5,548,980 research outputs found

    Variety Jones Restaurant Menu 2020

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    We are barely two generations removed from people who learned instinctively how to cook over fire, the predominant method of most Irish households. Knowing how fire works is a central plank of Variety Jones, a wonderful addition to Thomas Street in Dublin. The fire became central almost accidentally when Keelan and Aaron Higgs, who are brothers, couldn\u27t get their gas hob connected. Now it\u27s a crucial part of the wonderful cooking that\u27s happening here.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1529/thumbnail.jp

    OSU-OARDC plant germplasm release guidelines and practices

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    Is every toric variety an M-variety?

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    A complex algebraic variety X defined over the real numbers is called an M-variety if the sum of its Betti numbers (for homology with closed supports and coefficients in Z/2) coincides with the corresponding sum for the real part of X. It has been known for a long time that any nonsingular complete toric variety is an M-variety. In this paper we consider whether this remains true for toric varieties that are singular or not complete, and we give a positive answer when the dimension of X is less than or equal to 3.Comment: 13 page

    Sextic variety as Galois closure variety of smooth cubic

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    Let V be a nonsingular projective algebraic variety of dimension n. Suppose there exists a very ample divisor D such that D^n=6 and dim H^0(V, O(D))=n+3. Then, (V, D) defines a D_6-Galois embedding if and only if it is a Galois closure variety of a smooth cubic in P^{n+1} with respect to a suitable projection center such that the pull back of hyperplane of P^n is linearly equivalent to D

    Sunflower Variety Trial

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    Oilseed sunflower is a relatively new crop for Vermont and the Northeast in general. Because of regional differences in soil conditions, length of growing season, and weather patterns, it is important to select varieties that will perform well under Vermont’s specific conditions. Sunflower varieties that will perform well here will generally be early to medium in maturity and have good disease resistance. In addition, varietal differences in plant stand characteristics (such as height and head diameter) may confer ability to resist pest pressures and increase yields and overall quality. The goal of this study is to evaluate pest pressure as well as seed and oil yields of varieties that will most likely mature during a northeast growing season

    Sunflower Variety Trial

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    Although sunflowers are a relatively new crop in the Northeast they have potential to add value to diversified operations providing fuel, feed, fertilizer, and an important rotational crop. Some sunflower varieties have also been gaining popularity for their potential to produce high quality edible oil. The major sunflower production region of the U.S. is the northern Great Plains, so most of the available production and agronomic management guidelines are from this region. Identifying varieties and management practices of sunflower that are suited to the local climate is essential to viable crop production and expansion of the sunflower acreage in the Northeast. With this in mind, UVM Extension’s Northwest Crop and Soil Program has been evaluating performance of sunflower varieties in our microclimate

    Oat Variety Trial

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    Oats (Avena sativa L.) have a long history of production in the Northeast. Although most oats are planted for a cover crop or forage, grain oats are a potential revenue source for farmers. According to the 2007 census, about 200 acres of land in Vermont is cultivated for oat grain production, with an average yield of 1747 lbs per acre. With the exception of hull-less varieties, oats need to be de-hulled before being used for human consumption and further processing is required to make oatmeal, steel cut oats, or oat flour. Since 2009, the University of Vermont Extension Program has conducted oat variety trials to provide yield comparisons in Vermont’s climate. Varietal selection is one of the most important aspects of crop production and significantly influences yield potential. It is important to remember, however, that the data presented are from replicated research trials from only one location in Vermont and represent only one season. The goal of this project was to evaluate yields and protein of eleven oat varieties

    Flax Variety Trial

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    Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is a multi-purpose crop grown for its fiber, oil (linseed oil), and meal. The importance of flax as a major crop in the United States dropped drastically in the 1980’s when latex paints replaced linseed oil based paint. Recently there has been renewed interest in flax, both for human consumption and for animal feed, for its high levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. This variety trial was established to determine what flax varieties can grow and thrive in Vermont’s climatic conditions
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