38 research outputs found

    Impact of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 on the five main indigenous language-speaking areas in Veracruz Mexico: The case of the Huasteco from the Tantoyuca Area

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    The importance of the working document is that it allows the analysis of the information and the status of cases associated with (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 as open data at the municipal, state and national level, with a daily record of patients, according to a age, sex, comorbidities, for the condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negative, c) Suspicious. Likewise, it presents information related to the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to their medical development, identifying: a) Recovered, b) Deaths and c) Active, in Phase 3 and Phase 4, in the five main population areas speaker of indigenous language in the State of Veracruz - Mexico. The data analysis is carried out through the application of a data mining algorithm, which provides the information, fast and timely, required for the estimation of Medical Care Scenarios of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19, as well as for know the impact on the indigenous language speaking population in Veracruz. For this purpose, the following study zones are presented: a) Totonacapan Zone, b) Huasteco from the Tantoyuca Zone, c) Otomi from the Inxhuatlan de Madero Zone, d) Nahuatl from the Zongolica Zone, e) Nahuatl from the Chicontepec Zone, f) Nahualt from the Pajapan Zone and g) Popoluca from the Soteapan Zone. This data article presents the information as of August 1, 2020 corresponding to the Huasteco Area. Keywords (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19, Algorithm (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19, Mexico, identification of patients, Huasteco Are

    ANTICORRUPTION NATIONAL SYSTEM: Model Whistleblowers direct citizen action against corruption in Mexico

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    The phenomenon of corruption is a cancer that affects our country and that it is necessary to eradicate; This dilutes the opportunities for economic and social development, privileging the single conjunction of particular interests, political actors in non-legal agreements for their own benefit, which lead to acts of corruption. Recent studies indicate that the level of corruption present in a political system is directly related to the type of institutional structure that defines it (Boehm and Lambsdorff, 2009), as well as the ineffectiveness of the control organisms (Casar, 2015; Cárdenas, 2010, Rojas, 2010, Carbonell, 2009, Restrepo, 2004), which requires citizen action to combat corruption (Sandoval, 2010, Villanueva, 2006). This work, focuses our attention on the federal public administration, presenting as a proposal to empower the citizen action in the fight against corruption and in the National Anticorruption System; the figure of Whistleblowers or generator of citizen alert, based on two fundamental principles: i) recognizing the citizen's obligation to report acts of corruption and ii) the granting by the authority of witness protection. These two actions will result in two important results: i) Consolidate the citizen's complaint to inform society about acts of corruption and ii) and the exercise of freedom of information so that society is able to be informed about acts of corruption. These actions will allow promoting and consolidating a culture of reporting acts of corruption that may constitute a crime as a fundamental pillar in the National Anticorruption System in Mexico

    Vision of sustainability and justice in the town of Totonacapan: The philosophy of lightning children

