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    “Kontribusi Agregat terhadap Propertis Beton”

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    BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang Beton merupakan bahan bangunan yang sangat populer digunakan dalam dunia jasa konstruksi. Banyak penelitian tentang beton yang sudah dilakukan dan akan terus berlanjut sebagai upaya untuk menjawab tuntutan perkembangan zaman dan kondisi lingkungan. Diketahui bahwa kekuatan beton banyak dipengaruhi oleh bahan pembentuknya (air, semen dan agregat) sehingga kontrol kualitas dari bahan-bahan tersebut harus diperhatikan dengan seksama agar diperoleh beton sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Slag merupakan hasil residu pembakaran tanur tinggi, yang dihasilkan oleh industri peleburan baja yang secara fisik menyerupai agregat kasar. Slag baja yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil limbah olahan besi-besi bekas produksi dari PT. Inti General Yaja Steel (I.G.Y.S) Semarang. Slag baja yang dihasilkan dapat mencapai 10-15 ton per harinya sehingga merupakan ancaman bagi kelestarian lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan usaha pendayagunaan slag tersebut. Hasil penelitian pemanfaatan potensi slag yang pernah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kuat tekan beton slag meningkat seiring dengan penambahan prosentase limbah padat (slag) dalam beton. Rasio optimum untuk pergantian agregat kasar dengan slag adalah 100% (A.L.Han-S.Tudjono, 2007). Pada penelitian lanjutan lainnya yang mengkaji tentang sifat-sifat mekanis dan karakteristik beton yang menggunakan agregat kasar berupa slag baja tersebut dengan menggunakan bahan tambah mineral (additive) berupa silicafume membuktikan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perilaku tegangan-regangan dan poisson’s ratio pada beton split dan beton slag (Sukodarminto-Galuh.K, 2009). Pada penelitian lanjutan ini akan mengkaji perilaku beton hasil ayakan pada proporsi tertentu yang menggunakan agregat kasar berupa slag dan penggunaan bahan tambah mineral berupa uap silika (silicafume) untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku tegangan-regangan pada beton split dan beton slag serta tinjauan karakteristiknya terhadap pengaruh akibat kuat tekan beton. silicafume sendiri merupakan material pengisi (filler) yang berasal dari pembakaran dalam incinerator baja yang mengandung kadar silika yang tinggi dan mempunyai ukuran butiran yang sangat halus yaitu kurang dari 0,1-0,2 µm. Penambahan silicafume dalam campuran beton pada tingkat persentase yang tepat dapat meningkatkan kekuatan tekan, tarik dan lentur beton (Antoni-P.Nugraha, 2007). 1.2. Perumusan Masalah Berkaitan dengan latar belakang permasalahan yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, akan diteliti pemanfaatan slag limbah baja sebagai pengganti agregat kasar pada bahan dasar pembentuk beton. Maka perumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah : 1.Perilaku tegangan-regangan pada beton split dan beton slag. 2.Pengaruh silicafume terhadap perilaku tegangan-regangan pada beton split dan beton slag. 3.Pengaruh jenis agregat terhadap beton, dikaji dari hasil kuat tekan beton dan modulus elastisitas beton. 1.3. Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian 1.3.1. Tujuan Penelitian Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kontribusi agregat dan pengaruh subtitusi split dengan slag terhadap propertis beton 1.3.2. Manfaat Penelitian Manfaat dilakukannya penelitian ini, antara lain : 1.Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberikan kejelasan mengenai pengaruh agregat terhadap propertis beton. 2.Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi ilmiah, yaitu mengetahui perilaku tegangan-regangan pada beton split dan beton slag dengan atau tanpa menggunakan silicafume. 3.Dengan mengetahui sifat-sifat mekanis dan karakteristik beton slag berupa perilaku tegangan-regangan yang mungkin dapat membantu para ahli struktur beton dalam bidang riset dan analisa struktur. 4.Dengan mengetahui sifat-sifat mekanis dan karakteristik beton slag maka dapat dijadikan referensi pemanfaatan beton slag didalam pengunaan konstruksi sipil, misalnya digunakan sebagai : stabilisasi tanah dasar, lapisan pondasi bawah, dan perkerasan jalan raya. 5.Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menambah lagi sedikit wawasan mengenai pemanfaatan agregat slag sebagai bahan pembentuk beton. 1.4. Batasan Penelitian 1.Penelitian dilakukan dengan pergantian atau substitusi agregat kasar dengan slag limbah baja dengan rasio 100% menggunakan perbandingan volume dan bergradasi ideal menurut standar ASTM C33-02a. 2.Material yang digunakan yaitu : a.Slag : PT. Inti General Yaja Steel Semarang. b.Agregat kasar : Batu pecah Pudak Payung ukuran ½. c.Agregat halus : Pasir dari Muntilan. d.Semen : Tiga Roda jenis OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement). e.Air : Air sumur (sesuai standar PBBI 1971). f.Silicafume : Merk SIKA. g.Agregat pengisi : Split hasil core drill dari batu gunung Pudak Payung Slag hasil core drill dari bongkahan slag, dengan dimensi (d = 2 cm, t = 3 cm) dan permukaan halus. Gambar 1.1 Split dan Slag 3.Penggunaan silicafume adalah 5% dari berat semen. 4.Jumlah agregat pengisi tiap beton hanya 1. 5.Mix design menggunakan metode DOE (Department of Environment). Mutu beton rencana adalah f’ck 45 MPa dengan dimensi benda uji kubus (p = 5 cm, l =5 cm, t = 3 cm). 6. Jumlah sampel benda uji ada 18 buah dengan 6 tipe, yaitu : Tipe I adalah beton split dengan jumlah 3 buah. Tipe II adalah beton split + silicafume dengan jumlah 3 buah. Tipe III adalah beton slag dengan jumlah 3 buah. Tipe IV adalah beton slag + silicafume dengan jumlah 3 buah. Tipe V adalah mortar dengan jumlah 3 buah. Tipe VI adalah mortar + silicafume dengan jumlah 3 buah. Mortar AgregatPengisi Mortar 5 cm 3 cm AgregatPengisi Gambar 1.2 Lay out benda uji 7.Parameter yang digunakan untuk pengujian beton adalah perilaku tegangan-regangan pada beton split dan beton slag dengan atau tanpa menggunakan silicafume. 8.Penelitian dilakukan pada skala laboratorium dan bertempat di Laboratorium Bahan dan Konstruksi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. 9.Pengujian sampel benda uji bertempat di Laboratorium Mekanika Struktur Pusat Antar Universitas, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 1.5. Sistematika Penulisan Sistematika penulisan laporan Tugas Akhir “Kontribusi Agregat terhadap Propertis Beton” Disusun sebagai berikut : BAB I PENDAHULUAN Berisi latar belakang masalah, perumusan masalah, tujuan dan manfaat penelitian, batasan penelitian dan sistematika penulisan. BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA Membahas landasan teori, dasar-dasar dari pelaksanaan penelitian dan penelitian terdahulu. BAB III METODOLOGI PENELITIAN Berisi tentang alur penelitian dan metode pengujian. BAB IV HASIL DAN ANALISA PENGUJIAN Membahas tentang hasil dan analisa pengujian beton. BAB V KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN Memuat kesimpulan dan saran-saran terhadap hasil penelitian


