105,191 research outputs found
The problem in this research is how to characterize the characters in the novel Nebula by Tere Liye and its implications for learning literature in high school. The purpose of this study is to describe the characterization of the characters in Tere Liye's novel Nebula and its implications for learning literature in high school. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive method is a problem solving procedure that is investigated by describing or describing the state of the subject or object of research (novels, plays, short stories, poems) at the present time based on visible facts.The results of this study show how the characterization of the characters in Tere Liye's novel Nebula and its implications for literary learning in high school can be used as a reference in learning Indonesian at school. The characterization contained in the novel Nebula is viewed from the direct method (telling) and indirect method (showing). It was found that there were 33 characters who had been identified and played a role in the novel. The results of the study can be implied as a learning medium for learning literature on novel material in accordance with KD 3.9 analyzing the content and language of novels in class XII high school.Keywords: Characterization of characters, novels, intrinsic elements, literary learning in Senior High School.DOI Artikel: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/Kata/v11i1.2023.1
Sistem Himpunan Korum dan Masalah Resolusi Konflik Terdistribusi
The aims of this study are (1) to analyze relaxation of the characteristics of distributed mutual exclusion problem of various problems of widening conflict resolution in distributed system, (2) to develop coterie set system in solving any types of conflict resolution in distributed system, (3) to analyze coterie set to solve the distributed conflict problem. The method used was literary study by collecting research materials through library journals that relevant with the subject matter i.e. quorum set system and various problems of distributed conflict resolution. The results of the research indicated that mutual exclusion (mutex) can be solved with coterie, k-mutex problem can be solved by using k-coterie, read-writer problem can be solved by using bicoteri, restricted resources problem can be solved by using (m,h,ki)-coterie. For restricted and various resources matter can be constructed with disjoint and simple uniform (m,h,k)-coterie
Literature is a writing that expresses life in words, and contains about a story or an experience that is created and consumed by human beings. One of literary works is novel. By reading novel we can understand the human being temper and acquire the new knowledge of life. That is why the writer of this thesis is interested in conducting and analyzing about suffering in Kay Gregory’s novel ‘Marry me Stranger’. This analysis is conducted to analyze suffering that is experienced by Isabella. The investigation is focused on Isabella’s suffering, the causes of Isabella’s suffering and the solution on Isabella’s suffering. This research uses descriptive method because the study is to describe or to give confirmation about suffering in Kay Gregory’s novel ‘Marry me Stranger’. Then, in appreciating Kay Gregory’s novel, the thesis writer uses an objective approach. It is based on studying a literary work itself that is only on suffering. The population of this study is the whole events in the novel ‘Marry me Stranger’ by Kay Gregory, while the sample of this study are paragraphs, dialogues, and quotations related to suffering. The result of this study shows that there are three sufferings that are experienced by Isabella, they are : being kept in the room, feeling jealous and feeling underestimated. Then, the causes of Isabella’s suffering are : refusal to marry, Brand’s memory of Mary and Brand’s business and being regarded as an immature woman. In solving the problem about Isabella’s suffering, Isabella overcomes her suffering by doing some ways that deal with each suffering, they are : running away, taking Brand’s attention and sympathy and moved to another place
Cognitive Load and Its Relationship with Mental Capacity in Accordance with Their Levels at Students of the Secondary Stage in Terms of Sweller Theory
The study aimed to identify the cognitive load and its relationshipwith mental capacity in accordance their levels at the students of the secondary stage in the terms of Sweller theory. The study sample consisted of (300) male and female eleventh and twelfth grade students from the leadership schools in Amman. The researcher used the cognitive load scale and the mental capacity scale.The results showed a high level of cognitive load in male and female, a high cognitive Load on students of scientific specialization rather than literary specialization, and that the mental capacity of the study sample in general is moderate, and that the mental capacity of students of scientific specialization is high compared to the mental capacity of students of literary specialization. In addition, that the association between higher mental capacity and cognitive load was higher in males than in females, and that the relationship between the mean mental capacity of both sexes with the cognitive load was statistically significant
Philosophical bases of improvement of paradigm development methodologies
The analysis of modern literary sources shows that the paradigms of the main areas of human activity were developed in 2013-18, using only time-based methods. However, in 2019, the development of paradigms of mechanics showed that they depend not on time, but only on space. Therefore, there arose a problem: when, where and how to apply the space-based method and the time-based method. This is a problem of improving the methodology for developing paradigms - global strategies, strategies of the behavior of mankind as a whole in a specific area of activity. The analysis of recent studies and publications indicates that this problem has not even been raised in world literature and research practice. In the coming new era, the depletion of basic natural resources of the planet and the aggravation of the need to develop a new, third generation of paradigms will only urge the importance of solving this problem. Therefore, the aim of the research is to improve the methodology for developing paradigms. For this purpose, the following tasks are solved: the analysis of the level of knowledge about space, time and matter is carried out; the essence and content of space, time and matter is determined; the nature of the relationship between the space- and time-based methods is determined; the nature of the connection of space- and time-based methods with matter is established; a brief description of the results obtained is given. Research methods: review of literary sources; historical and logical method; analog method; 2C70; VEO; Babailov’s method. Results: the matter-based methodology as the only methodology for the development of paradigms is created. Scientific novelty: the composition and sequence of the application of methods for the development of paradigms - space- and time-based methods and the matter-based methodology are streamlined. Practical relevance: the implementation of the matter-based methodology in the practice of developing paradigms will result in improving the methodology of strategic planning in an enterprise, which in turn will increase the efficiency of its management and production
