31 research outputs found

    TOTh 2011 Proceedings - Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications

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    International audienceAvant-proposLa Terminologie est un domaine scientifique par nature pluridisciplinaire. Elle puise, entre autres, à la linguistique, la théorie de la connaissance, la logique. Pour que cette diversité soit une richesse, il faut lui offrir un cadre approprié au sein duquel elle puisse s’exprimer et s’épanouir : c’est une des raisons d’être des Conférences TOTh. Dans ce contexte, la formation et la transmission des connaissances jouent un rôle essentiel. La Formation TOTh, programmée sur un jour et demi précédant la conférence, se déroule depuis 2011 sur deux années consécutives dédiées pour l’une à la dimension linguistique et pour l’autre à la dimension conceptuelle de la terminologie, deux dimensions intimement liées. La Disputatio, introduite à partir de cette année, renoue avec une forme d’enseignement et de recherche héritée de la scolastique. Elle vise, à travers une lecture commentée effectuée par un membre du comité scientifique, à donner accès à des textes jugés fondateurs de notre domaine, trop souvent oubliés voire ignorés.La cinquième édition des Conférences TOTh a également été l’occasion de mettre en place un Prix « Jeune chercheur ». Décerné par le comité scientifique lors de la conférence, il récompense le travail soumis à TOTh d’un de nos jeunes collègues. Notre collègue Michele Prandi, professeur à l’Università degli Studi di Genova, a ouvert la Conférence TOTh 2011 par un exposé passionnant sur : « Signes, signifiés, concepts : pour un tournant philosophique en linguistique ». Le ton était donné.Ont suivi douze communications (hors conférence d’ouverture et disputatio) réparties sur deux jours en six sessions animées par différents présidents. Elles ont permis d’aborder en profondeur – chaque intervention dure au minimum 45 minutes – de nombreux sujets tant théoriques que pratiques rappelant qu’il ne peut y avoir de terminologie sans langue de spécialité ni savoir spécialisé.Les douze communications, équitablement réparties sur les deux langues officielles de la conférence et provenant de sept pays différents, confirment l’audience internationale acquise aujourd’hui par TOTh.Avant de vous souhaiter bonne lecture de ces actes, j’aimerais terminer en remerciant tous les participants de TOTh 2011 pour la richesse des débats et des moments partagés. Christophe RochePrésident du comité scientifiqu

    The Web of Community Trust - Amateur Fiction Online: A Case Study in Community Focused Design for the Semantic Web

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    This thesis describes a case study online community: online amateur authors. Taking this case study community as a base, this thesis considers how the concept of community is applied within the Semantic Web domain. Considering the community structures that can be demonstrated through the case study, this thesis makes the case for the recognition of a specific type of social network structure, one that fulfills the traditional definitions of ‘community’. We argue that this sub-type occupies an important position within social networks and our understanding of them due to the structures required for them to be so defined and that there are assumptions and inferences which can be made about nodes within this type of community group but not others. Having detailed our case study community and the type of network it represents, this thesis goes on to consider how the community could be supported beyond the mailing lists and journalling sites upon which it currently relies. Through our investigation of the community’s issues and requirements, we focus on identity and explore this concept within the context of community membership. Further we analyse the community practice of metadata annotation, in comparison to other metadata systems such as tagging, and as it related to the development of the community. We propose a number of ontological models which we argue could assist the community and, finally, consider ways in which these models could be made available to the community in keeping with current practice and level of technical knowledge as evidenced by the community

    The Web of community trust : amateur fiction online : a case study in community focused design for the Semantic Web

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    This thesis describes a case study online community: online amateur authors. Taking this case study community as a base, this thesis considers how the concept of community is applied within the Semantic Web domain. Considering the community structures that can be demonstrated through the case study, this thesis makes the case for the recognition of a specific type of social network structure, one that fulfils the traditional definitions of ‘community’. We argue that this sub-type occupies an important position within social networks and our understanding of them due to the structures required for them to be so defined and that there are assumptions and inferences which can be made about nodes within this type of community group but not others. Having detailed our case study community and the type of network it represents, this thesis goes on to consider how the community could be supported beyond the mailing lists and journalling sites upon which it currently relies. Through our investigation of the community’s issues and requirements, we focus on identity and explore this concept within the context of community membership. Further we analyse the community practice of metadata annotation, in comparison to other metadata systems such as tagging, and as it related to the development of the community. We propose a number of ontological models which we argue could assist the community and, finally, consider ways in which these models could be made available to the community in keeping with current practice and level of technical knowledge as evidenced by the community.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research

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    The notion of annotation is associated in the Humanities and Information Sciences with different concepts that vary in coverage, application and direction of impact, but have conceptual parallels as well. This publication reflects on different practices and associated concepts of annotation, puts them in relation to each other and attempts to systematize their commonalities and divergences in an interdisciplinary perspective

    The challenge of visuality for electronic literature: Conference panel: The medium

