2,767,324 research outputs found

    Entangled spin clusters: some special features

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    In this paper, we study three specific aspects of entanglement in small spin clusters. We first study the effect of inhomogeneous exchange coupling strength on the entanglement properties of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic linear chain tetramer compound NaCuAsO_{4}. The entanglement gap temperature, T_{E}, is found to have a non-monotonic dependence on the value of α\alpha, the exchange coupling inhomogeneity parameter. We next determine the variation of T_{E} as a function of S for a spin dimer, a trimer and a tetrahedron. The temperature T_{E} is found to increase as a function of S, but the scaled entanglement gap temperature t_{E} goes to zero as S becomes large. Lastly, we study a spin-1 dimer compound to illustrate the quantum complementarity relation. We show that in the experimentally realizable parameter region, magnetization and entanglement plateaus appear simultaneously at low temperatures as a function of the magnetic field. Also, the sharp increase in one quantity as a function of the magnetic field is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the other so that the quantum complementarity relation is not violated.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Abelian 2-form gauge theory: special features

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    It is shown that the four (3+1)(3 + 1)-dimensional (4D) free Abelian 2-form gauge theory provides an example of (i) a class of field theoretical models for the Hodge theory, and (ii) a possible candidate for the quasi-topological field theory (q-TFT). Despite many striking similarities with some of the key topological features of the two (1+1)(1 + 1)-dimensional (2D) free Abelian (and self-interacting non-Abelian) gauge theories, it turns out that the 4D free Abelian 2-form gauge theory is {\it not} an exact TFT. To corroborate this conclusion, some of the key issues are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the (anti-)BRST and (anti-)co-BRST invariant quantities of the 4D 2-form Abelian gauge theory obey the recursion relations that are reminiscent of the exact TFTs but the Lagrangian density of this theory is not found to be able to be expressed as the sum of (anti-)BRST and (anti-)co-BRST exact quantities as is the case with the {\it topological} 2D free Abelian (and self-interacting non-Abelian) gauge theories.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, journal ref. give

    Special Features

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    Approaching the nation’s highest bench – Project for new facilities gets underway – The transformation of private practic

    Special features of RAD Sequencing data:implications for genotyping

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    Restriction site-associated DNA Sequencing (RAD-Seq) is an economical and efficient method for SNP discovery and genotyping. As with other sequencing-by-synthesis methods, RAD-Seq produces stochastic count data and requires sensitive analysis to develop or genotype markers accurately. We show that there are several sources of bias specific to RAD-Seq that are not explicitly addressed by current genotyping tools, namely restriction fragment bias, restriction site heterozygosity and PCR GC content bias. We explore the performance of existing analysis tools given these biases and discuss approaches to limiting or handling biases in RAD-Seq data. While these biases need to be taken seriously, we believe RAD loci affected by them can be excluded or processed with relative ease in most cases and that most RAD loci will be accurately genotyped by existing tools

    New features and applications of PRESTO, a computer code for the performance of regenerative, superheated steam turbine cycles

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    The code was designed to analyze performance at valves-wide-open design flow. The code can model conventional steam cycles as well as cycles that include such special features as process steam extraction and induction and feedwater heating by external heat sources. Convenience features and extensions to the special features were incorporated into the PRESTO code. The features are described, and detailed examples illustrating the use of both the original and the special features are given

    Current Apathy for Coming Anarchy: Building the Special Court for Sierra Leone

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    Part I of this Article examines the chronology of the decade-long conflict in Sierra Leone. It provides an illuminating backdrop against which the Special Court may be assessed and highlights particular features that the institutional design of the Special Court would have to accommodate. Part II explores the precedents for the Special Court. Specifically, it considers the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ( ICTR ), and the impetus behind the International Criminal Court, developments that parallel in time the unfolding of Sierra Leone\u27s conflict. Part III subjects particular features of the Special Court to critical assessment, namely its institutional design, the lack of power and resources committed thereto, and the context in which it will operate. It argues that these features represent fundamental flaws and significant hurdles that need to be overcome if the Special Court is to operate effectively or efficiently

    Pregnancy-associated breast cancer - Special features in diagnosis and treatment

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    For obvious psychological reasons it is difficult to associate pregnancy - a life-giving period of our existence with life-threatening malignancies. Symptoms pointing to malignancy are often ignored by both patients and physicians, and this, together with the greater difficulty of diagnostic imaging, probably results in the proven delay in the detection of breast cancers during pregnancy. The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are becoming more and more important, as the fulfillment of the desire to have children is increasingly postponed until a later age associated with a higher risk of carcinoma, and improved cure rates of solid tumors no longer exclude subsequent pregnancies. The following article summarizes the special features of the diagnosis and primary therapy of pregnancy-associated breast cancer with particular consideration of cytostatic therapy

    Current Apathy for Coming Anarchy: Building the Special Court for Sierra Leone

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    Part I of this Article examines the chronology of the decade-long conflict in Sierra Leone. It provides an illuminating backdrop against which the Special Court may be assessed and highlights particular features that the institutional design of the Special Court would have to accommodate. Part II explores the precedents for the Special Court. Specifically, it considers the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ( ICTR ), and the impetus behind the International Criminal Court, developments that parallel in time the unfolding of Sierra Leone\u27s conflict. Part III subjects particular features of the Special Court to critical assessment, namely its institutional design, the lack of power and resources committed thereto, and the context in which it will operate. It argues that these features represent fundamental flaws and significant hurdles that need to be overcome if the Special Court is to operate effectively or efficiently