Spectators’ aesthetic experiences of sound and movement in dance performance
In this paper we present a study of spectators’ aesthetic experiences of sound and movement in live dance performance. A multidisciplinary team comprising a choreographer, neuroscientists and qualitative researchers investigated the effects of different sound scores on dance spectators. What would be the impact of auditory stimulation on kinesthetic experience and/or aesthetic appreciation of the dance? What would be the effect of removing music altogether, so that spectators watched dance while hearing only the performers’ breathing and footfalls? We investigated audience experience through qualitative research, using post-performance focus groups, while a separately conducted functional brain imaging (fMRI) study measured the synchrony in brain activity across spectators when they watched dance with sound or breathing only. When audiences watched dance accompanied by music the fMRI data revealed evidence of greater intersubject synchronisation in a brain region consistent with complex auditory processing. The audience research found that some spectators derived pleasure from finding convergences between two complex stimuli (dance and music). The removal of music and the resulting audibility of the performers’ breathing had a significant impact on spectators’ aesthetic experience. The fMRI analysis showed increased synchronisation among observers, suggesting greater influence of the body when interpreting the dance stimuli. The audience research found evidence of similar corporeally focused experience. The paper discusses possible connections between the findings of our different approaches, and considers the implications of this study for interdisciplinary research collaborations between arts and sciences
A Case Study of the Weaknesses in Postsecondary Mathematics Problem Solving and a Program to Eliminate such Deficiencies
The purpose of this Major Applied Research Project was to investigate the weaknesses in post-secondary mathematics problem solving and to develop an instructional design that would help mathematics majors become better problem solvers. A case study was conducted including an extensive literary search to determine which strategies were needed to enhance problem solving. Three basic research restrictions were examined: 1. Why do Brescia mathematics majors fail to develop correct cognitive strategy selection during their normal course of study. 2. How can an appropriate course of study be designed to teach proper cognitive strategy selection? 3. How can an appropriate course of study be implemented into the Brescia mathematics curriculum? Each Brescia mathematics course was carefully studied to determine which cognitive strategies were covered in the curriculum. Tests were given to Brescia College mathematics majors and interviews conducted to determine which strategies were used in problem solving. Upper level mathematics courses were carefully studied to determine which additional strategies were needed in those courses and how they could be learned. An appropriate instructional design including a model textbook was created to eliminate the problem-solving deficiencies of Brescia College mathematics majors. In addition an implementation plan was developed for extending the problem solving techniques to other courses and programs. Four conclusions were reached as a result of the study. First, Brescia College mathematics majors failed to develop correct cognitive strategy selection during their normal course of study because the existing curriculum was not designed to teach cognitive strategies. The second conclusion was that an effective course of study for teaching cognitive and metacognitive strategies would benefit Brescia College mathematics majors by preparing them for upper level courses. The third conclusion was that an effective course of study must clearly present those strategies in a holistic way similar to the Harvard Case Study Method. Students who participated only in the traditional lecture-recitation method of problem solving did not develop the appropriate cognitive strategies. The fourth conclusion was that a course of study that would teach the necessary strategies could be implemented into the Brescia College mathematics curriculum students sophomore year. Recommendations derived from the study were that: (1) The proposed course of study shall be implemented into the curriculum during the spring of 1991. (2) Formative evaluations should be conducted during the course as well as during future Brescia College mathematics courses to determine if the students participating in the strategy course were more successful ln problem solving during. higher level classes. (3) A similar study should be undertaken to determine if the method of strategy instruction can be implemented into other Brescia College mathematics or science classes. The final product was the development of an instructional design and text to teach a three credit hour course in problem solving during the spring semester of 1991. The model text included a chapter on the process of developing mathematical strategies and the background material that the students needed to use those strategies.. Additional problems were added to help the students mesh those strategies into higher order skills. The instructional manual included a clear and detailed plan for presentation of each of the strategies and how the strategies are to be used in mere advanced classes and real life situations. Sample tests and other measures were included to be used ln the formative evaluation. It is with the authors great expectation that this instructional design will lead to new ways of presenting mathematics in the classroom at all levels of instruction. The improvement of strategy selection among mathematics students at Brescia College will result in a new and more able generation of future problem solvers
Strengthening Students’ Character in Akhlaq Subject Through Problem Based Learning Model
This study examines the development of Akhlaq learning based on character strengthening through Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo. Character learning is the value engraved within a person that determines his attitude and behavior; this character can usually be shaped by education, experience, habituation, and environmental influences. Akhlaq education is an education that prioritizes the aspect of manners that always involves aspects of knowledge, feelings, and actions. Through this moral education, it is hoped to achieve a better character and can help to foster the emotional intelligence of learners in Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo. The method used in this study is literary study located at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo. The results showed that Akhlaq learning through PBL approach can shape the students' thinking activities naturally and can solve the learning problem concerned with the learners’ morality. So that learners can learn about how to think critically and can be skilled in solving problems
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