132 research outputs found

    Phase resetting of collective rhythm in ensembles of oscillators

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    Phase resetting curves characterize the way a system with a collective periodic behavior responds to perturbations. We consider globally coupled ensembles of Sakaguchi-Kuramoto oscillators, and use the Ott-Antonsen theory of ensemble evolution to derive the analytical phase resetting equations. We show the final phase reset value to be composed of two parts: an immediate phase reset directly caused by the perturbation, and the dynamical phase reset resulting from the relaxation of the perturbed system back to its dynamical equilibrium. Analytical, semi-analytical and numerical approximations of the final phase resetting curve are constructed. We support our findings with extensive numerical evidence involving identical and non-identical oscillators. The validity of our theory is discussed in the context of large ensembles approximating the thermodynamic limit.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Linear response theory for coupled phase oscillators with general coupling functions

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    We develop a linear response theory by computing the asymptotic value of the order parameter from the linearized equation of continuity around the nonsynchronized reference state using the Laplace transform in time. The proposed theory is applicable to a wide class of coupled phase oscillator systems and allows for any coupling functions, any natural frequency distributions, any phase-lag parameters, and any values for the time-delay parameter. This generality is in contrast to the limitation of the previous methods of the Ott–Antonsen ansatz and the self-consistent equation for an order parameter, which are restricted to a model family whose coupling function consists of only a single sinusoidal function. The theory is verified by numerical simulations

    Shear diversity prevents collective synchronization

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    Large ensembles of heterogeneous oscillators often exhibit collective synchronization as a result of mutual interactions. If the oscillators have distributed natural frequencies and common shear (or nonisochronicity), the transition from incoherence to collective synchronization is known to occur at large enough values of the coupling strength. However, here we demonstrate that shear diversity cannot be counterbalanced by diffusive coupling leading to synchronization. We present the first analytical results for the Kuramoto model with distributed shear, and show that the onset of collective synchronization is impossible if the width of the shear distribution exceeds a precise threshold