540,943 research outputs found

    Equilibrium responses of global net primary production and carbon storage to doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide: sensitivity to changes in vegetation nitrogen concentration

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    We ran the terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM) for the globe at 0.5° resolution for atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 340 and 680 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to evaluate global and regional responses of net primary production (NPP) and carbon storage to elevated CO2 for their sensitivity to changes in vegetation nitrogen concentration. At 340 ppmv, TEM estimated global NPP of 49.0 1015 g (Pg) C yr−1 and global total carbon storage of 1701.8 Pg C; the estimate of total carbon storage does not include the carbon content of inert soil organic matter. For the reference simulation in which doubled atmospheric CO2 was accompanied with no change in vegetation nitrogen concentration, global NPP increased 4.1 Pg C yr−1 (8.3%), and global total carbon storage increased 114.2 Pg C. To examine sensitivity in the global responses of NPP and carbon storage to decreases in the nitrogen concentration of vegetation, we compared doubled CO2 responses of the reference TEM to simulations in which the vegetation nitrogen concentration was reduced without influencing decomposition dynamics (“lower N” simulations) and to simulations in which reductions in vegetation nitrogen concentration influence decomposition dynamics (“lower N+D” simulations). We conducted three lower N simulations and three lower N+D simulations in which we reduced the nitrogen concentration of vegetation by 7.5, 15.0, and 22.5%. In the lower N simulations, the response of global NPP to doubled atmospheric CO2 increased approximately 2 Pg C yr−1 for each incremental 7.5% reduction in vegetation nitrogen concentration, and vegetation carbon increased approximately an additional 40 Pg C, and soil carbon increased an additional 30 Pg C, for a total carbon storage increase of approximately 70 Pg C. In the lower N+D simulations, the responses of NPP and vegetation carbon storage were relatively insensitive to differences in the reduction of nitrogen concentration, but soil carbon storage showed a large change. The insensitivity of NPP in the N+D simulations occurred because potential enhancements in NPP associated with reduced vegetation nitrogen concentration were approximately offset by lower nitrogen availability associated with the decomposition dynamics of reduced litter nitrogen concentration. For each 7.5% reduction in vegetation nitrogen concentration, soil carbon increased approximately an additional 60 Pg C, while vegetation carbon storage increased by only approximately 5 Pg C. As the reduction in vegetation nitrogen concentration gets greater in the lower N+D simulations, more of the additional carbon storage tends to become concentrated in the north temperate-boreal region in comparison to the tropics. Other studies with TEM show that elevated CO2 more than offsets the effects of climate change to cause increased carbon storage. The results of this study indicate that carbon storage would be enhanced by the influence of changes in plant nitrogen concentration on carbon assimilation and decomposition rates. Thus changes in vegetation nitrogen concentration may have important implications for the ability of the terrestrial biosphere to mitigate increases in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 and climate changes associated with the increases

    Calculating the global contribution of coralline algae to carbon burial

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    The ongoing increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is changing the global marine environment and is causing warming and acidification of the oceans. Reduction of CO2 to a sustainable level is required to avoid further marine change. Many studies investigate the potential of marine carbon sinks (e.g. seagrass) to mitigate anthropogenic emissions, however, information on storage by coralline algae and the beds they create is scant. Calcifying photosynthetic organisms, including coralline algae, can act as a CO2 sink via photosynthesis and CaCO3 dissolution and act as a CO2 source during respiration and CaCO3 production on short-term time scales. Long-term carbon storage potential might come from the accumulation of coralline algae deposits over geological time scales. Here, the carbon storage potential of coralline algae is assessed using meta-analysis of their global organic and inorganic carbon production and the processes involved in this metabolism. Organic and inorganic production were estimated at 330 g C m−2 yr−1 and 880 g CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 respectively giving global organic/inorganic C production of 0.7/1.8 × 109 t C yr−1. Calcium carbonate production by free-living/crustose coralline algae (CCA) corresponded to a sediment accretion of 70/450 mm kyr−1. Using this potential carbon storage by coralline algae, the global production of free-living algae/CCA was 0.4/1.2 × 109 t C yr−1 suggesting a total potential carbon sink of 1.6 × 109 t C yr−1. Coralline algae therefore have production rates similar to mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrasses representing an as yet unquantified but significant carbon store, however, further empirical investigations are needed to determine the dynamics and stability of that store

