76,081 research outputs found
Tehnologija kao društveni problem
Tematski blok: Društvene implikacije visoke tehnologij
Distance education possibilities analysis for integrated innovative projects
The materials presented the possibilities development of solar and wind power plants, project development for all those who are engaged in the power studies and baseness. In this, phase of work in NTU "KPI" – studies the possibility of increasing the economic efficiency of alternative energy sources. A review of the literature and the necessary articles written on the subject: аs technologies and economies develop and become more complex, energy needs increase greatly; types and methods of alternative energy, as well as the possibility of calculating the basic set of main economic indicators are classified; identified possible areas of work in obtaining the necessary infor-mation and results. Energy is a fundamental input for economic systems. Current economic activity depends overwhelmingly on fossil fuels including oil, coal, and natural gas. These fuels are non-renewable. Renewable sources such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar power currently provide less than 10% of global energy. In just a few decide solar and wind power has developed from alternative energy sources to a new fast growing industrial branch. The history of industrial civilization is a history of energy transitions. In less developed, agrarian economies, people's basic need for food calories is provided through simple forms of agriculture, which is essentially a method of capturing solar energy for human use. As economies develop and become more complex, energy needs increase greatly
Inovativni razvoj tehnologija regeneriranja pijeska
Proper sand management and efficient sand reclamation system are two main factors influencing economical and ecological side of modern foundry plant. It is well known fact that the production of 1 metric ton of casting from ferrous alloys generates circa 1 metric ton of waste [1], which due to containing certain amounts of harmful and dangerous compounds should undergo a reclamation – at least of the main component, which means a silica sand grains. The paper present problems of scientific and development research concerning the innovative reclamation technologies of used foundry sands such as: mechanical-cryogenic reclamation and innovative thermal reclamation.Odgovarajuće rukovanje i efikasno ponovno iskoriš tavanje pijeska dva su glavna faktora koji utječu na ekonomsku i ekološku stranu moderne ljevaonice. Poznata je činjenica da proizvodnju 1 t odljevaka na bazi željeza generira cca 1 t otpadnog pijeska [1], koji sadrži određenu količinu štetnih i opasnih spojeva te ga je potrebno ponovno iskoristiti s obzirom na glavnu komponentu, tj. silikatna pješčana zrna. Rad predstavlje znanstveno i razvojno istraživanje inovatnih regeneracijskih tehnologija korištenja ljevaoničkog pijeska kao što su: mehaničko-kriogena i inovativna toplinska regeneracija
Inovativni razvoj tehnologija regeneriranja pijeska
Proper sand management and efficient sand reclamation system are two main factors influencing economical and ecological side of modern foundry plant. It is well known fact that the production of 1 metric ton of casting from ferrous alloys generates circa 1 metric ton of waste [1], which due to containing certain amounts of harmful and dangerous compounds should undergo a reclamation – at least of the main component, which means a silica sand grains. The paper present problems of scientific and development research concerning the innovative reclamation technologies of used foundry sands such as: mechanical-cryogenic reclamation and innovative thermal reclamation.Odgovarajuće rukovanje i efikasno ponovno iskoriš tavanje pijeska dva su glavna faktora koji utječu na ekonomsku i ekološku stranu moderne ljevaonice. Poznata je činjenica da proizvodnju 1 t odljevaka na bazi željeza generira cca 1 t otpadnog pijeska [1], koji sadrži određenu količinu štetnih i opasnih spojeva te ga je potrebno ponovno iskoristiti s obzirom na glavnu komponentu, tj. silikatna pješčana zrna. Rad predstavlje znanstveno i razvojno istraživanje inovatnih regeneracijskih tehnologija korištenja ljevaoničkog pijeska kao što su: mehaničko-kriogena i inovativna toplinska regeneracija
Antropologija, tehnologija in neoliberalno tržišče
Avtor podaja podobo sveta, v katerem je kvaliteta življenja urbanega človeka pod vedno večjim pritiskom tehnologije, tržnega gospodarstva in neoliberane filozofije. Tudi tisti, ki urejajo in vodijo financiranje humanističnih in družboslovnih ved, raje sledijo ekonomskim in političnim zahtevam, namesto da bi dali prednost intelektualnim in vsebinskim razsežnostim. Ob tem mnogi socialni in kulturni antropologi spreminjajo svojo podobo, da bi zadovoljili hegemonistične imperialne sile in se pridružili tistim težnjam, ki jih vodi neoliberalno tržišče. V svojem delovanju ne uvidijo, da niso zgolj orodje v rokah novega imperializma, ki leži za konceptom globalizacije, pač pa ga dejavno soustvarjajo. Usmerjeni predvsem v sedanjost zanikajo pomen časa v medčloveških odnosih, odklanjajo klasične antropološke pristope in prilagajajo svoj akademski diskurz političnemu, tržnemu in modnemu videnju sveta.
