210 research outputs found

    Ukrainian experience of personnel vocational training: problems and prospects

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    A critical analysis of the Ukrainian experience of vocational training of personnel is conducted in the work. The statistics data on the number of employees who participated in vocational training activities during 2016-2018 are presented and analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main reasons for the low interest of Ukrainian business owners in the personnel vocational training were identified. In the work, the author also has highlighted the factors that restrain and activate the development of vocational training of personnel at Ukrainian enterprises. In order to increase the efficiency of professional development of personnel at Ukrainian enterprises, the author proposes to use modern methods for this purpose. Because traditional methods do not produce the desired results. Ukrainian enterprises need to invest in staff training, which is the main reserve for improving their performance

    Key sources when formulating competitive advantages for hotel chains

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    Th is paper's purpose was to identify the key sources when formulating competitive advantages of hotel chains. Th e research assessed the fi nancial activities performance included in annual hospitality industry reports and on their offi cial websites; questioning of loyal and potential customers; the fi ve-point Likert scale and the Pearson correlation coeffi cient were applied to understand the possible consumer reaction to a certain competitive advantage or its absence. Th e paper confi rms the eff ectiveness of key sources used by management to win and retain competitive advantages: despite strong dependence on the economic cycle phase etc., after the devastating crisis of 2007, 2008, but also to achieve sustainable growth. All the networks examined over the last decade have expanded their presence in international markets, diversifi ed the portfolio of brands, increased the number of jobs and profi ts. It was also proved that the opinion of the fi nal consumer is still not suffi ciently taken into account in the assessment of the Pearson correlation coeffi cient (the latter allowed the authors to propose their own defi nition of the competitive advantage in the industry). Th e paper attempts for the fi rst time to consider the competitive advantages of hotel chains from the point of view not only of theorists and business practitioners, but also with the view of the opinion of the services consumer; there were identifi ed the discrepancies, which consideration would allow to increase the level of guest satisfaction and, accordingly, the effi ciency of the hotel business. In future papers, the authors plan to verify the existence of a correlation between the degree of guest loyalty to a particular hotel network and the main fi nancial results of its activities

    The Organizational Culture in the Human Resources management of a Medical Institution

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    Therefore, the first sign of the organizational culture's effectiveness of a medical institution should be considered the degree of compliance of staff values with the values of the institution and the expectations of stakeholders. The experience of the world's leading medical institutions demonstrates that an organizational culture is always a useful tool for managing human resources and one of the primary sources of competitive advantage for healthcare providers

    Cryptocurrency functioning in the global economy

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    The article reveals a conceptual basis of the cryptocurrency functioning. The main types of cryptocurrencies are featured and analyzed as well as their general strengths and weaknesses. Based on the price dynamics correlation analysis of some cryptocurrency types, a general low level of dependence between digital assets is established. The main functions of the cryptocurrency are formulated in the form of transformed money functions. Also, additional functions of cryptocurrencies are defined on the basis of their innovative nature, as well as the role in the modern financial system and world economic relations

    Динамічні здібності підприємства: теоретико-прикладні основи, сфера застосування, вимір

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    Мета дослідження – позначити концептуальні засади теорії динамічних здібностей підприємства та розкрити її прикладний потенціал. Результати. У дослідженні ідентифіковано актуальні проблемні аспекти теорії динамічних здібностей підприємств та висвітлено шляхи їх розв’язання. По-перше, це імператив подальшого розвитку фундаментальних основ теорії динамічних здібностей та знаходження науковообґрунтованої ефективної емпіричної методики їх вимірювання. По-друге, це обмеженість проникнення концепції динамічних здібностей в українське наукове середовище та наявність проблем із трактуванням теоретичних і прикладних англомовних розробок. У статті розкрито історичні та науково-методичні засади формування теорії динамічних здібностей підприємств. Визначено концептуальні положення західних фундаторів теорії динамічних здібностей і наукове висвітлення даного напряму досліджень в Україні. Розглянуто потенціал застосування теоретико-прикладних основ динамічних здібностей на підприємствах. Наведено методологічні рішення щодо вимірювання динамічних здібностей українських підприємств. Практичне значення дослідження. Результати дослідження надають можливість україномовній науковій громадськості опанувати концепцію динамічних здібностей, сформувати у працівників підприємств можливість самостійно діагностувати динамічні здібності та здійснювати порівняння у часі власних здобутків з досягненнями інших учасників ринкових відносин. Оригінальність/цінність/наукова новизна дослідження. Концептуалізовано логіку формування теорії динамічних здібностей і ідентифіковано перспективні напрями її трансформації у бік вивчення основних факторів, що впливають на результати діяльності ключових людських ресурсів; доведена можливість застосування прикладних методів у країнах з різним типом економічної системи, у різних галузях та ринках підприємствами, що здійснюють комерційну та некомерційну діяльність незалежно від їх типу та розміру; розроблено основи методології адаптації англомовних методичних розробок до рівня їх практичного застосування на українських підприємствах з можливістю отримання статистично значущих результатів і їх подальшого використання для підвищення результативності. Перспективи подальших досліджень – розробка комплексного прикладного механізму виміру динамічних здібностей підприємства, який би дозволяв проектувати та здійснювати заходи підвищення прибутковості, а також досягнення у тактичному й утримання у стратегічному періоді конкурентного успіху. Тип статті – теоретична

