos políticos u orientaciones ideológicas distintas. El objetivo del artículo es afirmar que estas prácticas no son accesorias o superfluas, sino que son constitutivas en la formación y consolidación de las identidades políticas de quienes participan en estas discusiones. Para ello, se revisa literatura académica actual sobre tres tendencias recientes en las dinámicas de discusión política en social media (la polarización en el debate político, la concentración en personalidades y figuras, y las prácticas de los troles) y, utilizando herramientas tomadas de la netnografía, se exploran y aplican estos conceptos al contexto peruano. Al hacer esto, el artículo ofrece un bosquejo sobre la dinámica política cotidiana en social media, sobre cómo se forman bandos y ocurren disputas, y cómo esto sirve para la (re)producción de identidades políticas. Los resultados de la exploración muestran un escenario donde predomina la polarización entre distintas posiciones políticas y la incertidumbre sobre la información y las identidades que circulan

    ¿Quién es el trol?: La construcción de identidades políticas en social media en el contexto peruano

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    One can easily find discrediting accusations between users with different political affiliations or ideological orientations on social media. The objective of this article is to affirm that these practices are neither superfluous nor secondary, but rather fundamental in the formation and consolidation of political identities of those who participate in these discussions. This article reviews up-to-date academic literature about three recent trends in the dynamics of political discussion on social media (the polarization of the political debate, the focus on personalities and figures, and the trolls’ practices) and, using tools taken from Netnography, it explores and applies these concepts to the Peruvian context. Consequently, the article offers an outline about the daily political dynamics on social media, how users take sides and disputes happen, and how this serves to the (re)production of political identities. The results of this investigation show a scenario where two characteristics prevail: the polarization between different political stances and the uncertainty about the information and identities in circulation.En social media es común encontrar acusaciones descalificadoras entre quienes pertenecen a grupos políticos u orientaciones ideológicas distintas. El objetivo del artículo es afirmar que estas prácticas no son accesorias o superfluas, sino que son constitutivas en la formación y consolidación de las identidades políticas de quienes participan en estas discusiones. Para ello, se revisa literatura académica actual sobre tres tendencias recientes en las dinámicas de discusión política en social media (la polarización en el debate político, la concentración en personalidades y figuras, y las prácticas de los troles) y, utilizando herramientas tomadas de la netnografía, se exploran y aplican estos conceptos al contexto peruano. Al hacer esto, el artículo ofrece un bosquejo sobre la dinámica política cotidiana en social media, sobre cómo se forman bandos y ocurren disputas, y cómo esto sirve para la (re)producción de identidades políticas. Los resultados de la exploración muestran un escenario donde predomina la polarización entre distintas posiciones políticas y la incertidumbre sobre la información y las identidades que circulan