320,981 research outputs found
Tensile strength testing device Patent
Tensile strength testing device having pulley guides for exerting multiple forces on test specime
Compressive and Tensile Strength of Expanded Polystyrene Beads Concrete
Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mempelajari property dari beton ringan yang mengandung expanded polystyrene beads, yaitu kuat tekan (compressive strength) dan kuat tarik (tensile strength). Property tersebut kemudian dibandingkan dengan beton normal (beton tanpa expanded polystyrene beads) sebagai campuran pengontrol. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah polystyrene beads yang dimasukkan sebagai campuran beton mempengaruhi property beton; yaitu dapat menurunkan kuat tekan beton. Tetapi, pada campuran beton dengan 15 % polystyrene beads (Mix II) pada 28 hari kuat tekannya dapat bertahan hingga 86 % dan kuat tariknya 87 % jika dibandingkan dengan beton norma
Controlled intermittent interfacial bond concept for composite materials
Concept will enhance fracture resistance of high-strength filamentary composite without degrading its tensile strength or elastic modulus. Concept provides more economical composite systems, tailored for specific applications, and composite materials with mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, fracture strain, and fracture toughness, that can be optimized
Changes in the mechanical properties of dermal sheep collagen during in vitro degradation
The changes in tensile strength, elongation at break, and high strain modulus of dermal sheep collagen (DSC) during in vitro degradation using bacterial collagenase were studied. The changes in mechanical properties were compared with the change in weight of the samples as a function of degradation time. DSC was crosslinked with either glutaraldehyde (GA) or hexamethylene diisocyanate (HMDIC). During degradation, the changes in mechanical properties of the N-DSC, H-DSC or G-DSC samples were more pronounced than the changes in the weight of the samples. Of the mechanical properties studied, the tensile strength was most susceptible to degradation of the DSC samples. After 2.5 h, N-DSC samples had lost only 55% of their initial weight, but the samples had no tensile strength left. Similar results were obtained for H-DSC, which retained no tensile strength after 24 h degradation, whereas only 45% of the initial weight was lost. G-DSC lost 3.5% of its weight after 24 h degradation, but only 25% of the initial tensile strength remained
Study of Uniaxial Tensile Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanoribbons
Uniaxial tensile properties of hexagonal boron nitride nanoribbons and
dependence of these properties on temperature, strain rate, and the inclusion
of vacancy defects have been explored with molecular dynamics simulations using
Tersoff potential. The ultimate tensile strength of pristine hexagonal boron
nitride nanoribbon of 26 nm x 5 nm with armchair chirality is found to be 100.5
GPa. The ultimate tensile strength and strain have been found decreasing with
increasing the temperature while an opposite trend has been observed for
increasing the strain rate. Furthermore, the vacancy defects reduce ultimate
tensile strength and strain where the effect of bi-vacancy is clearly
dominating over point vacancy
Analysis of the tensile fracture properties of ultra-high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete with different types of steel fibers by X-ray tomography
This study is concerned with the analysis of the tensile properties of an ultra-high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete manufactured with short and long steel fibers. The analysis involve using different techniques - from mechanical tests to X-ray computed tomography - to relate the observed variation of the mechanical properties of the mixes with their porosity. A comprehensive study of the porosity distribution was conducted on the basis of the analysis of X-ray computed tomography images and porosimetry. The study shows the influence of the type of fiber used in the reinforcement on the pore size and distribution of the concrete matrix and consequently on its tensile properties. The tensile properties are obtained with an inverse analysis method available in the literature that yielded the first-cracking tensile strength (f t ) and the ultimate tensile strength (f tu ) and related with the inner structure of the concrete matrix. Our results prove that the tensile properties, especially the first-cracking strength, vary depending on the fibers used. These findings help mix designers make a decision about the type of fibers that should be used when a high first-cracking tensile strength is needed and make it possible to quantify the effect of the fiber.Ministerio de EconomĂa y competitividad BIA2016-75431-RMinisterio de EconomĂa y Competitividad DPI2015-66534-RAcademia de Ciencias de la RepĂşblica Checa 16-18702
The Effect of Variation of Aluminum Thickness Series 7075 in Heat Treatment Solution on Tensile Strength and Microstructure
This research was conducted to examine the comparison of tensile strength and microstructure between two different aluminum heat treatments. This study aims to compare the microstructure and tensile strength of aluminum 7075 specimens after undergoing solution heat treatment at a temperature of 495°C with soaking time for 30 minutes and experiencing quenching cooling and those without solution heat treatment. The data collection process was carried out by conducting tensile testing and microstructural testing with two specimens each. The test results will be analyzed using tensile strength data and visual microstructure analysis. From the results of the analysis of tensile and microstructural test data, it can be concluded that only the 7075 aluminum specimen with a thickness of 1.4 mm shows the greatest decrease in tensile strength and spread of Mg-Zn and Fe-Al particles, when compared to specimen 7075 with a thickness of 0.6 mm which on the other hand, undergo the separation of Mg-Zn and Fe-Al particles. Meanwhile, the Al 7075 specimen with a thickness of 2.5 mm, the changes that occur only in the diffusion of Mg-Zn particles, which have a slight spread, appear a little faint
Influence of key polymer attributes, manufacturing conditions and sintering on abuse deterrence of physical barrier type abuse deterrent formulations (ADF)
When sintering us used to treat tablet formulations containing polyethylene oxide (PEO), the polymer particles are able to form stronger bonds thereby increase tablet tensile strength. This increase in strength can make it more difficult for an abuser to break, chew, or grind opioid tablets. A mechanistic study was implemented to understand the key sintering factors that influence tensile strength
Kadar Protein, Tensile Strength, Dan Sifat Organoleptik Mie Basah Dengan Substitusi Tepung Mocaf
The main ingredient to make a noodle is wheat flour, it affects the wheat flour import number in Indonesia, making it significantly increased. To overcome that issue, the wheat flour has to be substitued by local flour, the mocaf flour. The general objective of this research is to determine protein content, tensile strength, and the organoleptic characteristics of noodles with mocaf substitution. The research method is experiments type using completely randomized design (CRD) monofaktorial with mocaf substitution variation factor of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%. The protein content, tensile strength, and organoleptic characteristic of products were analyzed. The statistical analysis result showed the mocaf substitution quantity had effect on protein content, tensile strength value and organoleptic characteristic in each treatment. The best result of this research is noodle with 20% mocaf substitution,3,766% protein content, 0,4875 N/mm2 tensile strength number, and 2,72 average value of organoleptic characteristic. The conclusion results of the research conducted on the mocaf substitution noodle showed the are real difference for each test performed, the correlation test showed the result of the protein content is directly proportionate to the tensile strength number
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