10 research outputs found

    Exploring Computer Self-Efficacy and Implementation Context Influencing the Use of Koha ILS in The National Library of Nigeria (NLN)

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    The study explored the computer self-efficacy and implementation context on the use of KOHA ILS in the National Library of Nigeria and adopted the experimental descriptive survey design. The study was based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology by Venkatesh, Moris, Davis and Davis (2003). The population of the study comprised 170 librarians from the NLN. Random sampling technique was used to choose a sample size of 150 respondents, 120 copies of the questionnaire representing 80% returned, were used for the analysis and 30 copies of the questionnaire (20%) invalid. Data collected were analyzed using significant mean value analysis. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance, using the Pearson r Correlation statistic. The findings show that staff of NLN showed high level of computer-self efficacy for the use of Koha; some ICT facilities for Koha use such as computers, laptops, internet connectivity, etc., were either inadequate or non-existent in some branches; and staffs were not confident of performing trouble shooting operations when using Koha. The test of hypotheses revealed that facilitating conditions have no significant relationship with the use of KOHA ILS in the NLN; social influence significantly affect the use of KOHA ILS in the NLN; there is no significant relationship between computer self-efficacy of staff and use of KOHA ILS in the National Library of Nigeria; and behavioral intentions of staff on the deployment of KOHA ILS had significant influence on its use. Few recommendations were made based on the findings

    Investigation of health professionals behavioral attitude regarding information technologies and innovations with the utaut-2 theory

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    Sağlık hizmetlerinin daha kaliteli sunulması gibi amaçların karşılanabilmesi için sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojilerine yönelik tutumları değerlendirilmelidir. Bu değerlendirmeler, sağlık çalışanlarının sağlıkta belirlenen amaçların gerçekleştirilebilmesine ve gelecekte yapılabilecek muhtemel yeniliklere hazır olmalarına yardımcı olacaktır. Çalışmanın amacı, sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojileri ve yeniliklerine ilişkin davranışsal tutumlarını UTAUT-2 Teorisi ile incelemektir. Bu çalışma, çeşitli teknolojilere yönelik davranışsal tutumların incelenmesinde sıklıkla kullanılan UTAUT-2 ile elde edilen sonuçların yanı sıra bilgi teknolojilerine yönelik yapılabilecek yeniliklere ilişkin tutumu da değerlendirerek literatüre bir yenilik getirmektedir. Araştırmada, Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli kurularak gerekli istatistiksel analizler yapılmıştır. Yapılan incelemeler neticesinde, performans beklentisi (β=0,37, p0,05), kolaylaştırıcı koşulların (β=0,00, p>0,05), algılanan fiyat değerinin (β=0,09, p>0,05) sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojileri ve yeniliklerine ilişkin davranışsal tutumları üzerinde anlamlı ve olumlu bir etkisinin olmadığı bulunmuştur. Gelecekte, sağlık çalışanlarının teknolojilere yönelik tutumlarının değerlendirilmesinin yaygınlaşacağı beklenilmektedir.Health professionals attitudes towards information technologies should be evaluated in order to meet goals such as presenting better quality of health services. These evaluations will help health professionals to achieve the goals that determined in health and to be ready for possible innovations that may be made in the future. The aim of study is to examine the behavioral attitudes of health professionals towards information technologies and innovations with the UTAUT-2 Theory. This study brings an innovation to the literature by evaluating the results obtained with UTAUT-2 which is frequently used in the examination of behavioral attitudes towards various technologies, as well as the attitude towards innovations that can be made towards information technologies. Necessary statistical analyzes were made by establishing the Structural Equation Model in the research. As result of examinations, it was found that performance expectancy (β=0.37, p0.05), faciliating conditions (β=0.00, p>0.05), perceived price value (β=0.09, p>0.05), had no significant and positive effect on health professionals behavioral attitude to the information technologies and innovations. It is expected that the evaluations of health professionals regarding their attitudes towards technologies will become widespread in the future