    A conceptual framework of transformational leadership as an influential tool in the team performance

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    Purpose of this paper is to identify the relationship between the transformational leadership approach and team performance, to analyze the existing literature that expresses the role of transformational leadership on team performance and to create a guideline for the leaders to increase their performance. Design/ Method/ Approach - To achieve the purpose of the study 86 articles and books were analyzed in terms of transformational leadership, team performance, and the relationship between these two concepts. Findings - Leadership is one of the essential words in today's organizational direction. Despite that, transformational leadership has excellent attention on leadership theory. A few numbers of researches are done on analyzing the relationship between transformational leadership and team performance. The findings show that transformational leadership remains the most crucial leadership style in improving team performance. Theoretical implications - This study's theoretical significance increases opinion and change of judgment for performance appraisal on the working life quality. Practical implications - The practical benefit of this study is that it provides a guideline for managers use the leadership style correctly to increase the performance of a team, and as a result their organization. Originality/ Value - The originality of the study is that no one researcher before has analyzed the relationship between transformational leadership and team performance, like this study, which includes analyzing the existing literature over 50 years of research made on this topic by numerous researchers. Research limitations/ Future research - The projections for further research are to analyze the relationship between the transformational leadership approach and team performance, add other dimensions, and measure their common effects on such relationship. Paper type - theoretical

    AI-driven Optimization in Healthcare: the Diagnostic Process

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    Purpose: Process optimization in healthcare using artificial intelligence (AI) is still in its infancy. In this study, we address the research question "To what extent can an AI-driven chatbot help to optimize the diagnostic process?" Design/ Method/ Approach: First, we developed a mathematical model for the utility (i.e., total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service) resulting from the diagnostic process in primary healthcare. We calculated this model using MS Excel. Second, after identifying the main pain points for optimization (e.g., waiting time in the queue), we ran a small experiment (n=25) in which we looked at time to diagnosis, average waiting time, and their standard deviations. In addition, we used a questionnaire to examine patient perceptions of the interaction with an AI-driven chatbot. Findings: Our results show that scheduling is the main factor causing issues in a physician's work. An AI-driven chatbot may help to optimize waiting time as well as provide data for faster and more accurate diagnosis. We found that patients trust AI-driven solutions primarily when a real (not virtual) physician is also involved in the diagnostic process. Practical Implications: AI-driven chatbots may indeed help to optimize diagnostic processes. Nevertheless, physicians need to remain involved in the process in order to establish patient trust in the diagnosis. Originality/ Value: We analyze the utility to physicians and patients of a diagnostic process and show that, while scheduling may reduce the overall process utility, AI-based solutions may increase the overall process utility. Research Limitations/ Future Research: First, our simulation includes a number of assumptions with regard to the distribution of mean times for encounter and treatment. Second, the data we used for our model were obtained from different papers, and thus from different healthcare systems. Third, our experimental study has a very small sample size and only one test-physician. Paper type: Empirical

    The State of Dissemination of Open Research Data in Ukraine and the World: Bibliometric Analysis