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    The present proposal is an approach to the vision, cosmogony and philosophy of the Totonacapan people, and particularly with the inhabitants of the Totonacapan region in Veracruz Mexico, a town whose wisdom is manifested to this day, in the conservation of customs and traditions , as well as the hierarchy of collective desire that seeks health, well-being and peace in the region, are guides in the evolution of their cultural processes, where a closeness, respectful and deep with Mother Nature stands out. This wisdom by the Council of Elders, transmitted to the new generations, by the Supreme Council of Totonacapan who seek share the basis to understand and conceive the current world, from the ancestral vision and cosmogony to identify their space, thought, spirituality and in the building your social context. In the Totonacapan region, the first pre-hispanic population concentrations were located around 1259 to 1311. Already by the year 1450, there is a record of incursions and the conquest of Totonaca territory, by the Mexica, establishing a relationship of domain and subordination. As a result of the presence of "Mexica" in the Totonaco territory, there was an imposition of customs and language, since in some areas they begin to speak in Nahuatl, resulting in the presence of a bilingualism (Nahuatl-Totonac) , situation that persists, until the encounter with the Spaniards in the year of 1519. At present, the Totonacapan region includes the area that extends from the Cazones River to the north, to the towns of Gutiérrez Zamora and Tecolutla, in the State of Veracruz in Mexico. 2 The importance of the document is that it constitutes an invitation to deepen and understand the vision of the inhabitants of Totonacapan, in the construction of their social context and their connection with nature, as part of an ancient culture, which creates and recreates their vision, in the search for the feeling of belonging and as an inheritance of the children of thunder (Tajin), as well as the need to preserve the benefits that nature itself offers them, seeking a peaceful and harmonious coexistence, in the social and environmental environment. However, the preservation of its history, tradition and philosophy of life, contrast with public policy strategies, particularly in the social sphere, and which are aimed at achieving economic development in the fight against multidimensional poverty and marginalization, all Once they have not incorporated into them, the feeling and living of the relationship between individual and nature, as the guiding axis, of the philosophy of the Totonacapan people. What is sustainability for the people of Totonacapan? What is social justice in the search for sustainability? And what is your concept of justice in sustainability and human development? From the vision and philosophy of the people of Totonacapan, as part of the history and tradition of the children of thunder "Tajin" and in whose worldview, he is responsible for regulating the rain, climate and life of the people of the region. How does the people of Totonacapan live and live in the face of the maelstrom of actions that, from public policy, that seek human development? How do you adjust, your way of life and how do you adapt to the requirements, which from the perspective of justice, are required to contribute to the objectives of the 2030 development agenda? This document is an effort to learn and recognize one of the most important millenary cultures in Mexico, in the construction of a more inclusive vision of the social development of the Totonacapan people, which invites us to reflect on the direction and scope of this response

    Empowerment of Indigenous Women and Social Exclusion in Combating Poverty in the State of Veracruz Mexico

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    In Mexico, the Productive Organization Program for Indigenous Women (POPMI) seeks the empowerment of productive capacities in indigenous women. Our study analyzes POPMI outreach, focusing our attention on women beneficiaries who present a high degree of social exclusion and multidimensional poverty in the State of Veracruz. In the study area, the 542 indigenous women benefited in POPMI, presented a condition of multidimensional poverty and a degree of social exclusion: very high, high and medium, they represent only 22.19% of the total beneficiaries of this program In 2010, since at the state level a total of 2,243 indigenous women were cared for. The results show that the localities where the condition of multidimensional poverty and very high, medium and high levels of social exclusion have been excluded in the coverage of POPMI

    Complementarity analysis of the Priority Areas Development Program and the Priority Attention Areas Program in the National Crusade Against Hunger Program in indigenous municipalities in the State of Veracruz Mexico

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    Mexico, with the commissioning of the "National Crusade Against Hunger Program" in 2013, aimed at serving the population that presents both extreme poverty and food deprivation. The article aims to analyze whether the criterion of the selection of the municipalities of the State of Veracruz incorporated in the National Crusade Against Hunger Program (PNCH) show complementarity with the efforts in the fight against poverty in the social expenditure strategy applied in the Priority Attention Zones Program (ZAP) and the Priority Areas Development Program (PDZP) and, particularly, the indigenous municipalities that have a greater degree of social exclusion. The adjustment of a binary logistic regression model is presented, in order to assess the incidence of contextual factors to interpret the scope of the strategy adopted by the federal government in the fight against poverty and hunger. As a result, it is evident that there is no continuity in the fight against poverty, since the municipalities included in the strategy Priority Areas of Attention and Program of Development of Priority Zones are not considered in the selection of municipalities incorporated in the National Program of Crusade Against Hunger, a situation that identifies the relationship between programs is not complementary

    Data Article. Data mining for the study of the Epidemic (SARS- CoV-2) COVID-19: Algorithm for the identification of patients (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 in Mexico

