2,670,333 research outputs found
Ecosystem Viable Yields
The World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002) encouraged
the application of the ecosystem approach by 2010. However, at the same Summit,
the signatory States undertook to restore and exploit their stocks at maximum
sustainable yield (MSY), a concept and practice without ecosystemic dimension,
since MSY is computed species by species, on the basis of a monospecific model.
Acknowledging this gap, we propose a definition of "ecosystem viable yields"
(EVY) as yields compatible i) with guaranteed biological safety levels for all
time and ii) with an ecosystem dynamics. To the difference of MSY, this notion
is not based on equilibrium, but on viability theory, which offers advantages
for robustness. For a generic class of multispecies models with harvesting, we
provide explicit expressions for the EVY. We apply our approach to the
anchovy--hake couple in the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem
Equity Yields
We study a new data set of prices of traded dividends with maturities up to 10 years across three world regions: the US, Europe, and Japan. We use these asset prices to construct equity yields, analogous to bond yields. We decompose these yields to obtain a term structure of expected dividend growth rates and a term structure of risk premia, which allows us to decompose the equity risk premium by maturity. We find that both expected dividend growth rates and risk premia exhibit substantial variation over time, particularly for short maturities. In addition to predicting dividend growth, equity yields help predict other measures of economic growth such as consumption growth. We relate the dynamics of growth expectations to recent events such as the financial crisis and the earthquake in Japan.
Nucleosynthetic Yields from "Collapsars"
The "collapsar" engine for gamma-ray bursts invokes as its energy source the
failure of a normal supernova and the formation of a black hole. Here we
present the results of the first three-dimensional simulation of the collapse
of a massive star down to a black hole, including the subsequent accretion and
explosion. The explosion differs significantly from the axisymmetric scenario
obtained in two-dimensional simulations; this has important consequences for
the nucleosynthetic yields. We compare the nucleosynthetic yields to those of
hypernovae. Calculating yields from three-dimensional explosions requires new
strategies in post-process nucleosynthesis; we discuss NuGrid's plan for
three-dimensional yields.Comment: To appear in the Conference Proceedings for the "10th Symposium on
Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC X)", July 27 - August 1 2008, Mackinack Island,
Michigan, US
Computed barrier heights for H + CH2O yields CH3O yields CH2OH
The barrier heights (including zero-point effects) for H + CH2O yields CH3O and CH3O yields CH2OH have been computed using complete active space self consistent field (CASSCF)/gradient calculations to define the stationary point geometries and harmonic frequencies and internally contracted configuration-interaction (CCI) to refine the energetics. The computed barrier heights are 5.6 kcal/mol and 30.1 kcal/mol, respectively. The former barrier height compares favorably to an experimental activation energy of 5.2 kcal/mol
Zeno dynamics yields ordinary constraints
The dynamics of a quantum system undergoing frequent measurements (quantum
Zeno effect) is investigated. Using asymptotic analysis, the system is found to
evolve unitarily in a proper subspace of the total Hilbert space. For spatial
projections, the generator of the "Zeno dynamics" is the Hamiltonian with
Dirichlet boundary conditions.Comment: 6 page
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