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    Rekayasa Jurnal Teknik Sipil Volume 8, No 2 Desember 202

    Tindakan Penanggulangan Bencana Secara Berkelanjutan

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    Philosophically, sources potencial disaster accur from the natural activities of hydrological cyclus and vulcanical / tectonical (such as flood, earthquake, landslide, tsunami, vulcano eruption and so on) and human activities. Interaction in between natural and human will cause the magnitude of the disaster in various effects. How will the human and stake holder respond and prepare for the impacts of the disaster depend on the humans themself. Emergency operation and disaster relief action would be largerly concerned with the planning phase of disaster preparedness and should be done by all the stake holder and also necessary to be back up by legislative at national, regional and local levels to enable such planning to proceed, the warning communication, preparation for disaster fighting and for evacuation of people from danger areas. This writes is concerned with emergency phase when preparedness plans are brought into action. There are two main particular components, which are: 1. Emergency Operation involving the whole organization for disaster preparedness with all stake holder concerns and 2. Disaster Relief covering the action to be taken in order to bring relief to stricken areas. It is convinient to consider these two components separately although they are in fact highly independent. Both components will be described in their own settings represent the fullfilment of planning in the aim of sustainable achivement..Key Word : emergency operation and disaster relief, stake holder respond and preparedness


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    Penerapan Manajemen Mutu Dari Sumber Daya Manusia (People) Untuk Mengurangi Risiko Pekerjaan Ulang (Rework)

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    Rework can not be separated from the world of construction. It is rare, if not impossible, to meet not rework the implementation of a construction project. Rework can have a negative impact on performance and productivity, both consultants and contractors. In addition, as described several sources, rework is one of the major contributors to cost overruns and project delays. The impact of the direct costs arising out significantly. In addition to direct costs, rework is also an indirect impact. Administrative costs (such as overhead and paperwork) and declining productivity, motivation and morale of workers and personnel are few examples of these indirect effects. In Indonesia alone, rework has been indicated as the second leading cause of loss of productivity, especially for workers, and is a frequent problem arising in the design and construction work and project delays. Taking into account that the adverse effects of a given large enough, then efforts to reduce rework in the construction phase is indispensable. However, achieving this goal will not work properly if the business is sporadic, without first studying its causes.Keywords : rework, document design, construction, quality management, human resources

