270,036 research outputs found
A learning model is a design created to be used by teachers when teaching and learning activities take place. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the literature on the results of the analysis of the implementation of the science learning model on students\u27 creative thinking skills. A total of 30 articles published from 2014-2024 underwent a literature review with 5 stages of literature review, namely selecting the research focus, searching for articles via Google Scholar, selecting articles, carrying out analysis, and organizing written work. The results of the literature study and analysis show 1) Models that can be applied in science learning and as an effort to develop students\u27 creative thinking skills, namely RADEC, cooperative, PBL, DL, BARITO, PjBL, PjBL-STEM, PjBL-Problem solving, inquiry, prediction -observe-explain, CTL (Contexual Teaching and Learning), QL (Quantum Learning), OPPEMEI, creativity learning, mind mapping, creativity problem solving, creativity problem solving combined with mind mapping, science learning model integrated with ethnoscience, STEM-based science learning model, and generative. 2) The learning model applied in science learning has an impact on developing students\u27 creative thinking skills. Through this research, we hope that it can become a reference for implementing learning models in science subjects
Design thinking mindset to enhance education 4.0 competitiveness in Malaysia
Education 4.0 will be the next aspect of the curriculum since programming has been taught from the primary school level. Training 4.0 requires teachers to equip students with not only the knowledge and information but also encourage students to be able to process information, develop creative thinking, and acquire problem-solving skills. However, the competency of teachers to encourage creative thinking and problem-solving skills is still questionable. The purpose of this concept paper is to provide an understanding of the conceptual framework for enhancing the teachers’ competency to enhance creativity and innovation in fulfilling the desire of education 4.0. design thinking is an innovative method that places people right at the center of problem solving. It discusses the variables that may affect the quality of teachers in education 4.0 and presents a literature review of approaches that can contribute to the creation of effective teaching methods to develop successful students and satisfy the demands of the workforce for industrial revolution 4.0. It is found that teachers need to be competent to build students' skills in meeting a competitive and innovative workforce in the wake of the industrial revolution 4.0. There are seven dimensions in the design thinking mindset that teachers need to understand to meet the 4.0 education requirements
A drámapedagógia kapcsolata más tudományterületekkel
In this paper, I study the connection of drama pedagogy to other fields of science especially to foreign language teaching. It appears from the literature that drama pedagogy plays a key role in communicative language teaching, as dramatic activities prevail in action-oriented language teaching approach exceedingly well. From a developmental psychological point of view drama games add to personal development and help with disappearing of social and emotional inhibitions. As a result, development can be experienced in creative thinking, self-expression, self-awareness, empathy, problem solving, stress management and communication. This helps with developing of communicative competence because using drama techniques creates such a meaningful context, in which students have to answer not only linguistically correct, but also they have to understand different emotions, types of behavior and intentions to have successful interactions. Consequently, drama pedagogy contributes significantly to realising the aims of communicative language teaching
Peran Musik Tradisi pada Pengembangan Kemampuan Berpikir Kognitif Siswa Sekolah Dasar
This study aims to analyze the role of traditional music in developing the cognitive thinking abilities of elementary school students. It employs a qualitative method through literature review. The findings indicate that traditional music offers numerous benefits for enhancing the cognitive thinking abilities of elementary school students, including improving memory and concentration, fostering creative and logical thinking skills, enhancing problem-solving abilities, improving communication skills, and enhancing critical thinking skills. The study also suggests several ways to integrate traditional music into elementary school education, such as incorporating it into Language and Culture lessons, teaching Traditional Music Arts, offering music extracurricular activities, implementing creative projects, and collaborating with the local community. In conclusion, traditional music can play a significant role in the development of cognitive thinking abilities among elementary school students. Integrating traditional music into education can contribute to the holistic development of students
Diversification of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Integrated Learning Models as an Innovation in Vocational Learning in the Merdeka Belajar Era
This research presents a study on the implementation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in the context of vocational education in the era of independent learning, emphasizing self-directed learning. Through qualitative descriptive methods and literature review analysis, this study highlights the transformation of conventional teaching paradigms into more dynamic, creative approaches focused on developing students' problem-solving skills. The research findings confirm the improvement of students' competencies, including planning, design, reflection, construction, and modification aspects of STEM projects. Another significant discovery is that integrating STEM with other teaching models such as Project-Based Learning (PjBL) or Problem-Based Learning (PBL) effectively enhances students' critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills regardless of gender. In conclusion, the implementation of STEM education not only prepares vocational education students to face the challenges of the 21st century and the era of independent learning but also stimulates students' interest and engagement in learning, promotes inclusivity, and enhances the overall quality of education
Innovative teaching strategies within a nursing education model
Recent nursing literature has repeatedly proclaimed the need for creativity in nursing.
The complexity of contemporary nursing practice as a result of the explosion of
knowledge and technology, changing human values and diverse health care systems,
requires an innovative and creative nurse who can adapt to change and provide holistic,
individualised, context-specific patient care. Higher levels of cognitive thought, creative
thinking and problem-solving skills have been stressed as desirable qualities of student
nurses. It is suggested in the literature that the evolution of innovative strategies and the
ways to implement them into nursing curricula be explored in order to assist and
encourage students to develop these higher cognitive skills.