    The Effect of Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions on Electronic Textbooks Adoption in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: The Moderating Role of School Type

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    This paper addressed the Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions as key determinants that influence the adoption of electronic textbooks for advanced-level students learning purposes in Dar es Salaam region-Tanzania. The study employed survey research designs and strategies to collect data and test research hypotheses. Simple random sampling was employed in the selection of respondents. Questionnaires were used to obtain needed data from 370 students from public and private secondary schools in Dar es Salaam region. The data were analyzed through multi-regression analysis where descriptive and inferential statistics were done with the aid of SPSS version 26. Validity was attained by consulting experts in the field of publishing and research while reliability was tested by piloting the research instruments and calculating the Cronbach Alpha. A Cronbach value of 0.77 for Social Influence and 0.85 for Facilitating Conditions was obtained and thus the instruments were considered reliable. The findings revealed that advanced-level students’ intention to adopt e-textbooks in Tanzania schools requires the availability of facilitating conditions such as infrastructures, expertise and human resources. Further, the paper results posited that facilitating conditions, moderated by school type, have shown significant negative effects between private scholars and public scholars on adoption of e-textbooks. On the other hand, when moderated by school type, the paper found that Social Influence had a significant positive effect between private scholars and public scholars. In particular, this paper's results are of importance to publishers, students, teachers, application developers and school management. Finally, the paper recommends policy change on the use of mobile devices and its contents for building students’ behavioural intention to e- adopt textbook in Tanzania secondary schools. Keywords: Behavioural Intention, UTAUT Model, BITETA, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Private secondary schools, Public secondary schools DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-18-12 Publication date:June 30th 202

    When Users Enjoy Using the System: The Case of AIS

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    This study utilized an extended model of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to explore the factors influencing the future adoption of accounting information systems (AIS) by Qatari students. A research model was proposed to predict future adoption, partially moderated by voluntary status of using the system. A sample of 237 students was used to probe their perceptions regarding the use of such systems in their future careers. Students were enrolled in an accounting information systems course in Qatar University. Results indicated that perceived facilitating conditions, performance expectancy and enjoyment were significant predictors of AIS. The other factors failed to be significant predictors. The estimated R2 was 48.4%. The moderation effect of voluntariness was also significant in influencing the relationship between enjoyment and future adoption. The moderator yielded a negative beta, which means that it faded the relationship under consideration. Conclusions and future recommendations are reported at the end of the paper

    Minat Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Keperawatan dengan Pendekatan Teori Unified Theory of Acceptance And Use of Technology di RSUD Kota Kendari

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    Sistem informasi keperawatan (SIK) merupakan intergrasi data, informasi dan pengetahuan untuk mendukung pasien dan perawat dalam pengambilan keputusan pada seluruh peran perawat dengan menggunakan struktur informasi, proses dan teknologi. Meskipun arti penting SIK dan pengembangannya telah luas dipromosikan dan dityerapkan namun penggunaannya masih terbatas yang dipengaruhi faktor perilaku. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) merupakan salah satu model penerimaan teknologi terkini yang dikembangkan oleh Venkatesh, dkk (2000) yang terdiri dari ekspektasi kinerja, ekspektasi usaha, pengaruh sosial, dan kondisi pendukung. Selain itu, terdapat empat moderator: jenis kelamin, usia, pengalaman, dan voluntariness. Kondisi pendukung dalam penelitian ini tidak diteliti, sebab penelitian ini hanya sebatas mengidentifikasi minat dan tidak menguji perilaku responden terhadap penggunaan sistem informasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat ruang rawat inap yang memenuhi kriteria, berjumlah 148 orang. Analisis univariat digunakan untuk melihat distribusi dan frekuensi karakteristik responden dan variabel penelitian dan analisis bivariat untuk menilai adanya korelasi dari dua variabel. Hasil analisis demografi menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden berjenis kelamin perempuan yaitu 107 orang (74.8%), usia responden sebagian besar 21-30 tahun sebanyak 85 orang (59.4%), Hasil uji statistik antara variabel dilaporkan bahwa Ekspektasi Kinerja (R=0.435, p=0.000); Usaha (Effort Expectancy) (R=0.605, p=0.000) dan pengaruh sosial (R=0.671, p=0.000) mempunyai hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap minat perilaku penggunaan SIK. Sebagian besar perawat dalam penelitian ini berninat menggunakan sistem informasi keperawatan. Perawat memiliki ekpektasi kinerja, usaha dan pengaruh sosial yang baik terhadap penggunaan sistem informasi asuhan keperawatan. Pengaruh sosial merupakan salah satu variabel yang paling berkorelasi dengan minat perilaku. Deutsch dan Gerard (1995) mengidentifikasi dua jenis pengaruh sosial yaitu normatif dan pengaruh sosial informasional. Pengaruh norma subjektif adalah konformitas yang didasarkan pada keinginan seseorang untuk memenuhinya harapan orang lain. Pengaruh sosial adalah fenomena psikologis ketika orang mempertimbangkan tindakan orang lain dalam upaya untuk mencerminkan perilaku yang benar untuk situasi tertentu. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan positif antara ekspektasi kinerja, usaha dan pengaruh sosial terhadap minat perilaku perawat dalam menggunkanan sistem informasi keperawatan di ruang rawat inap, dengan pengaruh sosial sebagai variabel dengan korelasi terkuat

