4,502 research outputs found
Podstawy rozwoju motywacji osiągnięć człowieka
У статті розглянуто мотивацію досягнень людини та відповідні форми людської поведінки, Психологи розрізняють дві основних групи мотивів. Перша стосується досягнення справедливого рішення, пошуку істини, формування відповідної ситуаційної поведінки. Друга пов’язана з необхідністю зберегти почуття власної гідності, самоповаги, зумовленої думкою інших людей. Інші важливі мотиви стосуються когнітивної відповідності, співіснування із навколишнім середовищем. Людині властива мотивація досягнень, коли існує почуття зв'язку між власними діями та їх результатами. Мотивація досягнень передбачає здатність людини відповідати за своє майбутнє. Найбільш важливим компонентом мотивації досягнення є впевненість у собі. Людина, яка вірить у себе, в те, що їй вдасться подолати всі труднощі і досягти поставлених цілей, є здатною до звершень. До основних компонентів мотивації досягнень відносяться: конкретні цілі; усвідомлена потреба досягнень, устремління щодо пізнання реальних умов діяльності, пошуку ситуацій, що передбачають співпрацю з сучасними працедавцями відповідні знання, навички і компетенції. Основою мотивації досягнень сучасної людини є: самовдосконалення, здатність до ризику, готовність до сталого розвитку в контексті соціально-економічних змін, сприйняття професійної діяльності як ситуації досягнення успіху. На наш погляд, робота консультанта, який мотивує людину до досягнень, має передбачати застосування індивідуальних мотиваційних чинників, які забезпечували б гармонійне поєднання особистих успіхів та успіхів організації. Основні функції консультанта – це, насамперед, виховна, організаційна, інтегративна, саморозвиваюча і прогностична. Відповідне мотивування потребує знань щодо особливостей поведінки людини. Мотивація людини, з точки зору її успішності, в тому чи іншому виді діяльності має бути спрямована на досягнення конкретних цілей та результатів у соціальному та професійному середовищі.The article deals with the motivation of achievement and appropriate forms of human behavior. Psychologists distinguish two main groups of motives. The first concerns the achievement of a just solution, the search for truth, formation of appropriate situational behavior. The second is the need to maintain a sense of dignity, self-respect due to the opinion of other people. Other important motives relate to cognitive matching, coexistence with the environment, the need for achievement in a particular field of activity, in particular, specific discoveries, the desire to do something different, to reach a high level of financial status, to implement the planned career. It is stressed that in the case of essence of human nature motivation based on the sense of connection between human actions and their results, namely the internal sense of control, a person is successful. Achievement motivation involves a person's ability to take responsibility for the future, considering the fact that people with internal locus of control deal better with difficult situations while achieving success. The most important component of achievement motivation is self-confidence. The one, who believes in himself and knows him to be able to cope with life’s difficulties in achieving goals, is able to succeed. The main components of achievement motivation are: specific objectives, conscious need for achievements, and the desire to know the real conditions of activity, search for favorable circumstance of cooperation with the employers, appropriate knowledge, skills and competence. The basic principles of achievement motivation of a person nowadays are: self-improvement, the ability to take risks, readiness for sustainable development in the context of socio-economic changes, systemic perception of the activity situations as situations of achieving success. In our opinion, motivating the person to achievements the consultant’s work should include the use of individual motivational factors that would ensure a harmonious combination of personal success and success of the organization. The main functions of the consultant are educational, organizational, integrative; self-developmental and predictive.Motivation from the point of view of person’s achievements and success in different kinds of activity should be aimed at specific objectives and outcomes. Appropriate motivation requires knowledge on choice of techniques to influence the people’s behavior in today’s social and professional environment.Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie podstaw rozwóju motywacji osiągnięć człowieka. Pojęcie motywacji współczesnego człowieka w kontekście jego skuteczności w działalności zawodowej dotyczy najpierw konkretnych osiągnięć w prace. Akcentuje się uwaga na tym żę zmotywowany do pracy człowiek charakteryzuje się silną wewnętrzną motywacją wskazującą na wewnętrzne poczucie kontroli, a także głębokie przekonanie o swojej wartości i słuszności swoich działań. Główne składniki motywacji osiągnięć człowieka to są: określenie i realizacja konkretnych celów; potrzeba osiągnięć, poszukiwanie sytuacji opartych na współczesne realii, odpowiednią wiedzę, umiejętności i kompetencje. Praca doradcy motywującego człowieka do osiągnięć powinna opierać sie na indywidualne czynniki motywacyjne, zabezpieczające harmonię pomiędzy osobistymi sukcesami i sukcesami organizacji. Główne funkcję doradcy w rozwoju motywacji osiągnięć człowieka to są: wychowawcza, organizacyjna, integracyjna, samorozwojowa i prognostyczna
Determinanty zaangażowania i efektywności zawodowej
Psychological research on work engagement and effectiveness has been predominantly conducted in relation to people management styles, work environment characteristics, as well as psychological determinants of individual's work involvement. Due to the complexity of a model being a combination of all the above mentioned factors, the reality analyzed within organizational research is usually simplified. An effort to combine these three areas leads to conclusions which provide solid foundations for efficient motivational strategies. At the same time, the article outlines a strong necessity to research the topic of motivation management and employee involvement, which are due should be considered from holistic point of view
O przypominaniu sobie albo o granicach praw asocjacji
Basing itself on Edith Stein's research into philosophy of psychology and the humanities, this article focuses particularly on discussions of the theory of association. Stein's approach, rooted in Husserlian phenomenological perspective, seems to represent a significant contribution to the establish of an intellectual framework for the exploration of the philosophy of consciousness, and also seems helpful for inquiries into the issue pf practical know-how pertaining to remembering things, as well as the use of schemata in intellectual activity generally
Znaczenie słowa i zasada wewnętrznej motywacji cech semantycznych
The meaning of a word has a layered structure with the clearly distinguished center (prototype, lexical meaning) and – the further towards the peripheries – with semantic connotations more and more weak-established in the system. Giving-up ofthe purely structuralist understanding of connotations (verified by semantic and morphological derivatives, collocations, repeatable lexical oppositions, or various tests) has created a danger that semantically irrelevant components may be recognized as relevant qualities. The article proposes a rule for verification of weak connotations. Underlying the principle of internal motivation of qualities is the conviction that the meaning of a word is internally structured, while each quality, especially weak connotations, are motivated by the overall structure of meaning and are explained in the context of this structure
Manages and Mafiosi: Ethics of Motivation in the Autobiographies of Self-Made Men
The paper is an attempt to verify the assumptions of the motivation-hygiene theory by
Frederick Herzberg in the context of the values and practices of leading managers of
the U.S. economy. The two-factor theory is a part of every synthesis of management
science, although its assumptions raise serious controversies. The subject matter of the
analysis is the biographies of the most prominent managers, such as Henry Ford, Lee
Iacocca, Walter P. Chrysler and Jordan Belfort (known as the ‘Wolf of Wall Street’).
