15 research outputs found

    Dynamic representation of a female gender role as a part of a woman’s image (on the basis of English proverbs and anti-proverbs)

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    In this piece the author examines English traditional proverbs and anti-proverbs in order to discover social changes in the representation of a female image verbalized in paremias. The analysis showed a fairly pronounced gender asymmetry and opposition of the sexes, which is manifested in a predominantly negative assessment of a woman, her character traits, inclinations and action

    Common and specific images of the Russian and German axiological phraseological units in the cultural codes

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    This article discusses common and specific images of the Russian and German axiological phraseologisms through the prism of cultural codes. The authors have differentiated 14 cultural codes within which the common images of the Russian and German axiological phraseological units are defined, carried out the quantitative analysis of distribution of phraseological units in the codes of the culture and images of set phrases according to the type. It has been found that the basis of interpretation of the images is revelation of an internal form of the phraseologism that binds the value / antivalue and a language picture of the world. Specific images in the Russian and German phraseological units correlate with the Russian and German cultures


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    The article considers the realization of one of the most active and stable metaphorical language models based on the development of secondary meanings of the Slavs’ food names and known as the culinary code, from the linguocultural and linguo-didactic standpoint. Culinary cultural code “encodes” our understanding of the world through food images having names. The author’s goal is to reveal the general and the specific in the development of secondary names of food; consider the food names specific for the ethnic cultures being compared, tracing their fate in the secondary semiosis - in metaphores, similes, phraseological expressions, proverbs - on the material of nouns in two Slavic languages, Russian and Czech. The article concludes that the facts of secondary naming transmitting culinary code often carry culturological information, objectify particular perceptions of the world by different ethnic groups, even those going back to the common Proto-Slavic roots. Bilingual comparison of lexical units transmitting cultural code allows a certain way of organizing lexical material for it to be studied by non-Russian Slavic audiences. On the basis of the linguocultural analysis of food names in the two compared Slavic languages, the article offers linguo-didactic grouping of the vocabulary in their figuratve meanings, in accordance with the belonging to a particular culture code. This will ensure effective mastering of the vocabulary of a certain thematic group not only in the denotative, but also in the conceptual meaning, making it possible to comprehend the culture, transmitted by the closely related language under study, in comparison with the native culture

    Gender semiology in folklore traditions: Russia, China and Adygea

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    The article presents an analytical analysis of the linguosemiotic features of the female portrait in the folklore fund of the linguocultures of Russia, the North Caucasus and China in the aspect of the intergender dichotomy "male-female" as the implementation of the policy of "soft power" of the ethnos to preserve its vitality. Hypothesis: The dichotomy of masculinity and femininity in traditional culture is presented as the result of the interaction of ethno-cultural strategies of the ancestral cult, in which the role of a woman is defined as the keeper of the knowledge of the people with the competencies of a housewife who needs help and care from a man. The relevance of the study is due to the growing research interest in the vitality of traditional cultures, which continue to influence the lives of modern women. Chinese, Adyghe and Russian folklore for the first time becomes the object of comparative analysis of the linguosemiotic characteristics of the image of femininity in the form of "feminine" folkloratives identified for the first time. The methodology uses a linguosemiotic approach and the theory of complex metagraphs in modeling the speech-behavioral gender matrix of women through the prism of folklore. The results show that folklore is a reproducible mechanism of "soft power" of gender regulation in the ethno-cultural practice of folk art