    Use of shallow samples to estimate the total carbon storage in pastoral soils

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    Using data from pastoral soils sampled by horizon at 56 locations across New Zealand, we conducted a meta-analysis. On average, the total depth sampled was 0.93 ± 0.026 m (± SEM), and on a volumetric basis, the total C storage averaged 26.9 ± 1.8, 13.9 ± 0.6 and 9.2 ± 1.4 kg C m⁻² for allophanic (n=12), non-allophanic (n=40) and pumice soils (n=4), respectively. We estimated the total C storage, and quantified the uncertainty, using the data for samples taken from the uppermost A-horizon whose depth averaged 0.1 ± 0.003 m. For A-horizon samples of the allophanic soils, the mean C content was 108 ± 6 g C kg⁻¹ and the bulk density was 772 ± 29 kg m⁻³, for non-allophanic soils they were 51 ± 4 g C kg⁻¹ and 1055 ± 29 kg m⁻³, and for pumice soils they were 68 ± 9 g C kg⁻¹ and 715 ± 45 kg m⁻³. The C density —a product of the C content and bulk density —of the A-horizon samples was proportional to their air-dried water content, a proxy measure for the mineral surface area. By linear regression with C density of the A-horizon, the total C storage could be estimated with a standard error of 3.1 kg C m⁻², 19% of the overall mean

    Above ground biomass-carbon partitioning, storage and sequestration in a rehabilitated forest, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Forest degradation and deforestation are some of the major global concerns as it can reduce forest carbon storage and sequestration capacity. Forest rehabilitation on degraded forest areas has the potential to improve carbon stock, hence mitigate greenhouse gases emission. However, the carbon storage and sequestration potential in a rehabilitated tropical forest remains unclear due to the lack of information. This paper reports an initiative to estimate biomass-carbon partitioning, storage and sequestration in a rehabilitated forest. The study site was at the UPM-Mitsubishi Corporation Forest Rehabilitation Project, UPM Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Bintulu, Sarawak. A plot of 20 × 20 m2 was established each in site 1991 (Plot 1991), 1999 (Plot 1999) and 2008 (Plot 2008). An adjacent natural regenerating secondary forest plot (Plot NF) was also established for comparison purposes. The results showed that the contribution of tree component biomass/carbon to total biomass/carbon was in the order of main stem > branch > leaf. As most of the trees were concentrated in diameter size class ≤ 10 cm for younger rehabilitated forests, the total above ground biomass/carbon was from this class. These observations suggest that the forests are in the early successional stage. The total above ground biomass obtained for the rehabilitated forest ranged from 4.3 to 4,192.3 kg compared to natural regenerating secondary forest of 3,942.3 kg while total above ground carbon ranged from 1.9 to 1,927.9 kg and 1,820.4 kg, respectively. The mean total above ground biomass accumulated ranged from 1.3 × 10-2 to 20.5 kg/0.04 ha and mean total carbon storage ranged from 5.9 × 10-3 to 9.4 kg/0.04 ha. The total CO2 sequestrated in rehabilitated forest ranged from 6.9 to 7,069.1 kg CO2/0.04 ha. After 19 years, the rehabilitated forest had total above ground biomass and carbon storage comparable to the natural regeneration secondary forest. The forest rehabilitated activities have the potential to increase carbon stock through tree planting. Therefore, forest rehabilitation has shown the potential role as a carbon sink that helps to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change

