19 research outputs found

    Doctoral Research In Indian Universities, (A Survey On Study And Research In Philosophy In India Vol. Ii)

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    “A Survey on Study and Research in Philosophy in India” is a multivoloume series. It is an attempt to present an overview about status of teaching and research in Philosophy in India. Present volume aims to serve two basic purposes: (1) To provide aid to prospective researcher to refer already carried out works in the area. This is helpful to save time, energy and money of a researcher and making him/her aware of existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. (2) To present an overview of the Ph.D. research areas, where neglected area or over pursued area may be observed and planning and support may be implemented. So far, there has been no attempt to gauge the research trends in the area of Philosophy in our country. This is partly because of unavailability of database involving long correspondences and poor responses and partly because of lack of methodology for analyzing the trends. A novel concept of ‘research inclination’ and innovative methodology for measuring the trends, have been developed in this book, which may be helpful for analyzing the status/trends in Ph.D. researches in other subjects also

    Evaluasi Penyaluran Vaksin Sesuai Standar CDOB (Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik)

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    Vaccines are biological products made using germs and then weekened. According to existing studies, 75% of vaccines in Indonesia are exposed to freezing temperatures during the distribution process, as a result, vaccines cannot be used anymore. The City Health Office has responsibility for the distribution of vaccines, especially in health centers, which must be evenly distributed and given regularly at the right time. The purpose of this study is the distribution of cold chain vaccines from the City Health Office to Salatiga Health Centers using the 2020 CDOB regulatory guidelines. This study uses an observational method that has a descriptive nature and evaluation using data collection techniques by interviewing with pharmacists or vaccine managers. The data will be based on the analysis of the result of data collection using an interview sheet, and the results will be stated with a percentation. The results of the study indicate that the distribution guidelines for the rantai dingin vaccine distribution system from the Health Office to the Salatiga City Health Center using the 2020 CDOB have a good category with a percentage of 72,72% and 84,21%. Then, there was a discrepancy in the distribution carried out by the Health Service to the Salatiga City Health Center but no deviation occurred, the vaccine distributed was not damaged or expired. Factors that may occur due to discrepancies are the lack of Human Resources (HR) for vaccine managers and vaccine warehouses that have not been maximized


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    Data logger temperature adalah merupakan alat ukur suhu yang digunakan untuk mengukur dan mencatat secara otomatis tersimapan di memori pada kondisi lingkungan seperti mengetahui temperatur suhu, dalam perancangan ini data suhu akan disimpan di memori  mikro SD sedangkan untuk sensor suhu yang di gunakan adalah sensor suhu Ds18b20 waterproof.  Untuk mikrokontrol yang di gunakan yaitu Arduino uno yang berfungsi untuk mengontrol dan mengolah data suhu dimana untuk batas suhu yang ditentukan dengan set point. Pada saat suhu di tentukan batas maksimal maka alat akan memberi notifikasi berupa alarm. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk rancang bangun sistem control untuk mendeteksi suhu yang ditentukan dengan notifikasi alarm dan data suhunya dapat di simpan secara otomatis di memori SD Card. Dengan sistem ini pengguna akan lebih mudah untuk memantau suhu ruang penyimpanan vaksin. Temperatur penyimpanan vaksin pada cold room antara 2°C sampai 8°, sebagai dasar untuk menetukan batas suhu antara 2°C sampai 8°C , pada set point disini untuk menentukan batas maksimal suhu 8°C pada saat suhu melebihi batas yang di tentukan misal di setting suhu maksimal 8°C maka alat akan memberi notifikasi berupa alarm apabila suhu dalam ruang penyimpanan melebihi suhu  ?   8°C. Perancangan temperatur deteksi dini pada ruang pendingin obat vaksin dengan temperatur data logger dengan mikrokontrol  Arduino Uno dengan sensor suhu Ds18b20 data suhu akan tersimpan ke memori mikro sd secara realtime dimana data nya bisa dilihat di  excel, sehingga pengguna akan mudah untuk membaca suhu yang tersimpan. Dengan system ini pengguna tidak tidak direpotkan untuk mencatat secara manual suhu vaksin yang disimpan di ruang pendingin. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan pengujian setiap blok rangkaian  pengujian deteksi dini temperatur dengan pengaturan  set point, pengujian SD Card untuk penyimpanan data suhu ke memori. Hasil yang dihasil kan yaitu produk alat berupa sistem kontrol pada ruang pendingin untuk mendeteksi dini temperatur berupa notifikasi alarm dan data temperatur akan tersimpan secara otomatis di memori SD Card

    Relieving the trustee-solicitor: a modern perspective on section 61 of the Trustee Act 1925?

