874,571 research outputs found

    Poland's Participation in Global Value Chains

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    Artykuł został przygotowany na konferencję 6th Academy of International Business Central Eastern European (AIB-CEE) Chapter Annual Conference on „International Business in the Dynamic Environment: Changes in Digitalization, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, Kaunas University of Technology 25-27.09.2019. Po wprowadzeniu niewielkich zmian zostanie przygotowany do publikacji.The aim of the paper is to shortly assess changes in global value chains in Poland since mid-90s. Transformation, accession to the European Union and foreign investment have conversed Polish economy and trade. In addition, globalization and revolution in the global economy not only affected adjustment in global value chains (GVCs) but also formed new positions of countries within them. As a result of marketization, Poland has become an open economy which is increasingly involved in world trade. To illustrate a shift in polish participation in global value chains data from the Trade in Value Added database (TiVA) was used. The research results show that over the past 20 years, Poland has been opening up to the global economy. The importance of foreign value added in exports increased, and the position of Poland in GVC shifted down along the production chain

    Banana Value Chains in Central Africa: Constraints and Opportunities

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    Smallholder farmers in developing countries need to improve their position in food value chains in order to improve their margins and as a strategy for coping with agricultural food price volatility through innovations within the chains. Value chain mappings and gross margin analysis were employed to assess constraints and opportunities for existing value chains for bananas in Central Africa using market survey data. The results showed weak linkages within the banana value chains with poor integration of value chain actors and minimal involvement with regional markets and high-value domestic chains such as supermarkets. Value addition in terms of agroprocessing was carried out at small scale levels using rudimentary techniques limiting the final product to low value markets. Transaction costs comprising transport, handling and storage comprised a high proportion of cost items in the value chain. Generally, the findings suggest that efforts aimed at strengthening linkages within the value chains, collective marketing, penetration into high-value chains and improved processing techniques may provide a potential avenue for enhancing banana value chains in Central Africa.banana value chains, smallholder farmers, Central Africa, collective action, Crop Production/Industries,

    Innovation platform and governance of local rice value chains in Benin: Between game of power and internal democracy?

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    In Benin, rice plays a major role in the food security of the poorest rural and urban populations. However, the rice value chains have failed to achieve their potential because of some systemic constraints. In recent years, innovation platforms (IPs) have received increasing focus as mechanisms for strengthening the interaction between the stakeholders in the rice value chains. Nevertheless, the issues of information asymmetry and power between stakeholders with often divergent interests suppress the expected effects of the implementation of IP approach. This article used thematic content analysis to assess the influence of IPs on the governance of the parboiled rice value chain. The findings reveal that local rice value chains are characterized by unequal access to resources and asymmetry of power, which generates inequalities within groups. Although their influence is less discernible, IPs have contributed to greater visibility for some emerging stakeholders and rebalanced stakeholders in terms of influence in value chains. Moreover, the perverse effects of financial and human resources management limit the impact of improvement actions in various value chains. Therefore, the development model of value chains may be oriented toward the “business idea approach” instead of the “project approach”

    Factors facilitating upgrading process of knowledge-intensive business services' clusters in global value chains

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    The aim of this article is to describe the factors that facilitate upgrading process of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) clusters in global value chains. The observed phenomenon which can be described as an increase in value added produced by KIBS leads to a similar increase at the clusters’ level, and consequently to an increase in the position of these clusters in global value chains. This topic constitutes a new research area. The available definitions of clusters were reviewed. The nature and specificity of knowledge-intensive business services’ clusters were presented. The concepts of upgrading and global value chains were defined and the idea of upgrading of KIBS’ clusters in global value chains were presented. As a result of the literature analysis, endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the upgrading of clusters in global value chains were presented. The article is conceptual and based on scientific literature, the review of which was a research method used

    Upgrading strategies in global furniture value chains

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    Value Chains

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    Summaries This article starts by reviewing what economists can learn from work on value chains by other social scientists, and then considers what economics may have to offer both in understanding value chains and in designing policies related to them. In terms of economic accounting, the article reviews the connections between value chains and input?output tables, between the well?being of firms and of people, and between real wages and money wages. In terms of economic causation, it explores the relevance to value?chain analysis of two theories of comparative advantage. It also asks about the circumstances in which government intervention to upgrade firms would benefit a country's unskilled workers or could be justified on economic grounds


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    まえがき 1.貿易における付加価値の概念の提起 1.1国際価値連鎖の発展の背景 1.2貿易における付加価値の概念 1.3付加価値貿易統計の基本的考え方 2.国際価値連鎖の世界経済への影響 2.1国際分業と貿易構造の変化をもたらす国際価値連鎖 2.2付加価値貿易統計からみる貿易金額,国別構造と貿易依存度の変化 2.3雇用に及ぼす影響 3.付加価値貿易統計の中国への影響と新たな貿易発展戦略 3.1付加価値貿易統計からみる貿易収支の変化 3.2新たな貿易発展戦略に向け

    Audiovisual preservation strategies, data models and value-chains

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    This is a report on preservation strategies, models and value-chains for digital file-based audiovisual content. The report includes: (a)current and emerging value-chains and business-models for audiovisual preservation;(b) a comparison of preservation strategies for audiovisual content including their strengths and weaknesses, and(c) a review of current preservation metadata models, and requirements for extension to support audiovisual files

    Smallholder Participation in Agricultural Value Chains: Comparative Evidence from Three Continents

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    Supermarkets, specialized wholesalers, and processors and agro-exporters’ agricultural value chains have begun to transform the marketing channels into which smallholder farmers sell produce in low-income economies. We develop a conceptual framework through which to study contracting between smallholders and a commodity-processing firm. We then conduct an empirical meta-analysis of agricultural value chains in five countries across three continents (Ghana, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Nicaragua). We document patterns of participation, the welfare gains associated with participation, reasons for non-participation, the significant extent of contract non-compliance, and the considerable dynamism of these value chains, as farmers and firms enter and exit frequently.