52,829 research outputs found
Thermodynamical description of stationary, asymptotically flat solutions with conical singularities
We examine the thermodynamical properties of a number of asymptotically flat,
stationary (but not static) solutions having conical singularities, with both
connected and non-connected event horizons, using the thermodynamical
description recently proposed in arXiv:0912.3386 [gr-qc]. The examples
considered are the double-Kerr solution, the black ring rotating in either S^2
or S^1 and the black Saturn, where the balance condition is not imposed for the
latter two solutions. We show that not only the Bekenstein-Hawking area law is
recovered from the thermodynamical description but also the thermodynamical
angular momentum is the ADM angular momentum. We also analyse the
thermodynamical stability and show that, for all these solutions, either the
isothermal moment of inertia or the specific heat at constant angular momentum
is negative, at any point in parameter space. Therefore, all these solutions
are thermodynamically unstable in the grand canonical ensemble.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure
Thermodynamic potentials and Thermodynamic Relations in Nonextensive Thermodynamics
The generalized Gibbs free energy and enthalpy is derived in the framework of
nonextensive thermodynamics by using the so-called physical temperature and the
physical pressure. Some thermodynamical relations are studied by considering
the difference between the physical temperature and the inverse of Lagrange
multiplier. The thermodynamical relation between the heat capacities at a
constant volume and at a constant pressure is obtained using the generalized
thermodynamical potential, which is found to be different from the traditional
one in Gibbs thermodynamics. But, the expressions for the heat capacities using
the generalized thermodynamical potentials are unchanged.Comment: 7 page
On the thermodynamical limit of self-gravitating systems
It is shown that the diluted thermodynamical limit of a self-gravitating
system proposed by de Vega and Sanchez suffers from the same problems as the
usual thermodynamical limit and leads to divergent thermodynamical functions.
This question is also discussed from the point of view of mean field theory.Comment: 11 pages. A typo corrected. Cosmetic changes in some equations.
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Nonextensive Thermostatistical Investigation of The Blackbody Radiation
Thermodynamical quantities of the blackbody radiation, such as free energy,
entropy, total radiation energy, specific heat are calculated within the
Tsallis thermostatistics where factorization method is incorparated. It is
shown that basic thermodynamical relation of the blackbody radiation is form
invariant with respect to nonextensivity entropic index q. Furthermore, the
nonextensive thermodynamical quantities related to the blackbody radiation is
seperately be obtained in terms of q and the standard thermodynamical
quantities of the blackbody radiation .It is indicated that the formulation may
give a way to determine the q which determines the degree of the nonextensivity
that is the one of the aims of the present study.Comment: 16 pages,No figures,to be appear in Chaos,Solitons&Fractal
On Thermodynamics of AdS Black Holes in M-Theory
Motivated by a recent work on asymptotically AdS_4 black holes in M-theory,
we investigate the thermodynamics and thermodynamical geometry of AdS black
holes from M2 and M5-branes. Concretely, we consider AdS black holes in
AdS_{p+2}\times S^{11-p-2}, where p=2,5 by interpreting the number of M2 (and
M5-branes) as a thermodynamical variable. We study the corresponding phase
transition to examine their stabilities by calculating and discussing various
thermodynamical quantities including the chemical potential. Then, we compute
the thermodynamical curvatures from the Quevedo metric for M2 and M5-branes
geometries to reconsider the stability of such black objects. The Quevedo
metric singularities recover similar stability results provided by the phase
transition program.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Late
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