    Abbott Park Forest Carbon Assessment

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    Forests are globally important carbon sinks. Using University of Maine at Farmington’s Abbott Park, our research asks: 1) How much carbon is stored in Abbott Park? 2) How does carbon storage vary by species? 3) Do patterns of forest regeneration suggest that the future forest will differ in carbon storage potential? Data were collected in 150 m2 belt transects in which diameter breast height (DBH)of all trees ≥ 5 cm were recorded by species. Seedlings and saplings were tallied by species. Allometric equations were used to calculate standing biomass and total carbon. Total carbon storage in Abbott Park was found to be approximately 508,221 kg (560 metric tons)

    A carbon mass-balance budget for a periglacial catchment in West Greenland - Linking the terrestrial and aquatic systems

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    Climate change is predicted to have far reaching consequences for the mobility of carbon in arctic landscapes. On a regional scale, carbon cycling is highly dependent on interactions between terrestrial and aquatic parts of a catchment. Despite this, studies that integrate the terrestrial and aquatic systems and study entire catchments using site-specific data are rare. In this work, we use data partly published by Lindborg et al. (2016a) to calculate a whole-catchment carbon mass-balance budget for a periglacial catchment in West Greenland. Our budget shows that terrestrial net primary production is the main input of carbon (99% of input), and that most carbon leaves the system through soil respiration (90% of total export/storage). The largest carbon pools are active layer soils (53% of total carbon stock or 13 kg C m (2)), permafrost soils (30% of total carbon stock or 7.6 kg C m (2)) and lake sediments (13% of total carbon stock or 10 kg C m (2)). Hydrological transport of carbon from the terrestrial to aquatic system is lower than in wetter climates, but the annual input of 4100 kg C yr (1) (or 3.5 g C m (2) yr (1)) that enters the lake via runoff is still three times larger than the eolian input of terrestrial carbon. Due to the dry conditions, the hydrological export of carbon from the catchment is limited (5% of aquatic export/storage or 0.1% of total export/storage). Instead, CO2 evasion from the lake surface and sediment burial accounts for 57% and 38% of aquatic export/storage, respectively (or 0.8% and 0.5% of total export/storage), and Two-Boat Lake acts as a net source of carbon to the atmosphere. The limited export of carbon to downstream water bodies make our study system different from wetter arctic environments, where hydrological transport is an important export pathway for carbon. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    A Study of Above-Surface Carbon Storage in the Post-Coal Mining AREA of PT Bukit Asam

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    Both biotic and abiotic natural resources are the capital of the biosphere that may be exploited to meet human needs and promote human welfare. Global warming is a consequence of increasing environmental degradation. During photosynthesis, trees may collect carbon from the atmosphere, separate carbon from oxygen, and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. This investigation was conducted on post-coal mining reclamation land that PT. Bukit Asam (BA) restored in 2009, 2012, and 2015. This study employs a quantitative approach with a purposive sampling methodology. The utilized sampling intensities were 1%, 2.5%, and 5%. The plot chosen is a 20-by-20-meter rectangle. Carbon storage for the 2009 planting time averaged 40.57 tons per hectare over a total area of 32.89 ha. Carbon storage for the planting year of 2012 with a total area of 5.73 hectares and an average carbon storage of 26.37 tons per hectare. Carbon sequestration in 2015 with a total area of 3.90 hectares and an average carbon storage of 20.86 tons per hectare

    Responses of primary production and total carbon storage to changes in climate and atmospheric CO₂ concentration