    Rumah Kost Di Semarang Dalam Kajian Ekonomi

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    Boarding house in urban development, especially adjacent to the campus is the potential, proven over the years similar businesses increasingly widespread, in the management of a person's generally done as a byproduct of domestic life that at first only as a sideline activity or as a social activity, but as with the progress of time and economic demands, then the business has become a boarding house and a promising business venture, in which the manager has dared to invest, to build him a place which is used as a boarding house business, and by taking a business loan in the bank as additional capital, because in fact the reality is a business that has long-term viability, the results of the economic analysis with the assumption of 20 years is a decent effort and has resulted in the value of profit with (NPV) = Rp.25.109.271, with a value of (BCR) = 1.05 with (IRR) = 15.822 %, payback (break even point) is reached at the age of 15.121 years running businesses. With 16 years already achieved payback, based on the assumption that the land is already available, while building and operating costs obtained with a bank loan. with the results of the economic analysis of the above-mentioned operations perspective boarding house enough to use as a sideline in which management is simple and easy.Keywords: Boarding House, investments, sideline, campus

    Analisis Mix Design Batako Dengan Penambahan Limbah Kayu Pada Kuat Tekan Standar

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    Waste sawn wood workshop practice POLINES is the waste generated from the waste due to the activity of the sawmill, this garbage is quite a lot and often cause problems in management, regular cope with burnt which eventually lead to air pollution, and pollution due to ash that can be carried by angin.Penelitian this aims to assess the sawn wood waste used as aggregate in the manufacture of cement bricks, useful things of this study is to provide a solution to the waste problem sawn wood, brick and creating products that are cheap so it can reduce the cost of construction perumahan.Hasil research suggests that sawn wood can be used as materials for cement bricks, cement bricks in terms of the severity of the aggregate of sawn timber belonging cukuo brick weighs about 1100 grams lighter which is equal to the brick or ceramic circulating in Semarang (Supardjo Research, 2002).Keywords: Waste wood workshop practice POLINES, Batako

    Mengenal Perilaku Pengendara Kendaraan Dalam Upaya Mencegah Terjadinya Kecelakaan Di Jalan Raya

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    Traffic accidents on the road is an event that is unexpected and unintended , involving a vehicle with or without other road users , resulting in loss of life or loss of property (PP 43/93 Section 93). Traffic accidents can be: 1) the victim died (fatal), 2) severe injuries (serious injury), and 3) minor injuries (slight injury). The occurrence of road traffic accidents in urban areas can be identified there are several main factors are: human (driver, pedestrian), vehicle, road and environment. Conditions for each category of causes of traffic accidents on the road is different. Knowledge of the characteristics of the three factors causing the accident is required in an attempt to decrease the rate of occurrence of accidents on the highway. Pamungkas, NS, in his writings mentions that most of the accidents on the highway Surabaya-Gempol caused by human factors (63.09 %). The vehicle factors accounted for 28.33 %, while road and environmental factors accounted for 8.58 %. Knowledge of the behavior of motorists who need to be understood to include the characteristics of the drive, sensing, and perception and reaction. Keywords : accident, characteristics, sensing, perception and reactio

    Analisa Bi-Variat Pengaruh Panjang Ruas Jalan Dan Volume Kendaraan (Lhr) Terhadap Tingkat Kecelakaan Di Jalan Tol Surabaya – Gempol Dan Jalan Tol Surabaya – Gresik

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    Safety aspects to be important in the development of the transportation system. Different events occur on the road pushing the chances of conflict against the friction (friction). Addition of a vehicle rapidly and do not offset the availability of road infrastructure system for road transport has yet to provide an adequate service. The accident became one of the result of conditions that cannot be controlled. This research aims to know the influence of the length of the roads and the volume of the vehicle against the level of accident in Surabaya-Gresik toll road and the Surabaya-Gempol toll road. Used analysis of bi-variat (analysis of the relationship of two variables) with the help of the microsoft excel program to know the pattern of influence traffic volume and a long road towards the level of accidents on the freeway. The results of the analysis using excel shows that in general the pattern of the relationship between the level of accidents with the length and volume of road vehicle has a pattern like the letter U, but to the relationship between the level of accidents and the volume of vehicles in Surabaya-Gresik toll road that shows the pattern like the letter U upside down. Linear regression analysis of the results shows that a linear regression model is inappropriate to predict the relationship between level of accident-free varibel with volume of vehicles and long road in the Surabaya-Gempol toll road and toll roads in Surabaya-Gresik.Keywords: long road, highway, multiple linear regression, traffic volume, the rate of accident
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