90,264 research outputs found
Problematization of the Literary Canon: Anti-Patriarchal Perspective and Discussion on the Erasure of Literature by Female Authors in the School Curriculum
The literary canon is a collection of works officially recognized for their excellence and cultural importance Its construction is a historical process that reflects the choices and values of commonly dominant groups As a result the canon often excludes works written by marginalized groups including women This erasure of female writers has influenced the development of the school curriculum and limited young people s exposure to these authors and their works In Brazil the literary canon is dominated by male writers with little representation of literary works authored by women This lack of representation directly affects education in the country limiting exposure to literature written by women This work addresses the influence of the patriarchal literary canon on the approach to literature written by women in schoo
The Use and Acceptance of the English Canon in the High School Classroom
The literary canon has been viewed in the high school ELA classroom for many generations. The works it contains are now somewhat dated and there are certain movements claiming it should be replaced with different types of modern literature. This paper seeks to address how the canon is viewed in the classroom, including what problems people associate with it, and what solutions to those problems are available. The literary canon is a staple in ELA education and will continue to be for some time to come.
Keywords: ELA, Canon, Educatio
The Literary Canon: Virtue, Vice, or Both
This article evolved from recent conversations with middle and high school English/Language Arts teachers about the literary canon. The conversations were based on a question posed by one teacher in a professional development workshop: “To teach or not to teach the literary canon? That is my question.” Other teachers quickly stated that they have always struggled with this question and still do today. As a former English/Language Arts teacher, I recognized the importance of this question and afterwards spent time asking myself: Is the literary canon a virtue, vice, or both? This article shares my current best thinking about this question. I begin with background on the conversation and then discuss what teachers did and did not talk about. Next, I share a text set of picture books to help teachers and teacher educators continue talking about the literary canon. I end with final thoughts, one of which is that teacher preferences and pragmatics are important but insufficient when talking about the literary canon. Research on reading and curriculum theory is most important
Foreword Symposium: Fourth Annual Mid-Atlantic People ofColor Legal Scholarship Conference: Law and Literature: Examining the Limited Legal Imagination in the Traditional Legal Canon
The Fourth Annual Mid-Atlantic People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, which took place at Rutgers Law School in Camden on February 12-14, 1998, poignantly captured the theme around which the conference was organized. The theme of the conference was Law and Literature: Examining the Limited Legal Imagination in the Traditional Legal Canon. True to the theme of the conference, many presenters sought to expand our collective imagination through poetry, fiction, and narrative. The presentations were intellectually stimulating and provocative. Indeed, there was a literary quality to some of the presentations. Perhaps most importantly, the conference itself, in the tradition of the Regional People of Color conferences, provided us with the necessary sustenance that can only be found in a community of scholars united by a particular undertaking. The dual focus of our undertaking is reflected in both the title of the conference and the papers included in this issue of the Journal. First, conference participants were concerned about the limited legal imagination reflected in the traditional legal canon. Of particular focus was the question of which voices, perspectives, and experiences have become central to the canon, and which are marginalized. Second, participants focused on law and literature, invoking literary fiction and poetry to explore the justice of legal rules and legal decisionmaking. Many scholars at the conference persuasively made the case that literature, and literary techniques (like narrative), can broaden the scope of legal discourse by bringing voices and perspectives which might otherwise go unrecognized, unheard, or unappreciated
A Pinch More Diversity: Langston Hughes and The Literary Canon
Throughout high school and college, I found myself studying white authors in my literature classes much more often then I studied African American authors which means that most people know almost nothing about African American authors. It seems to me that the reason for that might be that up until the mid-twentieth century very few African American authors were included in the literary canon. More African-American authors and other minority authors have been more included in the general literary canon over the last few decades, but the literary canon is still mostly white.