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    The purpose of this work is to determine the patterns of the actual use of zoonyms of the monkey thematic group from the point of view of the semantic-pragmatic approach. The object of the study was the zoonyms of the monkey thematic group (hyperonym monkey and hyponyms gorilla, macaque, monkey, baboon).The novelty of the work lies in a different view of the semantic-pragmatic approach to the analysis of the semantic structure of a zoonym, and also in identifying trends in the development of the connotative system of the zoonymic vocabulary of the modern Russian language. The hypothesis of the research is that the actual (real) functioning of zoonyms in modern Russian-speaking speech practice identifies and fixes connotative features of different types in the word, which emphasize the pragmatic potential of the analyzed linguistic signs.The research material consists of 200 examples of the use of zoonyms of the monkey thematic group. The research methods were the component and discourse analysis, as well as the analysis of dictionary definitions.Research results. The analysis of the semantic structure of zoonyms of the monkey thematic group showed a tendency in the development of its connotative component, which is the result of the actual (real) functioning of zoonyms in modern Russian-language speech practice. In addition to dictionary meanings, the connotative component is enriched through the use of words in colloquial and dialectal constructions. As a result of such word use, connotative signs of different types develop in the lexical structure of zoonyms: strong, transitional, weak. A special group is also distinguished with the allocation of human characteristics in an animal.Practical implications. The research results can be applied in the educational process in language universities: in lecture courses on lexicology, linguoculturology, semiotics, stylistics, general linguistics, in teaching special courses and special seminars in these disciplines, in lectures and seminars on the interpretation of artistic text.Цель настоящей работы ‒ определить закономерности актуального употребления зоонимов тематической группы обезьяна с точки зрения семантико-прагматического подхода. Объектом исследования явились зоонимы тематической группы обезьяна (гипероним обезьяна и гипонимы горилла, макака, мартышка и павиан). Новизна работы состоит в ином взгляде на семантико-прагматический подход к анализу семантической структуры зоонима, а также в выявлении тенденций развития коннотативной системы зоонимической лексики современного русского языка. Гипотеза исследования состоит в том, что актуальное (реальное) функционирование зоонимов в современной русскоязычной речевой практике выявляет и закрепляет в слове коннотативные признаки разного типа, которые подчеркивают прагматический потенциал анализируемых языковых знаков.Материал исследования составляют 200 примеров употребления зоонимов тематической группы обезьяна. Методами исследования явились компонентный и дискурсивный анализ, а также анализ словарных дефиниций.Результаты исследования. Анализ семантической структуры зоонимов тематической группы обезьяна показал тенденцию развития ее коннотативного компонента, являющуюся результатом актуального (реального) функционирования зоонимов в современной русскоязычной речевой практике. Кроме словарных значений, коннотативный компонент обогащается за счет употребления слов в разговорных и диалектных конструкциях. В результате такого словоупотребления в лексической структуре зоонимов развиваются коннотативные признаки разного типа: сильные, переходные, слабые. Выделяется также особая группа с выделением признаков человека у животного.Область применения результатов исследования. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в учебном процессе в языковых вузах: в лекционных курсах по лексикологии, лингвокультурологии, семиотике, стилистике, общего языкознания, в преподавании спецкурсов и спецсеминаров по этим дисциплинам, на лекционных и семинарских занятиях по интерпретации художественного текста

    Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія»: серія «Філологія»: науковий журнал

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    У збірнику містяться статті, присвячені проблемам сучасного мовознавства та порівняльного літературознавства, а також методиці навчання іноземних мов. Збірник рекомендовано науковцям, викладачам, студентам-філологам і всім, хто цікавиться філологічною наукою


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    РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ СЕМАНТИКИ НЕВЫРАЗИМОГО В РАЗНЫХ ЯЗЫКАХ Аннотация Показано кластерное бытование семантики невыразимого в прозопографии и шире, - в художественном тексте. К специфике средств прозопографии отнесены: план выражения семантики невыразимого, лексемы-интернационализмы. Выявлена значительная частотность сопряженного сосуществования семантики невыразимого, средств прозопографии с языковыми единицами теистической семантики. Предложен термин «калейдоскоп номинаций, различных по грамматической категории рода» как методологическая основа анализа прозопографии, показана верифицирующая сила этого термина. Ключевые слова: функционально-семантическая категория, невыразимое, сопоставительный анализ, план выражения, стилистический приём, прозопография, дескрипция вымышленного существа, дескриптивная лексика, отрицательные определения, анализ художественного текста, номинативная цепочка, бурлеск, теистическая семантика. REPRESENTATION OF SEMANTICS OF INEXPRESSIBLE IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES Abstract The cluster existing of semantics of inexpressible in prosoprography and more widely, - in the literary text is shown in the article. The plan of inexpressible semantics expression, international words are referred to specific features of prosoprography means. The immense frequency of the adjacent coexistence of semantics of inexpressible, prosoprography means with the language units of theistic semantics is revealed. The term "kaleidoscope of nominations, various on grammatical gender category" as a methodological basis of the prosoprography analysis is offered, the verifying force of this term is shown