In the current world the quality of human life in urban environment came under rising pressure of technology, market economy, and neo-liberal philosophy. Those, who are involved in financial organization and leadership of humanities and social sciences, often simply follow economic and market oriented political demands rather than pursue intellectual ones. Many social and cultural anthropologists are modifying their vocation in order to satisfy the hegemonic imperial powers and join the trends, which are guided by the neo-liberal market. In their endeavour they do not realize that they are not just tools in the hands of new imperialism lying behind the concept of globalisation but are rather its co-creators. Focusing mainly on the present, they deny the importance of time in interpersonal relationships, reject classical anthropological approaches and adjust their academic discourse to political, market oriented and fashionable view of the world
Intellectual property as complex innovation projects component
The materials presented the possibilities development of intellectual property complex innovation projects modern highly effective science-based problems of improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise that can provide all its energy needs alone. Some features of the possibilities of solving evidence-based problems of development of mechanisms for identifying syner-gistic processes, their scientific justification improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise. The problem of wastes utilization and recycling is present as complex synergetic processes research and analysis of energy- and resource saving process-es for treatment of polymer wastes of various origin. The research focused on the study of issues such as the development of models of waste-modifying polymer. The investigation are focused in researching such problems as selection of scientific based methods of wastes to be utilized or recycled; the development of appropriated process flow sheets and choice of modifications additives and equipment for polymers waste recycling. The choice of appropriate plants with selected energy resources is very important for projects realization
Intellectual property as complex innovation projects component
The materials presented the possibilities development of intellectual property complex innovation projects modern highly effective science-based problems of improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise that can provide all its energy needs alone. Some features of the possibilities of solving evidence-based problems of development of mechanisms for identifying syner-gistic processes, their scientific justification improving the use of wastes of different industries on a complex enterprise. The problem of wastes utilization and recycling is present as complex synergetic processes research and analysis of energy- and resource saving process-es for treatment of polymer wastes of various origin. The research focused on the study of issues such as the development of models of waste-modifying polymer. The investigation are focused in researching such problems as selection of scientific based methods of wastes to be utilized or recycled; the development of appropriated process flow sheets and choice of modifications additives and equipment for polymers waste recycling. The choice of appropriate plants with selected energy resources is very important for projects realization
Development Of The Extraction Method Of Inactive Forms Of Pectin Substances From Fruits To Easy-digestible Active Form During The Obtaining Of Nanofood
The aim of the work is development of a unique method for deep processing of fruits and vegetables with a high content of sparingly soluble pectin substances, which makes it possible to remove pectic substances from inactive form and transform them into an easily digestible active form when obtaining natural semi-finished products and food products in nanosized form. To achieve the aim, a complex effect on the raw material of steam-thermal treatment or cryogenic shock freezing and fine-dispersed grinding is used as an innovation.A new method for obtaining finely dispersed additives and health products from fruits and vegetables with a high content of biologically active substances (BAS) and prebiotic substances is developed, which is based on a complex effect on raw materials of processes of steam-thermal or cryogenic treatment of raw materials and fine-dispersed grinding, which is accompanied by destruction, mechanochemistry, non-enzymatic catalysis. It is found that when these processes are activated, pectic substances are activated, more complete extraction from raw materials (4.5 ... 7.3 times) from a latent form and transformation into a soluble form. The mechanism of these processes is disclosed, recommendations for the creation of recreational nanoproducts are developed. It is shown that, in parallel, non-enzymatic catalysis (up to 70%) of hardly soluble pectic substances in individual monomers takes place, that is, transformation into a soluble, easily digestible form.The increase and seizures of latent forms of biologically active substances in finely dispersed frozen and heat-treated purees from fruit compared with fresh raw materials is established. The increase is respectively 1.5 ... 4.0 times and 1.5 ... 3.0 times. The quality of the obtained new types of fine mashed potatoes exceeds the known analogs for BAS content and technological characteristics. New types of purees are in a nanoscale, easily digestible form.With the use of new types of finely dispersed additives, a wide range of products for health-improving nutrition has been developed with a record content of natural BASs (new types of nano-lipids, nanosorb products, milk-vegetable cocktails, fillings for confectionery and extruded products, curd desserts, bakery products, snacks - falafel, creams, etc.)
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