5,025 research outputs found

    Increased bradykinesia in Parkinson’s disease with increased movement complexity: elbow flexion-extension movements

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    The present research investigates factors contributing to bradykinesia in the control of simple and complex voluntary limb movement in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. The functional scheme of the basal ganglia (BG)–thalamocortical circuit was described by a mathematical model based on the mean firing rates of BG nuclei. PD was simulated as a reduction in dopamine levels, and a loss of functional segregation between two competing motor modules. In order to compare model simulations with performed movements, flexion and extension at the elbow joint is taken as a test case. Results indicated that loss of segregation contributed to bradykinesia due to interference between competing modules and a reduced ability to suppress unwanted movements. Additionally, excessive neurotransmitter depletion is predicted as a possible mechanism for the increased difficulty in performing complex movements. The simulation results showed that the model is in qualitative agreement with the results from movement experiments on PD patients and healthy subjects. Furthermore, based on changes in the firing rate of BG nuclei, the model demonstrated that the effective mechanism of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in STN may result from stimulation induced inhibition of STN, partial synaptic failure of efferent projections, or excitation of inhibitory afferent axons even though the underlying methods of action may be quite different for the different mechanisms

    Neuronal Glutamate Transporters Control Dopaminergic Signaling and Compulsive Behaviors

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    There is an ongoing debate on the contribution of the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1 to the onset of compulsive behaviors. Here, we used behavioral, electrophysiological, molecular, and viral approaches in male and female mice to identify the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which EAAC1 controls the execution of repeated motor behaviors. Our findings show that, in the striatum, a brain region implicated with movement execution, EAAC1 limits group I metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluRI) activation, facilitates D1 dopamine receptor (D1R) expression, and ensures long-term synaptic plasticity. Blocking mGluRI in slices from mice lacking EAAC1 restores D1R expression and synaptic plasticity. Conversely, activation of intracellular signaling pathways coupled to mGluRI in D1R-containing striatal neurons of mice expressing EAAC1 leads to reduced D1R protein level and increased stereotyped movement execution. These findings identify new molecular mechanisms by which EAAC1 can shape glutamatergic and dopaminergic signals and control repeated movement execution

    Basal ganglia role in learning rewarded actions and executing previously learned choices: Healthy and diseased states

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    The basal ganglia (BG) is a collection of nuclei located deep beneath the cerebral cortex that is involved in learning and selection of rewarded actions. Here, we analyzed BG mechanisms that enable these functions. We implemented a rate model of a BG-thalamo-cortical loop and simulated its performance in a standard action selection task. We have shown that potentiation of corticostriatal synapses enables learning of a rewarded option. However, these synapses became redundant later as direct connections between prefrontal and premotor cortices (PFC-PMC) were potentiated by Hebbian learning. After we switched the reward to the previously unrewarded option (reversal), the BG was again responsible for switching to the new option. Due to the potentiated direct cortical connections, the system was biased to the previously rewarded choice, and establishing the new choice required a greater number of trials. Guided by physiological research, we then modified our model to reproduce pathological states of mild Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. We found that in the Parkinsonian state PMC activity levels become extremely variable, which is caused by oscillations arising in the BG-thalamo-cortical loop. The model reproduced severe impairment of learning and predicted that this is caused by these oscillations as well as a reduced reward prediction signal. In the Huntington state, the potentiation of the PFC-PMC connections produced better learning, but altered BG output disrupted expression of the rewarded choices. This resulted in random switching between rewarded and unrewarded choices resembling an exploratory phase that never ended. Along with other computational studies, our results further reconcile the apparent contradiction between the critical involvement of the BG in execution of previously learned actions and yet no impairment of these actions after BG output is ablated by lesions or deep brain stimulation. We predict that the cortico-BG-thalamo-cortical loop conforms to previously learned choice in healthy conditions, but impedes those choices in disease states

    Involvement of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical loop in developmental stuttering

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    Stuttering is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that has to date eluded a clear explication of its pathophysiological bases. In this review, we utilize the Directions Into Velocities of Articulators (DIVA) neurocomputational modeling framework to mechanistically interpret relevant findings from the behavioral and neurological literatures on stuttering. Within this theoretical framework, we propose that the primary impairment underlying stuttering behavior is malfunction in the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical (hereafter, cortico-BG) loop that is responsible for initiating speech motor programs. This theoretical perspective predicts three possible loci of impaired neural processing within the cortico-BG loop that could lead to stuttering behaviors: impairment within the basal ganglia proper; impairment of axonal projections between cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus; and impairment in cortical processing. These theoretical perspectives are presented in detail, followed by a review of empirical data that make reference to these three possibilities. We also highlight any differences that are present in the literature based on examining adults versus children, which give important insights into potential core deficits associated with stuttering versus compensatory changes that occur in the brain as a result of having stuttered for many years in the case of adults who stutter. We conclude with outstanding questions in the field and promising areas for future studies that have the potential to further advance mechanistic understanding of neural deficits underlying persistent developmental stuttering.R01 DC007683 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC011277 - NIDCD NIH HHSPublished versio

    Cerebral activations related to ballistic, stepwise interrupted and gradually modulated movements in parkinson patients