From an analytical study of the literature which was undertaken with the aim of exploring
the nature of creativity and the processes involved in creative thinking and learning, and
of identifying innovative strategies particularly relevant to the teaching of nursing, it
became apparent that the most significant determinants in teaching for creativity, are the
learning enviromnent, the educator-student relationship, and the provision of a variety
of teaching strategies, which are student-centred with a problem-solving focus. It was
established that stimulation of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain is essential
for the development of creative thinking skills.
Based on the insights and knowledge gained in the study, a nursing education model for
the fostering of creativity was developed. This model encompasses a wide variety of
didactic considerations and is designed to stimulate whole brain learning. It is hoped that
its use will be of value in the production of innovative and courageous nurse practitioners
who will be better equipped to cope with the changes and challenges of their working
environment and be able to provide context-specific nursing care.Health StudiesD. Litt. et Phil. (Nursing Science
The use of interactive technologies in studying modern russian female poetry in polylingual gymnasium
In modern pedagogical science, interactive forms and methods of teaching are actively developed based on activity and dialogue forms of cognition, which allows organizing the education of students in gymnasiums, based on substantive and practical activities and interpersonal interaction. In literature and extracurricular activities a leading role of the traditional forms of organizing the activities play teachers and senior students. Lessons, lectures, seminars, solitary work of students, along with them interactive forms of teaching are widely introduced: role-playing game (lesson, concert, poetic theatre, dramatization poems of modern Russian poets,). Mini-conferences dedicated to the life and work of modern Russian poets. Solving problem situations (case studies) in the class of extracurricular reading "Modern Russian Female Poetry: Traditions and Innovation" (students create and publicly defend creative projects: they compose collections of poems, almanacs or bookreuters about modern Russian female poetry, write introductory articles and comments). In determining the characteristics of modern Russian female poetry, students are helped by methods of "brainstorming", discussion or debate, which enable them to discuss problems dynamically and publicly defend their position on the issue under discussion. The specifics of the teaching of Russian literature in the polylingual gymnasium suppose a comparative analysis of the works of modern Russian poets with the poems of poets of other nations (English, Tatar, etc.)
Merging Instruction in Thinking and Writing
Two largely independent bodies of literature exist on both teaching to promote students\u27 critical and creative thinking abilities and teaching to promote the shift between novice and more expert writing. The author looks closely at both bodies of literature and merges common principles to create an extended curriculum unit designed to teach simultaneously toward expert thinking and expert writing. The unit contains such diverse activities as: 1) an acrostic puzzle; 2) reading articles on themes related to Hamlet; 3) the use of dialectical notebooks; 3) an explicit investigation into the nature of problem solving; 4) using emphatic role-playing to bring the play to life on video; and 5) use of writing think sheets to help concretize the expert writing process and give students practice in using it. With the active collaboration of an experiences instructor, the curriculum unit was implemented in a 12th grade advanced placement English Literature class and evaluated in terms of its effect on: 1) students\u27 problem-solving orientation; 2) student attitude toward both learning and writing; 3) the quality of student writing; 4) students\u27 metacognitive understanding of both problem solving and writing; and 5) the quality of student-teacher interaction. Analysis took the form of case-studies of five students chosen to represent five basic types of change in writing ability that occurred in the class as a whole. Interviews with the instructors contributed significantly to the analysis as well. Findings were that with the exception of one of the case study students, all students made significant, and often dramatic improvement in their writing, above and beyond what the teacher would have expected from the same caliber of student in years past. While some unit activities were more effective than others, it did appear that students worked better when they understood the principles involved and were given more freedom to be in charge of their own thinking and writing. Likewise, the process of informing, instituting, and closely examining an intervention had a very beneficial effect on the teacher and his interactions with students. Such a process of implementation holds considerable potential for changing the nature of traditional teacher/researcher partnership
The Arts in Common Core: Strategies to Teach Common Core Standards Using the Performing Arts
There are many benefits of integrating dramatic activities and learning opportunities into the everyday life of one’s classroom, both academically and socially. Creative drama and imaginative activities provide students and teachers with abundant opportunities to develop a wide range of real world problem solving skills, literacy abilities, communication skills, and group work techniques. However, teaching or even using drama alongside more traditional instruction methods may seem intimidating to some teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to review the existing literature regarding the integration of drama in schools and provide a practical guide for using similar methods in the classroom. The examination is focused on the use of drama in elementary (kindergarten through fifth grade) reading and language arts classes. A summary of current and proposed standards in Reading Language Arts and Theater is also provided. Finally, lessons and activities to help teachers integrate drama into their own classrooms are provided. This thesis is the result of the academic convergence of two of my passions: teaching and acting
Research Profile of Problem Based Learning on Physics Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the profile of the Problem Based Learning Model in Physics learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used is literature study or literature study. The data collection technique used is to look for relevant journals that will be used as references, The journals analyzed were 32 journals, most of which were reputable international journals and journals published in the range of 2020-2022, because at that time the Covid-19 pandemic occurred in Indonesia. From the results of research that has been carried out learning physics during this pandemic has quite an impact on student learning outcomes. In physics lessons, many students experience misconceptions, do not understand physics concepts and their enthusiasm for learning decreases. One model that may be relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic is the model discussed in this study, namely Problem Based Learning. It is proven that the Problem Based Learning model in physics learning during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is effectively used in improving students' problem solving abilities, critical thinking, creative thinking, and student argumentation. Even though there are some obstacles such as the uneven internet in Indonesia which prevents them from accessing the materials. And also still need relevant teaching materials and learning tools during the covid-19 pandemic
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