816,035 research outputs found

    Obtaining the large angle MSW solution to the solar neutrino problem in models

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    The large mixing angle (LMA) MSW solution to the solar neutrino problem seems favored by the data at the moment over the small mixing angle (SMA) MSW solution and the vacuum (VAC) solution. In this paper the various main types of models of neutrino masses and mixings are studied from the point of view of how naturally they can give the LMA solution. Special attention is given to a very simple type of "lopsided" SU(5) model.Comment: 29 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Bimaximal Mixing in an SO(10) Minimal Higgs Model

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    An SO(10) SUSY GUT model was previously presented based on a minimal set of Higgs fields. The quark and lepton mass matrices derived fitted the data extremely well and led to large mixing of muon- and tau-neutrinos in agreement with the atmospheric neutrino data and to the small-angle MSW solution for the solar neutrinos. Here we show how a slight modification leading to a non-zero up quark mass can result in bimaximal mixing for the atmospheric and solar neutrinos. The "just-so" vacuum solution is slightly favored over the large-angle MSW solution on the basis of the hierarchy required for the right-handed Majorana matrix and the more nearly-maximal mixing angles obtained.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, several references adde

    Implications of recent solar neutrino observations: an analysis of charged current data

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    We have analysed the recent results from the observation of charged current \nu_e d \to e^- p p events from solar neutrinos by the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory SNO assuming neutrino oscillations with three active flavours. The data seem to prefer a low mass-squared difference and large mixing angle solution (the so-called LOW solution) in (12) parameter space. However, when combined with the Gallium charged current interaction data from Gallex and GNO, distinct (1\sigma) allowed regions corresponding to the large mixing angle (LMA) and small mixing angle (SMA) appear while the LOW solution is disfavoured upto 3\sigma standard deviation. The physical electron neutrino survival probability corresponding to these best fit solutions are then determined and analysed for their energy dependence.Comment: 16 pages Latex file, with 5 epsf figures; one reference adde

    Polynomial mixing under a certain stationary Euler flow

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    We study the mixing properties of a scalar ρ\rho advected by a certain incompressible velocity field uu on the two dimensional unit ball, which is a stationary radial solution of the Euler equation. The scalar ρ\rho solves the continuity equation with velocity field uu and we can measure the degree of mixedness of~ρ\rho with two different scales commonly used in this setting, namely the geometric and the functional mixing scale. We develop a physical space approach well adapted for the quantitative analysis of the decay in time of the geometric mixing scale, which turns out to be polynomial for a large class of initial data. This extends previous results for the functional mixing scale, based on the explicit expression for the solution in Fourier variable, results that are also partially recovered by our approach.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Realization of the Large Mixing Angle Solar Neutrino Solution in an SO(10) Supersymmetric Grand Unified Model

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    An SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified model proposed earlier leading to the solar solution involving ``just-so'' vacuum oscillations is reexamined to study its ability to obtain the other possible solar solutions. It is found that all four viable solar neutrino oscillation solutions can be achieved in the model simply by modification of the right-handed Majorana neutrino mass matrix, M_R. Whereas the small mixing and vacuum solutions are easily obtained with several texture zeros in M_R, the currently-favored large mixing angle solution requires a nearly geometric hierarchical form for M_R that leads by the seesaw formula to a light neutrino mass matrix which has two or three texture zeros. The form of the matrix which provides the ``fine-tuning'' necessary to achieve the large mixing angle solution can be understood in terms of Froggatt-Nielsen diagrams for the Dirac and right-handed Majorana neutrino mass matrices. The solution fulfils several leptogenesis requirements which in turn can be responsible for the baryon asymmetry in the universe.Comment: 14 pages including 2 figure

    Shock Wave Mixing in Einstein and Dilaton Gravity

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    We consider possible mixing of electromagnetic and gravitational shock waves, in the Planckian energy scattering of point particles in Minkowski space. By boosting a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole solution to the velocity of light, it is shown that no mixing of shock waves takes place for arbitrary finite charge carried by the black hole. However, a similar boosting procedure for a charged black hole solution in dilaton gravity yields some mixing : the wave function of even a neutral test particle, acquires a small additional phase factor depending on the dilatonic black hole charge. Possible implications for poles in the amplitudes for the dilaton gravity case are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, revtex file, no figure