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    Purpose: To determine the current state of development of open science in the paradigm of open research data in Ukraine and the world, as well as to analyze the representation of Ukraine in the world research space, in terms of research data exchange. Design / Method / Research Approach: Methods of synthesis, logical and comparative analysis used to determine the dynamics of the number of research data journals and data files in the world, as well as to quantify the share of research data repositories in Ukraine and the world. Trend and bibliometric analysis were used to determine the share of publications with their open primary data; analysis of their thematic structures; identification of the main scientific clusters of such publications; research of geographic indicators and share of publications by research institutions. Findings: The study found a tendency to increase both the number of data logs and data files in Dryad (open data repository). The results of the analysis of the share of data repositories indexed in re3data (register of research data repositories) show that 51% of the total number are repositories of data from European countries, with Germany leading with 460 repositories, followed by the United Kingdom (302 repositories) and France (116 repositories). Ukraine has only 2 data repositories indexed in re3data. The trend of relevance of data exchange is confirmed by the increase of publications with datasets for the last 10 years (2011-2020) in 5 times. Research institutions and universities are the main sources of research data, which are mainly focused on the fields of knowledge in chemistry (23.3%); biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (13.8%); medicine (12.9%). An analysis of the latest thematic groups formed on the basis of publications with datasets shows that there is a significant correlation between publications with open source data and COVID-19 studies. More than 50% of publications with datasets both in Ukraine and around the world are aimed at achieving the goal of SDG 3 Good Health. Theoretical Implications: It is substantiated that in Ukraine there is a need to implement specific tactical and strategic plans for open science and open access to research data. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be used to support decision-making in the management of research data at the macro and micro levels. Future Research: It should be noted that the righteous bibliometric analysis of the state of the dissemination of data underlying the research results did not include the assessment of quality indicators and compliance with the FAIR principles, because accessibility and reusability are fundamental components of open science, which may be an area for further research. Moreover, it is advisable to investigate the degree of influence of the disclosure of the data underlying the research result on economic indicators, as well as indicators of ratings of higher education, etc. Research Limitations: Since publications with datasets in Scopus-indexed journals became the information base of the analysis for our study, it can be assumed that the dataset did not include publications with datasets published in editions that the Scopus bibliographic database does not cover. Paper type: Theoretica

    Економічна безпека туризму в Німеччині: моделі виходу з кризи

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    Purpose – to analyze the models of overcoming the crisis of the tourism business in Germany. Design/Method/Approach of the research. The research method is an expert opinion analysis on possible scenarios for the Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic crisis development, the consequences for German tourism, and possible models of overcoming the crisis. Findings. The paper analyzes the models of overcoming the crisis in Germany's tourism business during the gradual attenuation of the Covid-19/ Coronavirus pandemic and the beginning of the national borders lento opening. That allowed us to formulate an assumption of possible scenarios while crisis overcoming in the tourism business in Germany. Theoretical and practical implications. The analysis of possible scenarios while overcoming the crisis in the tourism business in Germany phenomena in Germany's tourism industry can be very interesting both for practitioners and for theorists studying the problems of tourism development worldwide. Originality/Value. The article investigates the regional differences of the tourism crisis developed during the Covid-19/ Coronavirus pandemic. Based on a logical analysis of the models for overcoming the tourism business crisis in Germany, the paper analyzed factors that can affect changes in consumer habits and include vital economic aspects of the tourism business restoration. This paper expands researchers’ capabilities in the crisis phenomena analysis in the tourism business and assists in the most accurate and reasonable forecasting for the long-term sustainable development and competitive advantages of tourism enterprises. Paper type – theoretical. Keywords: tourism business; model; crisis; Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic

    Consumer orientation and competitor awareness on firm performance in the bottled water industry

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    Purpose: Assesses the Influence of strategic positioning indicators namely customer orientation and competitor awareness on firm performance in the bottled water Industry, with sector standards as the moderating variable. Design/Method/Approach: This study adopted quantitative methodology and cross sectional explanatory study design of which a sample of 424 licensed bottled water firms were randomly selected. Structured questionnaires were distributed to the managers and factor analysis was used to reduce the number of variables and establish the underlying constructs, while analysis of moments of structures was applied to develop theory. Findings: It was found that there exists a positive and significant relationship among consumer orientation and competitor awareness on firm performance. The moderating effect of water sector standards on consumer orientation and firm performance was found to be statistically significant and operates fully or in part as a mediating variable in predicting the influence of competitor awareness on firm performance. Theoretical Implication: This study concluded that to enhance firms' performance measured in terms of growth, there is need to manage and sustain consumers' needs based on gender and age preferences, buying behavior as well as conducting market analysis and have internal capability to retaliate. Originality/value: This study will not only add value to the existing body of knowledge in strategic management, but will also address the application of strategic position in improving firm performance. Research limitations/Future research: Since the study was quantitative, there was risk of omitted variable and nonresponse bias, limited access to performance data and lack of previous research on the subject. Future research should extend to other categories of firms which have diverse decision processes and purchase intentions amongst consumers. Paper type: Empirical