    Система аналізу та формування звітів госпіталізованих хворих

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    Метою дипломного проекту є створення програмного забезпечення, що є аналогом медичної інформаційної системи, яка б відповідала вимогам лікаря – спеціаліста. Створена система, яка компенсує основні недоліки існуючих медичних інформаційних систем. Також наведено стислий огляд засобів, які використовувались для створення програмного забезпечення, описано головні переваги обраних методів для рішення поставленої задачі. Система призначена для використання лікарем, обліку та аналізу інформації про пацієнта. Інформація зберігається у базі даних, з якої за необхідним запитом можна отримати повну інформацію про пацієнта.The purpose of the diploma project is to create software that is analogous to medical information a system that would meet the requirements of a specialist doctor. A system has been created that compensates for the main shortcomings of existing medical information systems. There is also a brief overview of the tools used to create software, describes the main advantages of the selected methods for solving the problem. The system is designed for use by the doctor, accounting and analysis of patient information. The information is stored in a database from which, if necessary, complete information about the patient can be obtained.Целью дипломного проекта является создание программного обеспечения, аналог медицинской информационной системы, которая бы отвечала требованиям врача - специалиста. Создана система, которая компенсирует основные недостатки существующих медицинских информационных систем. Также приведен краткий обзор средств, которые использовались для создания программного обеспечения, описано главные преимущества выбранных методов для решения поставленной задачи. Система предназначена для использования врачом, учета и анализа информации о пациенте. Информация хранится в базе данных, с которой по необходимости можно получить полную информацию о пациенте

    Electronic Management Systems and their Effective Role in Supporting Employee Performance in King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh: An Empirical Study

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    This study aimed at examining and analyzing the impact of the application of the electronic management system on the performance of employees in King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh. It sought to identify the reality of the application of the electronic management system in King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh from the point of view of the working employees, and the role of this application in the development of administrative performance in King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh. As well, it tried to depict the most influential electronic management system on the performance of the working employees, the viewpoint of the employees working in King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh, and finally, the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the electronic management system used and the performance of the employees working in King Fahd City in Riyadh. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher opted for the descriptive approach. In this study, the researcher targeted the employees working in King Fahd Medical City, using an electronically distributed questionnaire. The number of this questionnaire respondents was (150) responses. The researcher designed the study questionnaire consisting of four main axes, including (54) phrases. The answers were subject to the Five-point Likert scale. The study reached many results, the most important of which are that the employees of King Fahd Medical City strongly agreed that the medical city has electronic systems programs in order to save and retrieve data with a mean of (4.740) and a standard deviation of (0.469). The results also indicated that the electronic management systems used in the medical city contribute to the speed of work completion with a mean of (4.413) and a standard deviation of (0.667), and that electronic management systems contribute to facilitating the process of control and follow-up with a mean of (4,393). Moreover, among the results of applying electronic management systems to employees’ development in King Fahd Medical City was that paper transactions were dispensed with and the focus became on the electronic system with a mean of (4,620) and a standard deviation of (0.526).​​ As well, electronic management systems contributed to making contact among the administrative departments with a mean of (4,440) and a standard deviation of (0.629). The study also found that there is an effectiveness of the electronic systems used, through the presence of statistical significance at the level of (0.000). The results showed that the most effective electronic management systems on the performance of employees were the electronic transactions system, followed by the performance management system (PMS). Finally, the study recommended the need to adopt the use of Electronic systems in medical institutions, abandoning paper systems and replacing them with an electronic system

