120,339 research outputs found

    Species competition: coexistence, exclusion and clustering

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    We present properties of Lotka-Volterra equations describing ecological competition among a large number of competing species. First we extend to the case of a non-homogeneous niche space stability conditions for solutions representing species coexistence. Second, we discuss mechanisms leading to species clustering and obtain an analytical solution for a lumped state in a specific instance of the system. We also discuss how realistic ecological interactions may result in different types of competition coefficients.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Replaced with published version. Freely available from the publisher site under the Creative Commons Attribution licens

    Do epigeal termite mounds increase the diversity of plant habitats in a tropical rain forest in peninsular Malaysia?

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    The extent to which environmental heterogeneity can account for tree species coexistence in diverse ecosystems, such as tropical rainforests, is hotly debated, although the importance of spatial variability in contributing to species co-existence is well recognized. Termites contribute to the micro-topographical and nutrient spatial heterogeneity of tropical forests. We therefore investigated whether epigeal termite mounds could contribute to the coexistence of plant species within a 50 ha plot at Pasoh Forest Reserve, Malaysia. Overall, stem density was significantly higher on mounds than in their immediate surroundings, but tree species diversity was significantly lower. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that location on or off mounds significantly influenced species distribution when stems were characterized by basal area. Like studies of termite mounds in other ecosystems, our results suggest that epigeal termite mounds provide a specific microhabitat for the enhanced growth and survival of certain species in these species-rich tropical forests. However, the extent to which epigeal termite mounds facilitate species coexistence warrants further investigation

    Intransitivity and coexistence in four species cyclic games

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    Intransitivity is a property of connected, oriented graphs representing species interactions that may drive their coexistence even in the presence of competition, the standard example being the three species Rock-Paper-Scissors game. We consider here a generalization with four species, the minimum number of species allowing other interactions beyond the single loop (one predator, one prey). We show that, contrary to the mean field prediction, on a square lattice the model presents a transition, as the parameter setting the rate at which one species invades another changes, from a coexistence to a state in which one species gets extinct. Such a dependence on the invasion rates shows that the interaction graph structure alone is not enough to predict the outcome of such models. In addition, different invasion rates permit to tune the level of transitiveness, indicating that for the coexistence of all species to persist, there must be a minimum amount of intransitivity.Comment: Final, published versio

    How self-regulation, the storage effect and their interaction contribute to coexistence in stochastic and seasonal environments

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    Explaining coexistence in species-rich communities of primary producers remains a challenge for ecologists because of their likely competition for shared resources. Following Hutchinson's seminal suggestion, many theoreticians have tried to create diversity through a fluctuating environment, which impairs or slows down competitive exclusion. However, fluctuating-environment models often only produce a dozen of coexisting species at best. Here, we investigate how to create richer communities in fluctuating environments, using an empirically parameterized model. Building on the forced Lotka-Volterra model of Scranton and Vasseur (Theor Ecol 9(3):353-363, 2016), inspired by phytoplankton communities, we have investigated the effect of two coexistence mechanisms, namely the storage effect and higher intra- than interspecific competition strengths (i.e., strong self-regulation). We tuned the intra/inter competition ratio based on empirical analyses, in which self-regulation dominates interspecific interactions. Although a strong self-regulation maintained more species (50%) than the storage effect (25%), we show that none of the two coexistence mechanisms considered could ensure the coexistence of all species alone. Realistic seasonal environments only aggravated that picture, as they decreased persistence relative to a random environment. However, strong self-regulation and the storage effect combined superadditively so that all species could persist with both mechanisms at work. Our results suggest that combining different coexistence mechanisms into community models might be more fruitful than trying to find which mechanism best explains diversity. We additionally highlight that while biomass-trait distributions provide some clues regarding coexistence mechanisms, they cannot indicate unequivocally which mechanisms are at play.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, Theor Ecol (2019

    Global minimizers of coexistence for competing species

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    A class of variational models describing ecological systems of k species competing for the same resources is investigated. The occurrence of coexistence in minimal energy solutions is discussed and positive results are proven for suitably differentiated internal dynamics

    Self-organized patterns of coexistence out of a predator-prey cellular automaton

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    We present a stochastic approach to modeling the dynamics of coexistence of prey and predator populations. It is assumed that the space of coexistence is explicitly subdivided in a grid of cells. Each cell can be occupied by only one individual of each species or can be empty. The system evolves in time according to a probabilistic cellular automaton composed by a set of local rules which describe interactions between species individuals and mimic the process of birth, death and predation. By performing computational simulations, we found that, depending on the values of the parameters of the model, the following states can be reached: a prey absorbing state and active states of two types. In one of them both species coexist in a stationary regime with population densities constant in time. The other kind of active state is characterized by local coupled time oscillations of prey and predator populations. We focus on the self-organized structures arising from spatio-temporal dynamics of the coexistence. We identify distinct spatial patterns of prey and predators and verify that they are intimally connected to the time coexistence behavior of the species. The occurrence of a prey percolating cluster on the spatial patterns of the active states is also examined.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure