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    The importance of the working document is that it allows analyzing the information and status of the cases associated with (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 as open data at the municipal, state and national levels, with a daily registry of patients, according to age, sex, comorbidities, for the condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negatives, c) Suspects. Likewise, it presents information regarding the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to their medical development, identifying: a) Recovered, b) Deaths and c) Assets, in Phase 3 and Phase 4, at the national state and municipal level in Mexico, the data analysis is carried out by applying an algorithm of data mining, which provides the information, fast and timely, required for the estimation of Scenarios for Medical Care of the (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19. • The Algorithm for the identification of patients (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 in Mexico allows to analyze at the municipal, state and national level, the registry of patients, according to age, sex, co-morbidities, for condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negative, c) Suspicious, as well as presenting information on the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to their medical development, identifying: a) Recovered, b ) Deaths and c) Assets, in Phase 3 and Phase 4, in a fast and timely manner, to support public decision-making in health matters

    Data mining for the study of the Epidemic (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19: Algorithm for the identification of patients speaking the native language in the Totonacapan area – Mexico

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    The importance of the working document is that it allows analyzing the information and the status of the cases associated with (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 as data open to the municipal government and especially in the Totonacapan Zone in Mexico, from the registry patient diary, according to age, sex, comorbidities and condition of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19, according to the following characteristics: a) Positive, b) Negative, c) Suspect. Likewise, it presents information on the identification of an outpatient and / or hospitalized patient, attending to their medical development, identifying: a) Recovered, b) Deaths and c) Assets. Data analysis is carried out by applying a data mining algorithm, which provides the information, fast and timely, necessary for the estimation of the healthcare scenarios of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19

    Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción: Whistleblowers O El Poder De Acción Ciudadana Directa En El Combate a La Corrupción En México

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    El fenómeno de la corrupción es un cáncer que afecta a nuestro país y que es necesario erradicar; éste diluye las oportunidades de desarrollo económico y social, privilegiando la sola conjunción de intereses particulares, de actores políticos en acuerdos no legales en beneficio propio, los cuales derivan en actos de corrupción. Estudios recientes señalan que el nivel de corrupción presente en un sistema político está directamente relacionado con el tipo de estructura institucional que lo defina (Boehm y Lambsdorff, 2009), así como de la ineficacia de los organismos de control (Casar, 2015; Cárdenas, 2010; Rojas, 2010; Carbonell, 2009; Restrepo, 2004), por lo que se requiere de la acción ciudadana para combatir la corrupción (Sandoval, 2010; Villanueva, 2006). Este trabajo, centra nuestra atención en la administración pública federal, presentando como propuesta para empoderar la acción ciudadana en el combate de la corrupción y en el Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción; la figura de Whistleblowers o generador de alerta ciudadana, desde dos principios fundamentales: i) reconociendo la obligación del ciudadano de informar sobre actos de corrupción y ii) el otorgamiento por parte de la autoridad de la protección de testigos. Estas dos acciones derivarán en dos resultados importantes: i) Consolidar la denuncia ciudadana para informar a la sociedad sobre actos de corrupción y ii) y el ejercicio de la libertad de la información a fin de que la sociedad este en posibilidades de ser informada sobre actos de corrupción. Estas acciones permitirán promover y consolidar una cultura de la denuncia de actos de corrupción que pueden ser constitutivos de delito como pilar fundamental en el Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción en México

    Social Innovation and Social Policy: Empowerment of indigenous women the management of sustainable productive organizations in Vietnam and Mexico

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    The present proposal, as an area of opportunity, addresses the empowerment of indigenous women, as a mechanism that seeks to achieve the development of management skills of sustainable productive organizations in the short, medium and / or long term, create individual commitment to develop their own potentialities and to generate an answer for their social change and human development. This in support of the strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion, through the development of productive projects, through the management of sustainable productive organizations that seek to improve the living conditions and social position of indigenous women. The importance of the research is that it seeks to deepen the social exclusion processes present in indigenous women, in order to propose alternative solutions in order to overcome their condition of multidimensional poverty and that seek to strengthen the actions for empowerment in the development of their management capacities themselves that are elements that promote the development of sustainable productive organizations