186,793 research outputs found
Theory and Practice of Higher-type Computation (Tutorial)
In higher-type computation, established by Kleene and Kreisel in the late 1950\u27s (independently), one works with the data types obtained from the discrete natural numbers by closing under finite products and function spaces. For the theory of higher-type programming languages, it is natural to work with a corresponding hierarchy, or type structure, of domains, identified by Ershov and Scott in the late 1960\u27s (again independently). The Kleene-Kreisel and Ershov-Scott hierarchies account for total and partial computation respectively.
In this tutorial I\u27ll explain the theory and practice of higher-type computation and programming languages, and develop old and new applications.
From a theoretical point of view, I\u27ll present Kleene-Kreisel spaces and Ershov-Scott domains, and relate the two. Moreover, I\u27ll discuss common generalizations, chiefly QCB spaces and equilogical spaces, which admit further useful closure properties, and their relationship to TTE (Schroeder, Simpson. Scott, Bauer, Weihrauch and many others). I\u27ll also present a natural higher-type model of computation/programming language, namely PCF (Platek, Scott, Plotkin).
From a practical point of view, I\u27ll introduce a fragment of the language Haskell as a faithful implementation of PCF. Moreover, I\u27ll develop and run several examples (and prove theorems about them), pertaining to (i) exhaustive search of infinite sets in finite time in particular Ulrich Berger\u27s algorithm and generalizations), and (ii) computation with real numbers (in particular Alex Simpson\u27s integration algorithm and generalizations)
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Distance and virtual distance: Preliminary results of a study of interaction patterns in synchronous audio graphic CMC and face-to-face tutorials in beginnersâ language tutorials
This paper presents preliminary results of a larger study of interaction patterns in beginnersâ language tutorials held at the Open University. The tutorials are voluntary, supplementing a distance learning course in German as a Foreign Language. Tutorials are offered in two versions: traditional face-to-face tutorials in a classroom or online tutorials held through an internet based audio-graphic conferencing system. Interaction patterns are compared between the two modes of presentation, between different tasks performed by students and between different tutors initiating the same task. Results of the completed study will be published in 2005 / 06
Online Technology Management Student Tutorial Case Study
This paper presents a case study of implementing online video-based tutorials to enhance student learning. Initially, these tutorials were developed using a software product, Camtasia, to mitigate learning differences between traditional-based classrooms versus online classes. Because online students often did not receive the same hands-on and visual learning modality that was available to students on traditional classroom settings, tutorials were assumed to level the playing field between these two groups. However, after two years of developing and integrating these tutorials into online classes, it was found that only a small minority of students were using them. Other issues were that tutorials took a long time to develop, and many lecturers felt they were ineffective. This case describes the reasons the tutorials were developed, the integration process, issues raised, and implications for future development
Video killed the 'PDF' star: taking information resource guides online
Easy-to-use technologies now allow librarians to create their own customised digital and video tutorials. This article takes a look at publisher-created video tutorials. It considers the pros and cons of libraries creating their own video-format guides, and elaborates on DCU Library's own experience in producing video-based tutorials on databases customised to local needs using Camtasia and Screentoaster
Creating Online Tutorials: Five Lessons Learned
In the fall of 2005, two librarians, a legal research and writing program director, and an instructional technologist at Wayne State University received a grant to create online tutorials introducing novices to the basics of legal research. Tutorials were planned on subjects that the library and the legal research and writing program had traditionally covered jointly via library workshops, coordinated with classroom instruction for first-year law students. Since the mission of the law library is to support campus-wide activity and to assist members of the general public with legal research needs, the content of the tutorials was designed to serve multiple audiences.With a year to finish the tutorials in time for the next incoming class, the group began work toward the completion of seven tutorials on a shoestring budget of $4,000.
Since the completion of the tutorials, librarians have asked us directly or made general calls for information looking for ideas about tools, costs, and the process of beginning similar projects. Our response to this question has not been to chronicle our journey but, rather, to share a few lessons we learned from the process
Computer Verified Exact Analysis (Tutorial)
This tutorial will illustrate how to use the Coq proof assistant to implement effective and provably correct computation for analysis. Coq provides a dependently typed functional programming language that allows users to specify both programs and formal proofs.
We will introduce dependent type theory and show how it can be used to develop both mathematics and programming. We will show how to use dependent type theory to implement constructive analysis. Specifically we will cover how to implement effective real numbers and effective integration.
This work will be done using the Coq proof assistant. The tutorial will cover how to use the Coq proof assistant. Attendees are encouraged to download and install Coq 8.2 from {tt http://coq.inria.fr/download} and also download and make the full system of C-CoRN from {tt http://c-corn.cs.ru.nl/download.html} beforehand
Practice and theory:mixing labs and small group tutorials
While appropriate for practical topics like SQL, our traditional format of lecture and lab fails to facilitate the discussion of more theoretical database topics with students. This paper describes and analyses the method and effects of adopting a more flexible approach with third year and postgraduate students. Some weeks use supervised labs while in others tutorials are held in seminar rooms, in smaller groups, without the distraction of computers. Requiring tutorials to be prepared in advance allows time to be used effectively, concentrating on more difficult aspects.Initial results, presented in this paper, are encouraging. Many students enjoy tutorials and exam performance has improved dramatically for some. However, as many as 25% of undergraduate students failed to attend a single tutorial, and many of those who did attend came unprepared. Could, and should, this be changed by explicitly assessing tutorials? The paper concludes by investigating approaches reported elsewhere in order to ascertain how the management of tutorials could be improved
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