Langston Hughes is one of the most canonized African-American authors and has edited several literature anthologies and written several papers on the literary canon, so he is the author that I focus on in this project. Throughout this project, I do my best to answer the question why is Langston Hughes one of the African-American authors most often included in American and British anthologies. I do that by investigating why Hughes and other critics think writers should be included in the literary canon to get a general view of the possible reasons why authors ar included in the canon and then look at his poems that are most often included in anthologies to be able to make a statement about why Hughes in particular is included in the literary canon. Hughes is included in the literary canon, because he writes poems in a similar way to and addresses similar themes to other Harlem Renaissance writers. I hope that if I discuss how the writing that Hughes did was similar and different to the writing done by other Harlem Renaissance writers then readers will walk away from my project with a new appreciation for the importance of studying a variety of authors in both schools and research papers. I am certain that if critics and the general public study a variety of authors, they will gain a deeper understanding of different literary movements and the social issues that different classes and races face on a daily basis then they would have if they only studied a few caucasian male authors
The Classroom In The Canon: T. S. Eliot’s Modern English Literature Extension Course For Working People And The Sacred Wood
Literary critics have long imagined that T. S. Eliot’s The Sacred Wood (1920) shaped the canon and methods of countless twentieth-century classrooms. This essay turns instead to the classroom that made The Sacred Wood: the Modern English Literature extension school tutorial that Eliot taught to working-class adults between 1916 and 1919. Contextualizing Eliot’s tutorial within the extension school movement shows how the ethos and practices of the Workers’ Educational Association shaped his teaching. Over the course of three years, Eliot and his students reimagined canonical literature as writing by working poets for working people—a model of literary history that fully informed his canon reformation in The Sacred Wood. This example demonstrates how attention to teaching changes the history of English literary study. It further reveals how all kinds of institutions, not just elite universities, have shaped the discipline’s methods and canons
Literatūrinio kanono tyrimai: metodologinės gairės
The article presents for the Lithuanian audience an interdisciplinary approach of literary canon studies that integrates diverse methods of various disciplines (sociology of literature and culture, literary and cultural history, teaching of literature, text reception and aesthetic response history, memory and media research and bibliography studies). The most intense development of literary canon studies can be observed in Western Europe and the United States in the last decade of the 20th century. This was due to the fact that the scholars engaged in the field of postcolonialism, gender studies and neo-Marxism gave it a strong impulse by initiating a debate about insufficient representation of some social groups (women, racial or ethnic minorities and people from lower social strata) in high school curricula in the USA. The debate was expanded into theoretical polemics of whether the canon is formed by means of objective aesthetic criteria or, on the contrary, canon depends on the social contract. Methodologically, investigations of literary canon that are genetically related to the tradition of sociology of culture seem to be the most productive, while this perspective provides an apparatus for a detailed investigation of relations between specific interests of literary field and wider national, social or group interests.The framework of this article is based on the studies of John Guillory, Renate von Heydebrand and Simone Winko. Their essential starting point is the understanding of the canon as a sociocultural process in which the political elite selects a corpus of significant texts in accordance with tradition and formulates practices that ensure the transmission of those texts for future generations. Therefore, canon formation turns to be a strategy based on complex relations of evaluation, cognition and actions that aims to conserve this selected knowledge and transmit it to future generations. The structure of the canon is directly related to the notion of literature and literariness; a society (or its group) defines its canon by considering what they recognize as valuable.Unlike religious canons, which can only be constructed by theologians, there are a lot of canonizing institutions (schools, universities, literary criticism, theatre repertoire, book market, libraries, etc.) involved in the formation of literary canons. They do not create any well-balanced system of the canon but rather conduct diverse practices of canonization. We can distinguish a micro and macro level in the process of canon formation. The micro level contains a lot of separate actions of canonization that propel the canonization process which enables the canon formation at macro level. Origin, stabilization and transformation of literary canon are multidimensional processes, thus it is essential not to lose sight of the interaction of separate dimensions.Straipsnyje lietuvių auditorijai pristatomos svarbiausių šiuolaikinių anglakalbių ir vokiečiakalbių literatūrinio kanono tyrimų teorinės prielaidos, terminija ir analizės metodai. Nors įvade glaustai atpasakojamos kanono tyrimų ištakos, straipsnyje iš principo atsiribojama nuo preskriptyvinių kanono debatų problemikos (t. y. nėra sprendžiamas klausimas, koks turėtų būti kanonas) ir susitelkiama į teorinius kanono tyrimų aspektus. Iš gausios teorinės ir empirinės medžiagos stengtasi atrankos ir sisteminimo būdu rekonstruoti bendruosius šiuolaikinių kanono tyrimų metodologinius principus. Atsirenkant straipsnyje pristatomas literatūrinio kanono teoretikų įžvalgas, paisyta jų mokslinio naujumo ir konceptualumo, taip pat perimamumo ir cituojamumo vėlesniuose tyrimuose.Pirmame dėstomosios dalies skyriuje aptariama literatūrinio kanono specifika, palyginti su bibliniu kanonu, taip pat literatūrinių kanonų tipologija, vidinė struktūra, kanonų formavimo(si) principai ir kanonizacinės institucijos. Antrame skyriuje nagrinėjamos kultūrinės kanono funkcijos ir socializacija
The race for change: an examination of the literature curriculum of one high school
