514,863 research outputs found

    What are the Best Practices for Talent Planning?

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    As part of business strategy planning, talent planning plays an essential role in positioning a company to maximize the effectiveness of talents and gain competitive advantages. Talent planning can be viewed much broader than succession planning. It encompasses a wide range of positions and numbers of employees across an organization. Aligning with the company’s strategies and goals, talent planning is an ongoing process and its life cycle comprises planning, selecting, developing, promoting, and replacing. The core purpose of all the activities is to retain valuable employees. An analysis by Kenexa® disaggregates talent planning program into four dimensions: Career Planning, Talent Development, Leadership Development, and Succession Planning. These four dimensions ascertain the depth and width of talent planning programs

    Troubling some assumptions: A response to "The role of perceived organziational justice in shaping the outcomes of talent management: a research agenda"

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    This Commentary is a response to the paper by Gelens, Dries, Hofmans, & Pepermans in this Special Issue on the development of a theoretical framework for talent management. The authors' central argument and hypotheses remain essentially untroubled here as this Commentary instead problematizes a central assumption of their paper which is commonly taken for granted in the talent literature—i.e., that talent is in shortage. In addition, suggestions for theory development are given and a more critical approach to the assumptions upon which talent management is based is advocated

    The role of perceived self-efficacy in the development of musical ability: what can the study of successful musicians tell us about teaching music to able children?

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    The role of perceived self-efficacy is important to human social development and to learning in general, but how it relates to music talent development is not well understood. This article explores the concept of perceived self-efficacy as it relates to the development of musical talent by considering what is meant by the concepts of high ability in music and self-efficacy, and by discussing the results of interviews with successful professional musicians. The interview data suggest the need for four aspects of self-efficacy to be present in order to fully develop talent: individual judgement of capability; a belief that outcomes are tied to individual actions; self-regulation of activities related to learning; and persistence in the face of difficulties. The implications of this for music teaching are also discussed

    Sectors Expansion, Allocation of Talent and Adverse Selection in Development

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    This paper proposes a theory in which informational failures hindering an efficient operation of the economy are solved over the course development. Individuals are heterogeneous in terms of entrepreneurial talent, exhibiting different comparative advantages. Talent is subject to private information, giving rise to adverse selection problems. In this paper, adverse selection stems from sectors scarcity, which prevents some individuals from finding their "appropriate" sector. The availability of many sectors facilitates the allocation of individuals' unobservable talent. As a result, sectors expansion fosters growth because it helps to solve adverse selection problems. Successful long-run development is characterised by a continuous process of sectoral expansion, improved allocation of talent, and more efficient operation of financial institutions. Nevertheless, this model may also lead to poverty-traps; where economies are confined to a rudimentary situation with few sectors, poor allocation of talent, and underdeveloped financial institutions.Horizontal Innovation, Talent Allocation, Adverse Selection, Risk-Sharing

    The talent management and its usage at human resources management in enterprises

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    The article describes the nature, content, significance and benefits of talent management and its processes - the acquisition, development and retention - in the context of human resources management in the organization. It is based on a prerequisite that a well-adjusted and working system of talent management can make it possible for the organization to survive and grow in the current competitive, global business environment. The text also brings information of talent management utilization in Moravia and Silesia regions’ organizations.Talent, talent management, acquisition, development, retention., Labor and Human Capital, M12,

    Problematising the ‘war for talent’: using Sen’s Capability Approach as a new framework for thinking about talent management

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    This article uses Sen’s Capability Approach primarily to conceptualise an evaluative framework for organizational talent management strategies but also to suggest a more human basis for identifying and recognising talent. Challenges presented by the Capability Approach to organizations in relation to workforce development are elaborated and are used to frame the development of a set of principles and questions that corporate leaders and human resource practitioners can use to evaluate proposed or existing talent programmes from a practical and ethical standpoint. The article provides an early contribution to the social and ethical evaluation of talent programmes and provides a basis for new theorizing in the field

    Implementing the Leader Development That Counts

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    Effective leader development is too often the first casualty of high demands placed on leaders, from corporate America to the U.S. military. A comparison of these entities’ common leader development programs and workforce feedback reveals insufficient strategies and competing priorities. Organizations succumbing to these obstacles unknowingly find themselves trapped in adverse cycles of leadership development, perpetuating undernourished talent and mediocre performance. This problem will not fix itself. Organizations must refocus efforts to understand and implement a leader driven, interpersonally focused, and culturally ingrained brand of leader development to maximize available talent in crafting their envisioned organization

    How Do Organizations Assess for Potential, in addition to a Talent Review Process?

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    Demand for high potential talent has increased dramatically in the past five years as companies have struggled to fill vacancies due to a competitive talent market. Therefore, having a strong talent pipeline is extremely critical to organizations. Most companies evaluate high potential talent based on three criteria: engagement, ability, aspiration to hold successive leadership. But only 53% of organizations are confident in their ability to select and assess the best talent. An efficient tool is necessary to assess and capture the best talent in the organization. These four categories of tools are widely used by industries and have been considered successful and effective when measuring potential leaders: Assessment and development centers External assessment tools Company self-developed assessment methods 360-degree employee feedback assessment To better understand the benefits of using these tools, this summary report will analyze the essence of the tools and provide case studies of top performers in the industry using these methods

    Can You Use it in a Sentence? Defining Talent Management

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    Key Findings The term talent management has escaped a standard definition, and nearly every article written on the topic conclude that the concept of talent management is lacking in terms of definition and theoretical development and there is a comparative lack of empirical evidence on the topic. Perhaps the most salient criticism from researchers is that the use of the term talent management is often little more than a rebranding of a range of typical HR activities. A notable feature of much of the existing literature on talent management is that it continues to focus on practices associated with lifetime careers in corporations, despite the fact that the most profound shift over the past 30-plus years in how organizations manage their workforces has been an increase in dismissals and external hiring at all organizational levels. A definition that is consistent with traditional approaches and captures what academic researchers have been doing under the heading of talent management is as follows: the process through which organizations anticipate and meet their needs for talent in strategic jobs

    Credit Constraints, Entrepreneurial Talent, and Economic Development

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    In this paper, we formalize the view that economic development requires high rates of productive entrepreneurship, and this requires an e¢ cient matching between entrepreneurial talent and production technologies. We …rst explore the role of …nancial development in promoting such e¢ cient allocation of talent, which results in higher production, job creation and social mobility. We then show how di¤er- ent levels of …nancial development may endogenously arise in a setting in which …nancial constraints depend on individual incentives to mis- behave, these incentives depend on how many jobs are available, and this in turn depends on the level of …nancial development. Such com- plementarity between labor market and …nancial market development may generate highly divergent development paths even for countries with very similar initial conditions.Credit constraints, allocation of entrepreneurial talent, productive and unproductive entrepreneurs, economic development.
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