9,792,724 research outputs found
UA42/1 WKU Winter Term Annual Report
Annual report of WKU Winter Term course enrollments, college data, course sections and marketing
1999 LTER Network Office Annual Progress Report
SUMMARIZING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE LTER NETWORK OFFICE DURING THE THIRD YEAR OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT DEB—9634135 - The third year of the Cooperative Agreement establishing the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Office (NET) at the University of New Mexico ended on March 14, 2000. All activities proposed for the third year of the Cooperative Agreement were completed on schedule. A summary of noteworthy accomplishments during the past year is given below followed by descriptions of specific progress made in the seven major areas of responsibility of the Network Office
2008 LNO Annual Report to the Executive Board
This report summarizes activities and accomplishments of the LTER Network Office (LNO) during the period March 1, 2007 until February 28, 2008. Along with the survey of sites administered by the Executive Board, this document will be used to facilitate the annual review of LNO performance
UA42/1 Summer Sessions Annual Report
Annual report of the Summer Session demographics, enrollment trends, faculty stipends, tuition rates and marketing
2007 LNO Annual Report to the Executive Board
This report summarizes activities and accomplishments of the LTER Network Office (LNO) during the period March 1, 2006 until February 28, 2007. Along with the survey of sites administered by the Executive Board, this document will be used to facilitate the annual review of LNO performance. - Presented to the LTER Excutive Boar
2005 LNO Annual Report to the Executive Committee
This report summarizes activities and accomplishments of the LTER Network Office (LNO) during the period March 1, 2004 until February 28, 2005. Along with the survey of sites administered by the Executive Board, this document will be used to facilitate the annual review of LNO performance. - Presented to the LTER Excutive Boar
UA42/1 WKU Winter Term
Annual report of the WKU Winter Term giving a summery of course enrollments, college data, course section information and marketing efforts
2001 LTER Network Office Annual Progress Report
SUMMARIZING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE LTER NETWORK OFFICE DURING THE FIFTH YEAR OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT DEB—9634135 - The LTER Network Office played key roles in four major activities during 2001-2002. The Network Office continued its leadership role in the effort to refresh the intellectual aims of LTER and to prioritize activities over the next 10 years. Staff from the Network Office took the lead in providing information requested by the panel conducting the 20 Year Review of the LTER program and contributed to the written network response to nine issues raised by the panel. The Network Office organized an informational meeting at NSF in February 2002 to provide current information on LTER accomplishments for NSF programs. NET provided support to produce research syntheses and publications for 17 working groups that were formed as a result of interactions at the 2000 All Scientists Meeting
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