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    Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience impaired initiation and inhibition of movements such as difficulty to start/stop walking. At single-joint level this is accompanied by reduced inhibition of antagonist muscle activity. While normal basal ganglia (BG) contributions to motor control include selecting appropriate muscles by inhibiting others, it is unclear how PD-related changes in BG function cause impaired movement initiation and inhibition at single-joint level. To further elucidate these changes we studied 4 right-hand movement tasks with fMRI, by dissociating activations related to abrupt movement initiation, inhibition and gradual movement modulation. Initiation and inhibition were inferred from ballistic and stepwise interrupted movement, respectively, while smooth wrist circumduction enabled the assessment of gradually modulated movement. Task-related activations were compared between PD patients (N = 12) and healthy subjects (N = 18). In healthy subjects, movement initiation was characterized by antero-ventral striatum, substantia nigra (SN) and premotor activations while inhibition was dominated by subthalamic nucleus (STN) and pallidal activations, in line with the known role of these areas in simple movement. Gradual movement mainly involved antero-dorsal putamen and pallidum. Compared to healthy subjects, patients showed reduced striatal/SN and increased pallidal activation for initiation, whereas for inhibition STN activation was reduced and striatal-thalamo-cortical activation increased. For gradual movement patients showed reduced pallidal and increased thalamo-cortical activation. We conclude that PD-related changes during movement initiation fit the (rather static) model of alterations in direct and indirect BG pathways. Reduced STN activation and regional cortical increased activation in PD during inhibition and gradual movement modulation are better explained by a dynamic model that also takes into account enhanced responsiveness to external stimuli in this disease and the effects of hyper-fluctuating cortical inputs to the striatum and STN in particular

    Decision Making and the Brain: Neurologists' View

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    The article reflects the fact, that concepts like decision making and free will have entered the field of cognitive neuroscience towards the end of 20th century. It gives an overview of brain structures involved in decision making and the concept of free will; and presenting the results of clinical observations and new methods (functional neuroimaging, electrophysiology) it postulates possible mechanisms of these processes. We give a review of the neuroanatomy, specially discussing those parts of the brain important to the present topic, because the process of decision making is dependent on deep subcortical as well as superficial cortical structures. Dopamine has a central role in the in process of reward related behaviour and hedonism. A list of brain structures, related to dopamine action, is also given. The article especially concentrates on the Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography studies in patients with Parkinson's disease (neuroimaging), as well as to the studies concerning the Readiness Potential and Endogeneous Potential P300 (electrophysiology). In the end, we discuss the volition, whose functional anatomy overlaps with the functional anatomy of free will and decision making processes.cognitive neuroscience, brain, decision making, free will, electrophysiology, functional imaging, dopamine

    Acute modulation of brain connectivity in Parkinson disease after automatic mechanical peripheral stimulation: A pilot study

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    The present study shows the results of a double-blind sham-controlled pilot trial to test whether measurable stimulus-specific functional connectivity changes exist after Automatic Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation (AMPS) in patients with idiopathic Parkinson Disease.Eleven patients (6 women and 5 men) with idiopathic Parkinson Disease underwent brain fMRI immediately before and after sham or effective AMPS. Resting state Functional Connectivity (RSFC) was assessed using the seed-ROI based analysis. Seed ROIs were positioned on basal ganglia, on primary sensory-motor cortices, on the supplementary motor areas and on the cerebellum. Individual differences for pre- and post-effective AMPS and pre- and post-sham condition were obtained and first entered in respective one-sample t-test analyses, to evaluate the mean effect of condition.Effective AMPS, but not sham stimulation, induced increase of RSFC of the sensory motor cortex, nucleus striatum and cerebellum. Secondly, individual differences for both conditions were entered into paired group t-test analysis to rule out sub-threshold effects of sham stimulation, which showed stronger connectivity of the striatum nucleus with the right lateral occipital cortex and the cuneal cortex (max Z score 3.12) and with the right anterior temporal lobe (max Z score 3.42) and of the cerebellum with the right lateral occipital cortex and the right cerebellar cortex (max Z score 3.79).Our results suggest that effective AMPS acutely increases RSFC of brain regions involved in visuo-spatial and sensory-motor integration.This study provides Class II evidence that automatic mechanical peripheral stimulation is effective in modulating brain functional connectivity of patients with Parkinson Disease at rest.Clinical Trials.gov NCT01815281

    How Laminar Frontal Cortex and Basal Ganglia Circuits Interact to Control Planned and Reactive Saccades

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    The basal ganglia and frontal cortex together allow animals to learn adaptive responses that acquire rewards when prepotent reflexive responses are insufficient. Anatomical studies show a rich pattern of interactions between the basal ganglia and distinct frontal cortical layers. Analysis of the laminar circuitry of the frontal cortex, together with its interactions with the basal ganglia, motor thalamus, superior colliculus, and inferotemporal and parietal cortices, provides new insight into how these brain regions interact to learn and perform complexly conditioned behaviors. A neural model whose cortical component represents the frontal eye fields captures these interacting circuits. Simulations of the neural model illustrate how it provides a functional explanation of the dynamics of 17 physiologically identified cell types found in these areas. The model predicts how action planning or priming (in cortical layers III and VI) is dissociated from execution (in layer V), how a cue may serve either as a movement target or as a discriminative cue to move elsewhere, and how the basal ganglia help choose among competing actions. The model simulates neurophysiological, anatomical, and behavioral data about how monkeys perform saccadic eye movement tasks, including fixation; single saccade, overlap, gap, and memory-guided saccades; anti-saccades; and parallel search among distractors.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-l-0409, N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-95-1-0657); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333)

    Tourette syndrome research highlights 2015 [version 1; referees: 3 approved]

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    We present selected highlights from research that appeared during 2015 on Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders. Topics include phenomenology, comorbidities, developmental course, genetics, animal models, neuroimaging, electrophysiology, pharmacology, and treatment. We briefly summarize articles whose results we believe may lead to new treatments, additional research or modifications in current models of TS