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 13-16).Abstract in HTML and technical report in HTML and PDF available on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change website (http://mit.edu/globalchange/www/).The authors used the terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM, version 4.0) to estimate global responses of annual net primary production (NPP) and total carbon storage to changes in climate and atmospheric CO2, driven by the climate outputs from the 2-dimensional MIT L-O climate model and the 3-dimensional GISS and GFDL-q atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs). For contemporary climate with 315 ppmv CO2, TEM estimates that global NPP is 47.9 PgC/yr and global total carbon storage is 1658 PgC: 908 PgC of vegetation carbon and 750 PgC of reactive soil organic carbon. For climate change associated with a doubling of radiative forcing and an atmospheric level of 522 ppmv CO2, the responses of global NPP are +17.8% for the MIT L-O climate, +18.5% for the GFDL-q climate and +20.6% for the GISS climate. The responses of global total carbon storage are +6.9% for the MIT L-O climate, +8.3% for GFDL-q climate and +8.7% for the GISS climate. Among the three climate change predictions, the changes in latitudinal distributions of cumulative NPP and total carbon storage along 0.5o latitudinal bands vary slightly, except in high latitudes. There are generally minor differences in cumulative NPP and total carbon storage for most of the 18 biomes, except for the responses of total carbon storage in boreal biomes for the 2-D MIT L-O climate change. The results demonstrate that the linkage between the TEM and the 2-D climate model is useful for impact assessment and uncertainty analysis within an integrated assessment framework at the scales of the globe, economic regions and biomes, given the compromise between computational efficiency in the 2-D climate model and more detailed spatial representation of climate fields in 3-D GCMs

    Storage and hydrolysis of seawater samples for inorganic carbon isotope analysis

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    Preservation of seawater samples was tested for total inorganic carbon (ΣCO2), stable carbon isotope (δ13C), and radiocarbon (14C) applications using foil bags and storage by refrigeration and freezing. The aim was to preserve representative samples with minimal storage effects but without using toxic methods such as mercuric chloride poisoning. Hydrolysis of samples to CO2 was based on existing methods. Results of IAEA-C2 standard used with deionized water stored in the foil bags showed complete reaction yields, 14C results within 2σ of the consensus value, and δ13C that were internally consistent, indicating that there were no procedural effects associated with the foil bags. 14C results were statistically indistinguishable across the storage times, for frozen and refrigerated seawater samples from a coastal site, Elie Ness, Fife, UK. The scatter of ΣCO2 concentrations and δ13C was within scatter observed in other studies for lake- and seawater samples preserved by acidification or using mercuric chloride. However, both ΣCO2 and δ13C were less variable for frozen samples compared with refrigerated samples. The foil bags are lighter, safer to transport, and similar in cost to glass bottles and allow sample collection in the field and transfer to the hydrolysis vessel without exposure of the sample to atmosphere. Storage of seawater samples in the foil bags was considered a reliable, alternative method to poisoning for ΣCO2, δ13C, and 14C, and freezing the samples is recommended for storage time beyond a week

    Power in numbers: an abundance of small corals responsible for storing over half of the carbon stored by all Alaskan Primnoa pacifica deep-sea corals

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    Gorgonian deep-sea corals (DSCs) are biologically linked to ocean carbon cycling converting ocean carbon to gorgonin and calcite in their skeletons. As such, gorgonian DSCs likely accumulate and store carbon in their skeleton throughout their lifespans, acting as carbon sinks on historic timescales. Yet, DSC carbon storage hasn’t been investigated to date. This study evaluates gorgonian DSC carbon storage capacity through an evaluation of the carbon stored by Alaskan Primnoa pacifica corals. The development of a model relating coral height to biomass in specimens with this data available was used to determine biomass values in a suite of Alaskan P. pacifica corals for which height, but not biomass, was recorded. Modeled biomass values were used to calculate carbon storage for specimens with known height, determining that Alaskan P. pacifica corals store a total of .22 tonnes of carbon (SE = +/- 1.5E-05 tonnes). This study found an abundance of smaller corals, ranging from 60 to 120 cm in height, to be responsible for storing over half of the carbon stored by all known Alaskan P. pacifica corals. These findings hold implications for P. pacifica conservation and benthic and pelagic fisheries management in Alaska. Introducing Alaskan P. pacifica carbon storage to conservation considerations adds conservation value to Alaskan P. pacifica corals. Further, this study highlights the importance of small P. pacifica corals for total Alaskan P. pacifica carbon storage which elevates small P. pacifica coral conservation status promoting protections from bottom-contact fishing for these corals in Alaska