7,734,693 research outputs found
Detroit Area Study: A study of greater Detroit
Spring/Summer 1987; Codebook; Index to 1987 DAS; 1987 Marginals & Q'aire; working copyhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/51418/1/00468636.pd
Detroit Area Study; Child rearing values and practices
Questionnaire; Index: DAS April-July 1982; Codebookhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/51415/1/00468631.pd
Detroit Area Study: A Study of the Family
Descriptions and Codes, April-June; Spring 1978http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/51411/1/00468586.pd
Detroit Area Study: Marriage customs and family life in the Detroit area
Spring/Summer 1984 Codebook; Index to DAS 1984 Dictionary & Codebookhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/51413/1/00468633.pd
Detroit Area Study: 1974 Report to Respondents
UNLV authors honored for publications in 2008
Lists UNLV authors and their publications who were honored at the 2009 UNLV authors reception. Includes cover art
UNLV Authors Honored for Publications in 2005
Lists UNLV authors and their publications who were honored at the 2006 UNLV authors reception. Includes cover art
Study Area Fishing In Selat Air Hitam Kepulauan Meranti District Riau Province
This study was conducted in Selat Air HitamKepulauanMerantiDistrict ProvinceRiau, used survey method, and the purpose was to determine the existing fishing areas in Selat Air Hitam. From the research,there isonepointthe fishing areawith the best catches throughout the year, that isat the pointof 560 03.0' N – 1020 54'' 18.5' E, this point is located close to the village of Repan ,fishing gearusedgombangandlongline, but it catches in the waters of the Selat Air Hitam has various kinds of seafood ranging from fish to shrimp (Penaus) . That affect the extent of the catch in the waters it is a state of the marine environment , because if the water is polluted, the number of fish in the waters will be very few fish in the catch and fishing are also not as they had hoped , the Selat Air Hitam is included in the potential region make an arrest, it can be of varying catches of fishermen
Comprehensive study of Leon-Queretaro area
There are no author-identified significant results in this report
Tidewater metropolitan area transportation survey study
Results of a survey conducted in southeastern Virginia to identify public opinion regarding requirements for future public transportation are analyzed. The effects of age and income level on attitudes concerning city living and no importance of various characteristics described for urban transportation systems are identified
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