3,605,155 research outputs found

    Technological discontinuities, outsiders and social capital: a case study from Formula 1

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    Purpose ā€“ The purpose of this paper is to examine how and why outsiders, rather than incumbents, are able to take advantage of technological discontinuities. Design/ methodology/approach ā€“ The paper employs a case study of a single innovation that transformed the technology of Formula 1 motor racing. Findings ā€“ The findings show how social capital made up of ā€˜weak tiesā€™ in the form of informal personal networks, enabled an outsider to successfully make the leap to a new technological regime. Practical implications ā€“ The findings show that where new product development involves a shift to new technologies, social capital can have an important part to play. Originality/value ā€“ It is widely accepted that radical innovations are often competence destroying, making it difficult for incumbents to make the transition to a new technology. The findings show how the social capital of outsiders can place them at a particular advantage in utilizing new technologies

    Summary of the diary study: ā€œPlease feed the digital parrotā€

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    This document summarises the findings of the diary study ā€œPlease feed the Digital Parrotā€ conducted in May 2007. The aim of this study was to collect real-world examples of remembering behaviour. We show the most interesting entries we collected, highlighting the kinds of information people wish to remember, the situations in which they wish to remember this information and how they go about remembering information. We discuss in which ways the findings deviate from our expectations and the implications of our observations for context-aware systems research and for future diary studies

    Conversational Implicature in Sentilan Sentilun Talk Show

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    Talk shows such as Sentilan Sentilun are quite popular in Indonesian television. These talk show are quite interesting to study because they are not only involving many participants, but also requiring the settings in which politeness and implicature needed to be used to keep the communication flows smoothly. This paper is a pragmatic study that aims at investigating conversational implicature that hosts and the guests of Sentilan Sentilun talk show operate within their utterances along with the possible implications that lie behind the implicature. The data are analyzed based on cooperative principle by violating Gricean maxims, that are specifically maxim of quality, quantity and relevance. Findings show that there are 51 utterances containing conversational implicature. The findings show that there are four types of violated maxims that potentially caused conversational implicature. The dominant type is maxim of relation(56.87 %). The reason why it becomes the dominant type is because the host and the guests wanted to create humors in order to flutter someone or certain topics. The hosts and the guests conveyed an implicit meaning when giving statement or opinion or information and answering the question in their discussion based on the truth condition or facts in the talk show

    Perceptions of technology : a Malaysian primary education perspective : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education at Massey University

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    Malay language throughoutThis study investigates the perceptions of technology held by Malaysian in primary education. In particular, the study looks into students' understandings of and attitudes towards technology. The study was carried out with 521 primary students, 272 girls and 249 boys, and 28 of their teachers in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. A case study design, using a measure of student perceptions of technology consisting of a writing/drawing activity, a picture quiz, and a technology questionnaire, teacher interviews and curriculum content analysis was employed in this study. The findings from this study show that students' understandings of technology are low. Like the findings obtained elsewhere, students associate technology with products, especially high-tech products and electrical appliances. A comparison by gender, however, shows that there is significant difference in the understanding of technology between boys and girls. Meanwhile, in the comparison related to ethnicity, native students' understandings of technology are slightly lower than those of non-native students. In the comparison by location, the findings show that rural students tend to associate technology with building and low-tech products, while urban students tend to associate technology with computers. Malaysian students' attitudes towards technology, however, are positive. This finding parallels findings obtained in Australia, England, New Zealand and elsewhere. Comparison by gender, ethnicity and location shows that there is no apparent difference between boys and girls and between urban and rural students interest in technology. However, native students are more interested in technology as compared to non-native students, while urban students are more positive about the social aspects of technology. This view about technology among students corresponds to the views held by teachers and as stated in the technology curriculum documents

    Effects of Team-Based Computer Interaction: The Media Equation and Game Design Considerations

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    The current paper applies media equation research to video game de-sign. The paper presents a review of the existing media equation research, de-scribes a specific study conducted by the authors, discusses how the findings of the study can be used to inform future game design, and explores how other media equation findings might be incorporated into game design. The specific study, discussed in detail in the paper, explores the notion of team formation between humans and computer team-mates. The results show that while highly experienced users will accept a computer as a team-mate, they tend to react more negatively towards the computer than to human teammates (a ā€˜Black Sheepā€™ Effect

    How Do Antitobacco Campaign Advertising and Smoking Status Affect Beliefs and Intentions? Some Similarities and Differences Between Adults and Adolescents

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    This article presents two studies that examine similarities and differences with respect to how adults and adolescents process and respond to information in an antitobacco ad campaign. Study 1 examines (1) the effects of antitobacco advertising campaign measures (e.g., campaign advertisement integration, perceived strength of ad-based messages, attitude toward the ad campaign) on four key adult antismoking beliefs and (2) the influence of these campaign evaluations and beliefs on smokersā€™ intentions to quit smoking. Hierarchical regression results show that antismoking ad campaign reactions explain substantial additional variance in beliefs about tobacco industry deceptiveness, smoking addictiveness, harmfulness of secondhand smoke, and restrictions on smoking at different public venues. The findings also show that the campaign variables as a whole are positively related to intentions to quit smoking, beyond the variance that is explained by demographics. In Study 2, the authors replicate and extend these findings for the campaign using similar measures and procedures for a sample of more than 900 adolescents. They draw comparisons between these adult and adolescent findings and offer some implications for potential corrective advertising for consumersā€™ beliefs about smoking that may be required of tobacco companies based on U.S. v. Philip Morris USA, Inc

    Sources of time varying return comovements during different economic regimes: evidence from the emerging Indian equity market

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    We study the economic and non-economic sources of stock return comovements of the emerging Indian equity market and the developed equity markets of the US, UK, Germany, France, Canada and Japan. Our findings show that the probability of extreme comovements in the economic contraction regime is relatively higher than in the economic expansion regime. We show that international interest rates, inflation uncertainty and dividend yields are the main drivers of the asymmetric return comovements. Findings reported in the paper imply that the impact of interest rates and inflation on return comovements could be used for anticipating financial contagion and/or spillover effects. This is particularly critical since during extreme market conditions, the tail return comovements can potentially reveal critical information for active portfolio management

    The Influence of Race in Residential Mortgage Closings

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    This study examines how applicants identified as Asian, Black or Hispanic differ in mortgage closing outcomes compared to the remaining applicants. First, the findings show that minority applicants are somewhat less likely to close a loan for purchase, but equally likely to close a loan for refinance. A more important question this study addresses is whether minority borrowers have less efficient closing outcomes. The findings show no statistical difference between minority and non-minority applicants. This indicates that originators do not demonstrate a ā€˜ā€˜taste for discriminationā€™ā€™ by basing their loan approval for minorities on whether the loan can be profitably sold.

    Mathematical Problem Posing as a Measure of Curricular Effect on Students\u27 Learning

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    In this study, we used problem posing as a measure of the effect of middle-school curriculum on students\u27 learning in high school. Students who had used a standards-based curriculum in middle school performed equally well or better in high school than students who had used more traditional curricula. The findings from this study not only show evidence of strengths one might expect of students who used the standards-based reform curriculum but also bolster the feasibility and validity of problem posing as a measure of curriculum effect on student learning. In addition, the findings of this study demonstrate the usefulness of employing a qualitative rubric to assess different characteristics of students\u27 responses to the posing tasks. Instructional and methodological implications of this study, as well as future directions for research, are discussed
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