Discussions about diversifying the literary canon have been going on for decades. Colleges and universities have seen changes in their literary curricula due to such debate; more women and people of color are being taught now more than ever. Though changes are prevalent in higher education, literary studies have yet to see the same changes at the secondary level. This descriptive study seeks to evaluate what secondary educators at one midwestern high school are teaching. Specifically, seven ninth-grade teachers were investigated in order to interpret exactly what works of literature are available and taught. Two sets of data were analyzed: What literature is available to teachers to use in the classroom and the works teachers choose to include in their curricula.;The results show that the subjects mainly teach traditional selections of literature. That is, they most often teach literary works by white men of European roots. These findings suggest that, at the secondary level, the literary canon has not changed. Teachers, by and large, are teaching works that reflect the majority culture of this country. Following the result section of the study is a section dedicated to diversifying the teachers\u27 curricula. Suggestions of specific pieces of literature are given. The selections, chosen due to their diverse nature, will allow ninth-grade teachers in the school studied to include authors of differing backgrounds into their English classrooms
The problem of the school literary canon in methodological science: analysis of the state of research
У статті проаналізовано основні концепції формування шкільного канону з української літератури. Зіставлено процеси формування канону в різних національних літературах. Виділено риси, які характеризують шкільний літературний канон із XIX ст. й до сучасної системи освіти в гімназії. Подано концепції учених різних періодів розвитку методики навчання української літератури в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах щодо основних засад укладання шкільних програм із літератури. Зазначено, що потреба в реформуванні змісту літературної освіти виникала вже на поч. ХХ ст. й потребувала врахування критеріїв добору творів для кола шкільного читання: поєднання класичних художніх творів, що сприяють формуванню поняття про історичне минуле, та сучасних, які дозволять випускникам шкіл вести бесіди на літературні теми; відповідність літературних творів, які вивчаються в школах, психологічним та віковим особливостям учнів. Виявлено, що у ХХ–ХХІ ст. шкільний літературний канон стає складником літературного канону загалом і викликає дискусії в колі літературознавців та освітян. Існують множинні тлумачення літературного канону, метаканони, які визначають його побутування в шкільній літературній освіті в різні періоди її розвитку. Від часів незалежності України в літературознавчих працях і в методиці навчання літератури відбувається деконструкція соцреалістичного канону як ідеологічного явища. Наголошується на потребі періодичного коригування змісту літературної освіти з урахуванням тенденцій розвитку української літератури для дітей та юнацтва, методики навчання літератури, суспільних викликів, інтерпретаційних процесів в осмисленні певних літературних творів. Тенденція перегляду літературного канону спостерігається не лише в українському літературознавстві, а й у зарубіжному, що свідчить про глобальні зміни в ідеологічних нашаруваннях, які продукуються, зокрема, в царині літератури. Акцентовано на необхідності формування сучасного шкільного літературного канону з урахуванням оптимального поєднання класичних творів для дітей і про дітей та найкращих здобутків сучасної літератури для цієї вікової категорії читачів.The article the basic concepts of forming a school canon of Ukrainian literature is analyzed. The processes of canon formation in different national literature are compared. The features that characterize the school literary canon from the XIX century and to the modern system of education in the gymnasium are highlighted. The concepts of scientists of different periods of development of methods of teaching Ukrainian literature in secondary schools on the basic principles of compiling school curricula in literature are presented. It is noted that the need to reform the content of literary education arose at the beginning in XX century. She needed to take into account the criteria for selecting works for the school reading circle: a combination of classical works of art that contribute to the formation of the concept of the historical past, and modern, which will allow school graduates to have conversations on literary topics; correspondence of literary works studied in schools to psychological and age features of students. It was found that in the XX–XXI centuries the school literary canon becomes a component of the literary canon in general and provokes discussions among literary critics and educators. There are many interpretations of the literary canon, the presence of metal canons that determine its existence in school literary education in different periods of its development. Since the independence of Ukraine, the deconstruction of the socialist-realist canon as an ideological phenomenon has been taking place in literary works and in the methodology of teaching literature. Emphasis is placed on the need to periodically adjust the content of literary education taking into account trends in Ukrainian literature for children and youth, methods of teaching literature, social challenges, interpretive processes in the understanding of certain literary works. The tendency to revise the literary canon is observed not only in Ukrainian literary criticism but also in foreign literature, which indicates global changes in ideological layers, which are produced, in particular, in the field of literature. The need to form a modern school literary canon, taking into account the optimal combination of classical works for children and about children and the best achievements of modern literature for this age group of readers is accented
Hipertextos fragmentados: Una propuesta para trabajar la competencia lectoliteraria en la formación inicial de docentes
El canon para la formación literaria y la educación literaria en primaria son algunos de los contenidos principales de la asignatura 'Didáctica de la literatura infantil y juvenil" que se imparte en el grado de Educación Primaria de la Universitat de Barcelona. La propuesta de innovación educativa que presentamos consiste en el diseño e implementación de una secuencia formativa dirigida a estos alumnos para ampliar el intertexto lector mediante la lectura y análisis de un corpus de minificciones hipertextuales (Zavala, 2007; Landow, 2009) relacionadas con la literatura de base folklórica y de autor del canon de educación primaria de primeras lenguas. El corpus elegido pertenece al libro Catàleg de monstres (2012) de Masó, minificciones que apelan a la intertextualidad mediante la combinación de múltiples recursos literarios. Palabras clave: Formación inicial de maestros, competencia lectoliteraria, minificción, literatura infantil y juvenil.
ENGLISH SUMMARY Fragmented Hypertexts: a proposal to develop literacy competence in initial teacher training Literary canon for primary children and literature education are some of the main contents of the subject 'Teaching of Children's Literature' taught in the Primary Education degree at the University of Barcelona. The proposed educational innovation we present is the design of a teaching sequence targeted to these students to expand their reader intertextuality by reading and analysing hypertext mini fictions (Zavala, 2007; Landow, 2009) related to basic folk literature from the primary school literary canon. The corpus chosen is from the book Catàleg de monstres (2012), written by Masó, selected mini fictions constantly appealing to intertextuality through the combination of multiple literarcy resources. Key words: Folk literature, teacher training of primary education, hypertext mini fictions, literary competence
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