    Multifaceted understanding of user behaviour and implementation success of electronic medication management system

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    This study aims to comprehensively understand user behaviour and the implementation success of an electronic medication management system (eMMS) with multiple perspectives, such as user resistance, assimilation, changes in user perceptions, etc. Two cross-sectional surveys were conducted in an Australian hospital, one at the time of implementation and another one at one year after the implementation. The data collected were quantitatively analysed with SEM. FsQCA (fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis) was also employed to complement SEM-based analysis. User resistance study indicated that performance expectancy, switching costs, and facilitating conditions are direct predictors of clinician resistance, whereas effort expectancy and social influence showed indirect effects on clinician resistance through performance expectancy or switching costs. The study of changes in user perceptions indicated that most expectations had been positively confirmed in the assimilation stage. More importantly, while performance expectancy and social influence remain important one year after the implementation, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions are moving toward a decrease in importance to the success of eMMS. IT assimilation study showed that nurses with more absorptive capacity are more deeply and widely assimilated. For doctors, their direct supervisors and intrinsic motivation influence their depth of assimilation. Interestingly, nurses with a more favourable perception of performance expectancy have assimilated more deeply, whereas more deeply assimilated doctors are those with a less favourable perception of performance expectancy. FsQCA analysis showed that doctors should have a high general ability and high selfmotivation, and they should be rewarded in their performance evaluation for both high assimilation width and depth. In contrast, nurses should have a high general ability for high assimilation width and high self-motivation for high assimilation depth

    Determinants of customers’ intention to adopt green banking technology services within Islamic banks of the United Arab Emirates

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    Green Banking (GB) is encouraging environment-friendly practices and reducing the carbon footprint from banking operations by promoting paperless financial services based on the intensive use of technology. However, the adoption level of GB technology remains unsatisfactory among bank customers in the United Arab Emirates. This study explored the dimensions of individual, technological, organisational, environmental and religious determinants of the phenomenon. The study further extended the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) by examining the identified dimensions’ effect on customers’ intention to adopt GB technology, alongside the moderating role of gender, age and experience. The exploratory sequential mixed-method design was deployed in this study. A preliminary semi-structured interview was conducted among ten bank professionals to explore the dimensions of the predetermined determinants. The qualitative findings using the Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) revealed the related dimensions affecting customers’ adoption of GB technology. The developed research model was validated via a cross-sectional survey of 332 Islamic bank customers. The quantitative results using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) confirmed the significant impact of performance expectancy, facilitating condition, customer awareness, personal innovativeness, perceived benefit, system quality and bank reputation on customers’ intention to adopt GB technology. The moderating results using Multi-Group Analysis (MGA) revealed that only gender affects the relationship between performance expectancy and customers’ intention to adopt GB technology. This study has significant theoretical, methodological and practical contributions to enhance the understanding of customers’ intention to adopt GB technology. The study could also assist bankers in designing effective strategies to diminish customers’ resistance of GB technology through the applicability of the newly proposed factors. Reflecting the moderating influence of gender provides an in-depth clarification for policy-makers in pitching GB technology to relevant customers with minimal waste of resources by formulating distinct strategies for dynamic demographic segments