The basic aim of the analysis is to check their biographical story in the context of their
motivation issues. The selection of characters has been imposed by the feature of being
self-made men.
It seems that their descriptions of how to motivate employees may be interpreted
as a specific manifestation of values important to them in the perception of economic
life and the interpersonal relations in structures of corporations functioning in different
market circumstances. The choice of source materials from different historical moments
and different economic spheres shows a conversion of values and goals in the American
economy. One of the results of the analysis is the observation that Herzberg’s theory
does not reflect the multiplicity of factors that may have a significant impact on the motivation
of employees to perform their duties as well as possible. One of the aims of the
discussion is to indicate the unusual source material, considered by many researchers as
anecdotal, as potentially attractive for analyses in the field of the management sciences
Towards an interpretation of the Portuguese cultural tourist: motivations and constraints
The importance of cultural tourism for the development of tourist destinations has created a need for knowledge on both supply and demand sides, related to the motivations and constraints which can affect the decisions of the cultural tourist. The aim of this study is to develop and validate for the Portuguese tourists two scales to measure motivations to travel and its constraints, considering theories of needs and constraints, and to examine differences according to tourists’ socio-demographic characteristics. The scales were determined using a non-linear principal component analysis followed by bootstrap confirmatory factor analysis, and differences were examined using parametric tests. A six-dimensional model for motivations and a five-dimensional model for constraints were validated, both with good overall fit. Motives linked to culture, intellectual curiosity and cultural knowledge stand out with high levels of relevance. Lack of resources and other commitments are the most important constraints. Significant differences were found in almost all characteristics. The results reveal influential dimensions on travel decisions which are of utmost importance for the design of the cultural offer of destinations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Osobowościowe, poznawcze i aksjologiczne wyznaczniki twórczości w nauce
The author discusses the psychological determinants of scientific creativity within the framework of his own model of "Creative Behaviour Styles" which includes such dimensions as efficacy of the personality system, efficacy of the cognitive system and axiological autonomy. He outlines the theoretical structure of the model and the results of its empirical validation in the field of science and practice (creative enterprise). He also presents the results of a study of psychological temporality and its relations to subjective probability of successful realisation of life goals.W artykule przedstawiono psychologiczne wyznaczniki twórczości w nauce, ujęte w zbudowanym przez autora modelu „Stylu Twórczego Zachowania” , uwzględniającym wymiary: sprawności systemu osobowościowego, sprawności systemu poznawczego oraz autonomiczności aksjologicznej. Pokazano strukturę teoretyczną modelu oraz wyniki jego walidacji empirycznej w obszarze nauki i działalności praktycznej na przykładzie tzw. twórczej przedsiębiorczości. Zaprezentowano również wyniki badań nad czasem psychologicznym i jego związki z prawdopodobieństwem subiektywnym osiągania celów życiowych
Iść w trupa – o jednym ze źródeł współczesnej polskiej frazeologii
This article deals with modern Polish phraseology and one of the sources of its enrichment. The author discusses the motivation behind the idiom iść w trupa – in sports jargon ‘to fight hard, regardless of risk to the body’, literally ‘to go into the corpse’ (according to the degrees of motivation described by Andrzej Maria Lewicki). While the phrase comes from the language of sport, it has acquired a new meaning in colloquial language. In the article, the idiom’s semantic features in the sociolect and the colloquial Polish are discussed. The second part of the paper presents a few general remarks on sporting phraseology
The ephemeral landscape of sunrise as a tourists’ motivating factor for night-time ascents of Babia Góra
The aim of the study was to verify changeability of the sunrise ephemeral landscape observed from the peak of Babia Góra and to confirm that it acted as a tourist attraction. Every sunrise during summer holidays weekends was observed from Babia Góra peak and described. The data about the weather conditions and number of tourists were collected. Survey interviews with randomly selected tourists who had seen sunrise (269) were conducted in order to obtain information about their motivations for night-time ascents of Babia Góra. The changeability of the ephemeral landscape of sunrise was proved. Most of the tourists who have visited Babia Góra at dawn (84%) agreed that the will to observe the sunrise was one of motivating factors for them, however they pointed out many others, as well
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