263,393 research outputs found
Final Report of the CGIAR Working Group on Deliberation and Decision-Making Processes
Report of a working group established at the mid term meeting of the CGIAR in May 1992 by the Chairman of the Group to examine deliberation, decision making, oversight, and information sharing processes in the CGIAR, and to suggest possible changes to accommodate the recent System expansion. The working group was chaired by Robert Herdt.It recommended the CGIAR continue to hold two meetings each year, with mid term meetings in countries where centers were located; also the use of topical parallel sessions at International Centers Week meetings, and streamlining of discussion procedures. The report urged the establishment of a finance committee composed of donor representatives, and a standing committee on system-level evaluation. It suggested combination of existing public awareness activities.Agenda document, CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May 1993. A preliminary report was discussed at the CGIAR meeting in October 1992
Management of Deciding Decision Making Final Project Advisor in Optimizing Learning
In the management of learning in preparing the final assignment has become an obligation in each university. So, the existence of a final assignment supervisor is very important to help students complete their final assignments. Without the final assignment supervisor can lead to unclear and a directed research in accordance with the provisions of learning management, in this study discusses the role of lecturers in conducting final assignments in both thesis and thesis, lecturers as facilitators start the final assignment, lecturers as final project supervisors, lecturers as a final assignment exam preparation supervisor, stress in preparing the final assignment, communication of students with supervisors, choosing supervisors, consulting techniques with counselors, obstacles during the guidance of the preparation of the final assignment report. With the hope of this research students can choose a mentor where they must master the fields that are in accordance with your final assignment and with the provisions of learning management in Higher Education, and choose a mentor who has enough time to guide you, and a cooperative and communicative guide
Environmental management decision-making in certified hotels
This paper analyses environmental decision-making against two axes, motivations and decision-making processes, to understand the reasons for pro-environmental behaviour by the managements of Spanish Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)-certified hotels. Mixed methods were used to study perceptions of EMAS and reasons for being certified, with current and lapsed EMAS-certified firms triangulated against expert interviews and documentary evidence. Four groups of hotels were differentiated: Strategic hotels (22%) (with high levels of integrated environmental management), Followers (48%), Greenwashers (11%) and Laggers (19%) (with low levels of integrated environmental management). Most hotels were found to be internally driven in their purpose and ad hoc in their decision-making, with limited understanding of externally driven benefits and motivation for more systematic management systems. This questions the success of EMAS as both a continuous improvement management and as a market-based regulation tool for hotels. Few hotels overall related high environmental standards to the possibilities of gaining market advantage: most wished to avoid legal challenges. The paper also illustrates the ways in which hotels opportunistically switch certification systems to get what they see as a better deal. © 2011 Taylor & Francis
Research Highlights
Research Highlights was a newsletter highlighting the research being done at the Boston University School of Management (Questrom School of Business)
Relationship maintenance, democratic decision making, and decision agreement
Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2012Relationship maintenance uses different strategies to maintain a relationship at the desired level of intimacy. Democratic decision making is a practice through which each individual has equal rights in the decision-making process. The present study investigated connections among two areas of research. In particular, this study examined the correlations among relationship maintenance behaviors, democratic decision making, and decision agreement. Both hypotheses in the study were supported, which suggests relationship maintenance promotes democratic decision making, which in turn promotes decision agreement
Decision making
Adapted from: Groups — How They Decide. Kansas Family Community Leadership Resource Notebook Manhattan, Kansas, Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service and Kansas Association for Family and Community Education, 1993; Walker, Doris "Katey". Improving Decision-Making Skills. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service, MF-873, 1987.Walker, Doris “Katey”. Improving Decision-Making Skills. Manhattan, Kanas:
Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service, MF-873, 1987
Multidisciplinary studies in management and development programs in the public sector Semiannual report, 1 Jul. - 31 Dec. 1969
Multidisciplinary research in management, technology dissemination, decision making, and government and university cooperatio
Management as a system: creating value
Boston University School of Management publication from the 1990s about the MBA programs at BU, aimed at prospective MBA students
Boston University Bulletin. School of Management; Graduate Programs, 1980-1981
Each year Boston University publishes a bulletin for all undergraduate programs and separate bulletins for each School and College, Summer Term, and Overseas Programs. Requests for the undergraduat e bulle tin should be addressed to the Admissions Office and those for other bulletins to the individual School or College.
This bulletin contains current information regarding the calendar, admissions, degree requirements, fees, regulations,
and course offerings. The policy of the University is to give advance notice of change, when ever possible, to permit
adjustment. The University reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its program, calendar,
or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes and other academic
activities, and requiring or affording alternatives for schedul ed classes or other academic activities, in any such case
giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.
Boston University Bulletins (USPS 061-540) are published twenty times a year: one in January, one in March, four in
May, four in June, six in July, one in August, and three in September
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