147,906 research outputs found
Hitting Time of Quantum Walks with Perturbation
The hitting time is the required minimum time for a Markov chain-based walk
(classical or quantum) to reach a target state in the state space. We
investigate the effect of the perturbation on the hitting time of a quantum
walk. We obtain an upper bound for the perturbed quantum walk hitting time by
applying Szegedy's work and the perturbation bounds with Weyl's perturbation
theorem on classical matrix. Based on the definition of quantum hitting time
given in MNRS algorithm, we further compute the delayed perturbed hitting time
(DPHT) and delayed perturbed quantum hitting time (DPQHT). We show that the
upper bound for DPQHT is actually greater than the difference between the
square root of the upper bound for a perturbed random walk and the square root
of the lower bound for a random walk.Comment: 9 page
Acoustic methods for measuring bullet velocity
This article describes two acoustic methods to measure bullet velocity with
an accuracy of 1% or better. In one method, a microphone is placed within 0.1 m
of the gun muzzle and a bullet is fired at a steel target 45 m away. The
bullet's flight time is the recorded time between the muzzle blast and sound of
hitting the target minus the time for the sound to return from the target to
the microphone. In the other method, the microphone is placed equidistant from
both the gun muzzle and the steel target 91 m away. The time of flight is the
recorded time between the muzzle blast and the sound of the bullet hitting the
target. In both cases, the average bullet velocity is simply the flight
distance divided by the flight time
Maximizing the probability of attaining a target prior to extinction
We present a dynamic programming-based solution to the problem of maximizing
the probability of attaining a target set before hitting a cemetery set for a
discrete-time Markov control process. Under mild hypotheses we establish that
there exists a deterministic stationary policy that achieves the maximum value
of this probability. We demonstrate how the maximization of this probability
can be computed through the maximization of an expected total reward until the
first hitting time to either the target or the cemetery set. Martingale
characterizations of thrifty, equalizing, and optimal policies in the context
of our problem are also established.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. Revise
Exploring an Infinite Space with Finite Memory Scouts
Consider a small number of scouts exploring the infinite -dimensional grid
with the aim of hitting a hidden target point. Each scout is controlled by a
probabilistic finite automaton that determines its movement (to a neighboring
grid point) based on its current state. The scouts, that operate under a fully
synchronous schedule, communicate with each other (in a way that affects their
respective states) when they share the same grid point and operate
independently otherwise. Our main research question is: How many scouts are
required to guarantee that the target admits a finite mean hitting time?
Recently, it was shown that is an upper bound on the answer to this
question for any dimension and the main contribution of this paper
comes in the form of proving that this bound is tight for .Comment: Added (forgotten) acknowledgement
Asymptotically exponential hitting times and metastability: a pathwise approach without reversibility
We study the hitting times of Markov processes to target set , starting
from a reference configuration or its basin of attraction. The
configuration can correspond to the bottom of a (meta)stable well, while
the target could be either a set of saddle (exit) points of the well, or a
set of further (meta)stable configurations. Three types of results are
reported: (1) A general theory is developed, based on the path-wise approach to
metastability, which has three important attributes. First, it is general in
that it does not assume reversibility of the process, does not focus only on
hitting times to rare events and does not assume a particular starting measure.
Second, it relies only on the natural hypothesis that the mean hitting time to
is asymptotically longer than the mean recurrence time to or .
Third, despite its mathematical simplicity, the approach yields precise and
explicit bounds on the corrections to exponentiality. (2) We compare and relate
different metastability conditions proposed in the literature so to eliminate
potential sources of confusion. This is specially relevant for evolutions of
infinite-volume systems, whose treatment depends on whether and how relevant
parameters (temperature, fields) are adjusted. (3) We introduce the notion of
early asymptotic exponential behavior to control time scales asymptotically
smaller than the mean-time scale. This control is particularly relevant for
systems with unbounded state space where nucleations leading to exit from
metastability can happen anywhere in the volume. We provide natural sufficient
conditions on recurrence times for this early exponentiality to hold and show
that it leads to estimations of probability density functions
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