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    Whilst there may be aesthetic tropes within digital media, there is no universally accepted authority within contemporary culture nor is there an easy mutual acceptance of what is “right and proper” or indeed legitimate outside the now virtue of being popular and well followed. Indeed the now bodily distanced and disinhibited digital citizen frequently demonstrates a palpable distain for the elite and pretentious. Considering this, any community with Literature in its name may have an identity problem; literariness still pertains to an elevated quality of artistic or intellectual merit and is thus counter to popular cultural production. In addition, mainstream culture has successfully commoditized many counter-cultural communities. Electronic Literature has arguably not been through such commodification processes, and the question of interest is why not? To that extent this paper seeks to explore possible answers. Investigating the broader shifts towards increased visuality within modern culture the paper will discuss and revisit the discourses on the power structures of the gaze, consider spectatorship’s dominance over readership and interaction and co-creation and the function of the image within contemporary narrative forms inside and outwith Electronic Literature. The paper will also consider the politics implied in the move to open access, the fluid distribution of often context-less “images”, how this relates to prior notions of literary publishing, and whether this manifests as an opportunity or a challenge to Electronic Literature’s dissemination. Lastly and toward a conclusion, the paper will propose that if we consider the tradition of literature as one that is driven by the expression of human experience, where in today’s context literary “traditions” are not longer built around specific commonalities of form (i.e. predominately verbal language) but rather subject matter, themes and worldviews then the questions of identity and of “literariness” can evaporate to make space for fuller participation in the ocular freedoms in contemporary culture

    Le Sujet de l’Acteur. An Anthropological Outlook on Actor-Network Theory

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    In the past few years, the Actor-Network Theory of French philosopher and sociologist Bruno Latour has become a hotly debated topic in the humanities. From a philosophical perspective, his theory of things keeps being reevaluated: is it possible for ‘Human and Non-Human Actors’ (Latour) to be analyzed as equally important actors? Does Latour’s theory of a simultaneous ‘agency’ of things and concepts indeed move beyond a subject-object relation? If it does, how far does it in fact go? Is it possible to develop a common new ontology by moving away from the notion of substance, and instead reducing any kind of entities to what they reveal in the course of their (inter)action? The contributions to Le Sujet de l’Acteur are looking for interferences between the idea of ‘agency’ and cultural dynamics. How can we relate questions of (social) action with those of cultural manifestations? Focusing on questions of symmetry or dissymmetry between the world of ‘things’ and ‘human beings,’ the volume includes contributions from the fields of social studies, literary studies, and philosophy. Although the contents are categorized in systematic and historical aspects, all contributions draw on the importance of case studies for the theoretical framework, either starting with systematic questions that are then answered exemplary, or starting from historical cases as well as theoretical options

    Definição do conceito de blended learning. Proposta metodológica no quadro da terminologia de base conceptual

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    Sustentado numa abordagem conceptual da Terminologia, o trabalho de investigação que a seguir se desenvolve visa propor um cenário de resposta à questão: como se define o blended learning no contexto educativo de Ensino Superior Pós-Bolonha? A necessidade de compreender, delimitar e harmonizar o conceito de blended learning no panorama actual do Ensino Superior, resulta do pressuposto de que muito embora proliferem descrições de práticas e modelos para a sua operacionalização de reconhecida qualidade - tal como sucede com outros conceitos sob alçada da educação a distância - a reflexão teórica é ainda insuficiente. Com efeito, para responder à questão supra-colocada, propõe-se o desenho de uma metodologia para construção de uma definição intensional do conceito de blended learning que herde, subsuma e melhore o conhecimento existente, identificado através da análise de texto para fins onomasiológicos e de um processo de elicitação de conhecimento tácito e de negociação discursiva junto de sujeitos especializados. A proposta de desenho metodológico que neste trabalho de esboça escora-se globalmente em três etapas: (1) etapa exploratória do domínio-objecto de estudo; (2) etapa de análise onamasiológica de evidência textual e discursiva; (3) etapa de modelização e de validação de resultados. Pretende-se, em primeiro lugar, através do estudo do espaço conceptual das modalidades de educação que se situam no continuum presença-distância sistematizar e ordenar as visões analisadas, propondo representações de educação presencial, educação a distância, e-learning, educação online, aprendizagem enriquecida por tecnologias e ainda de outras modalidades emergentes. As representações assumem o carácter de proposta aberta e decorrem da necessidade de uma primeira ordenação no sentido de topografrar, delineando - a um nível macro - o possível lugar do conceito de blended learning naquele cenário. Num segundo momento, aprofunda-se e circunscreve-se a análise, depurando a evidência observada, agora reduzida a um conjunto de contextos ricos em informação conceptual – um corpus escrito e oral de definições e descrições de blended learning – identificando candidatas a características essenciais e candidatas a características acidentais. Num terceiro momento, procede-se à modelização do conhecimento, encapsulando-a numa proposta de definição sujeita a um processo iterativo e reflexivo, constituído por um conjunto de ciclos de investigação-acção, os quais reflectem a sequência de interacções entre o terminólogo e sujeitos especializados. Defender-se-á que a experimentação deste desenho revela a produtividade de uma sequência cíclica entre a análise textual e discursiva para fins onomasiológicos, a interacção colaborativa e a introspecção. Por outras palavras, embora a natureza do estudo realizado não permita a generalização, para além da relação diádica de mediação que o terminológo estabelece com o especialista, defende-se a produtividade de um procedimento de acção-reflexão autónomo, solitário e introspectivo, no âmbito da qual o terminólogo se afirma como sujeito conceptualizador, decisor e interventor. Resultam deste percurso uma proposta de definição e de descrição de blended learning em língua portuguesa que acreditamos poder servir diferentes actores da comunidade académica envolvida neste domínio de especialidade