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    Examines case law on the court's exercise of the discretion under the Trustee Act 1925 s.61 to relieve conveyancing solicitors of breach of trust liability after they have unknowingly forwarded a client's monies to a fraudster. Comments on a trend, exemplified by the Court of Appeal judgment in Santander UK v RA Legal Solicitors, of including a causation analysis in this decision-making. Discusses why the reasonableness criterion is problematic

    Pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui daring : Problematika, solusi dan harapan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui problematika, solusi dan harapan pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui daring pada mahasiswa Prodi PBI dan Jurusan PAI Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik kuesioner dengan mengajukan sebanyak 9 pertanyaan terhadap 228 orang responden. Berdasarkan data ditemukan bahwa pembelajaran bahasa Arab berjalan dengan baik yakni sebanyak 77% responden menyatakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui daring berjalan dengan baik, dan 94% dilaksanakan sesuai jadwal perkuliahan yang ditetapkan oleh fakultas. Bahan ajar yang digunakan adalah buku bahasa arab yang disusun oleh TIM penulis Lembaga Bahasa. Materi yang diperloleh melalui pembelajaran daring cukup diterima oleh mahasiswa (61%). Lebih dari 5 media pembelajaran yang digunakan selama pembelajaran daring, dan mayoritas (>67%) menggunakan Google Classroom. Terdapat 51% responden belum terbiasa melakukan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan sistem daring namun secara umum proses pembelajaran bahasa arab berjalan dengan baik. Problematika yang dihadapi oleh responden, 14% terdapat pada pelafalan kata dan kalimat, 22% responden menyatakan materi pelajaran yang dianggap terlalu banyak dan sulit dipahami, 14% terdapat pada lingkungan dan minat serta motivasi belajar mahasiswa dan 24% waktu yang tersedia untuk belajar dianggap terlalu sedikit. Pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui daring dapat digunakan dengan pertimbangan menyiapkan modul pembelajaran dan TIK serta memperhatikan kondisi mahasiswa dan dosen, sehingga pembelajaran dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Selain itu, sistem daring ini dapat dijadikan model pembelajaran bahasa Arab bagi mahasiswa di masa yang akan datang

    A first dictionary of Koiari

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    Disruption of Balaghah learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic in IAIN Tulungagung

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    Purpose of the study: The premise of this paper is to describe the disruption of the Balaghah learning media during the covid-19 pandemic in IAIN Tulungagung Methodology: It is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. It represents two main descriptions such as the problems of online-based Balaghah learning for IAIN Tulungagung students and Balaghah learning media disturbances during the covid-19 pandemic in IAIN Tulungagung. Main Findings: The results showed that at the beginning of its implementation, many students well responded to this online class, however, after several times of the courses, many students experienced difficulties in learning. This situation reduces the quality of the teaching and learning process. Most students choose the learning process in the offline class because the students faced some problems while having an online class. The freedom provided, on the other hand, even distracts the students’ focus. The disruption of Balaghah learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic in IAIN Tulungagung is the shift from conventional to online-based media such as Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Google Classroom, and WhatsApp Group. Novelty/Originality of this study: This research addressed the online learning problems of Balaghah for IAIN students, Tulungagung are the difficulty of receiving Balaghah learning materials related to words and sentences pronunciation, much subject matter that is too hard to understand, lack of student interest and motivation to learn, little time available, network quality in certain areas, as well as an environment that is less supportive of Balaghah learning. The disruption of the Balaghah learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic at IAIN Tulungagung is the use of various online media such as (1) Media with video conference features, Zoom Meeting and Google Meet, (2) Media with low capacity video conferencing features, WhatsApp Group, and (3) Alternative media, Google Classroom

    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

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    Benigni paroksizmalni pozicijski vertigo (BPPV) je poremećaj kojeg karakteriziraju napadaji jake vrtoglavice, a izazvan je naglom promjenom položaja glave. Zauzima najveći dio ukupnog broja perifernih vrtoglavica. Uzrok je u pretjeranoj stimulaciji osjetnih dlačica polukružnih kanala unutarnjeg uha. Vrtoglavica i nistagmus se javljaju, u BPPV-u stražnjeg polukružnog kanala, s latencijom tijekom izvođenja dijagnostičkog postupka pod nazivom Dix-Hallpiek test. Trajanje i učestalost simptoma ovise o tome koji dio unutarnjeg uha tj. polukružni kanal je zahvaćen otolitima. Terapija izbora su različiti oblici repozicijskih postupaka s ciljem postavljanja glave i tijela u određeni položaj u prostoru, tijekom određenog vremena, kako bi vratili otolite iz polukružnih kanala na neko manje osjetljivo mjesto u unutarnjem uhu.Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is characterized by recurrent episodes of vertigo triggered by changes in head position. BPPV is the most common etiology of recurrent vertigo and is caused by abnormal stimulation of the cupula by free-floating otoliths (canalolithiasis) or otoliths that have adhered to the cupula (cupulolithiasis) within any of the three semicircular canals. Paroxysm of vertigo and nystagmus develops after a latency during the Dix-Hallpike maneuver in posterior-canal BPP. The duration, frequency, and symptom intensity of BPPV vary depending on the involved canals and the location of otolithic debris. Spontaneous recovery may be expected even with conservative treatments. However, canalithrepositioning maneuvers usually provide an immediate resolution of symptoms by clearing the canaliths from the semicircular canal into the vestibule

    A dictionary of Koiari, Papua New Guinea, with grammar notes

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