3,774,052 research outputs found
Soil fauna and litter decomposition in primary and secondary forests and a mixed culture system in Amazonia.
The first months of the year were dedicated to preparatory work in Germany and in Brazil. In July we finished the unexpectedly time-and cost-intensive installation of a generator and no break system to maintain the functioning of extraction and analyzing equipment (Kempson and Berlese-extractor, C/N-analyzer and Infra-Red-Gasanalyzer IRGA) during the very frequent breakdowns of the power supply in the laboratory of the EMBRAPA institute. On 23/24 July the joint "central sampling program of macro-and mesofauna, oligochaeta and microflora which includes field and laboratory work was successfully tested. On 27 october the first litterbag series with 1008 litterbags containing air-dried Vismia-litter to evaluate site-specific decomposition rates was distributed in the study sites. The retrieval of the bags from reandomized positions startes 4 weeks later has gone on since then. Together with the litterbags a series of minicontainer bars was distributed in the field as a second method to measure decomposition rates. The minicontainer system is tested as an alternative to the litterbags. Another short-assessment method, bait lamina which measure general unspecified soil fauna feeding activity, was tested in july; its regular use started in december. In this report, first data are presented.bitstream/item/201154/1/Soil-Fauna-And-Litter-Decomposition-in-Primary....pdfProject SHIFT ENV 52. Annual Report 1997
Investigations on tree species suitable for the recultivation of degraded land areas in Central Amazonia.
In cooperation with the Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental in Manaus (Amazonas, Brasil) and three German projects (ENV 23, ENV 45, ENV 52), in the year 2000 we especially investigated (1) photosynthesis and carbohydrate allocation and (2) the plant-water relationships of the selected tree species. Special emphasis was given to the three species of the family Meliaceae. Comparative experiments have been done for monoculture, polycultures, enrichment cultures, and primary forests.bitstream/item/198164/1/Id-6216-todo.pdfAnnual Report 2000
Investigations on tree species suitable for the recultivation of degraded land areas in central Amazonia.
During the first phase of the project (january 1, 1995 until april 30, 1998), the influence of the water and element supply of tree different plantation systems on the growth and wood formation of eight native tree species (Swietenia macrophylla, Carapa guianensis, Cedrela odorata, Dipterex odorata, Hymenaea courbaril, Ceiba pentandra, Virola surinamensis, Tabebuia heptaphylla) was investigated. In 1998, the data were analyzed. The results subsequently served as a basis for the second phase of the project (comp. chapter 5) which should give deeper insight into the relationship between exogenous and endogenous input, the plant metabolism, and the wood formation and wood quality of plantation-grown trees. due to the results obtained in these studies in the second phase of the project, special attention is given to the subsequent species : Swietenia macrophylla, Carapa guianensis, Cedrela odorata, Dipterex odorata, and Hymenaea courbaril. Corresponding investigations are carried out in the plantation system I (monoculture system) in comparison to system III (enrichment system). Supplementary studies on the environment-tree growth relationship of Swietenia macrophylla and Carapa guianensis are carried out in a mixed culture system (system II, comp. Schmidt et al. 1999, chapter 5). For the study on wood quality and the significance of endogenous factors for wood formation experimental areas of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazonia ( INPA, Manaus) 45 km north of Manaus, and some trees from primary forests of the region were included in this study.bitstream/item/201400/1/Investigations-on-Tree-Species-Suitable....pdfAnnual Report 1998 Ed. by J. Bauch; O. Dünisch, L. Gasparotto; C. de Azevedo; R. de Lima; R. de Morais
Rekultivierung degradierter, brachliegender Monokulturflächen in ausgewogene mischkulturflächen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung bodenbiologischer Faktoren.
Relatório dos trabalhos realizados em recuperação de áreas degradadas no Amazonas (Brasil).bitstream/item/197650/1/Id-7719-Shift.pdfJahresbericht 2000
Shift exhibition : Work implements for the legal immigrant (2018)
Exhibition: Shift. This exhibition is one of two that comprise a collaborative project between Blue Roof Museum, Chengdu, China and Wintec researchers, Hamilton, NZ.
Wintec artists and Chengdu artists made up this exhibition and was curated by Ding Fenqi, Blue Roof Museum and Eliza Webster, Wallace Gallery , Morrinsville, NZ. Notions of community, technology and exchange were explored in the exhibition
This sculptural work explores ideas of work, location/relocation and transferable skills
Recuperação de áreas degradadas e abandonadas, através de sistemas de policultivo.
Manejo da area experimental, compreendendo: limpezas, podas, tratamentos fitossanitarios, adubacoes e colheita das plantas. Estudos de fitopatologia: observacoes continuas sobre a incidencia de doencas nas plantas, registro da incidencia da vassoura-de-bruxa no cupuacu, assim como adocao de medidas de controle, quando necessario. Estudos da variabilidade do cupuacu envolvendo a variabilidade das plantas nos diferentes sistemas de cultivo. Estudos da biologia do solo: analises de amostras do solo para quantificar a variabilidade de fungos micorrizicos vesicular-arbusculares na area experimental, na capoeira e na floresta primaria. Estudos de vegetacao: avaliacao dos tipos de vegetacao envolvendo a caracterizacao, o desenvolvimento e a identificacao das especies em areas de capoeira e florestas primarias e secundarias. Avaliacao biometrica e da producao das plantas de interesse economico: diametro do tronco, altura e producao de frutos. Avaliacao de isolados de bacterias na rizosfera de pupunha e cupuacu. Estudos sobre a fermentacao de amendoas de cupuacu para producao de chocolate. Avaliacoes sobre a distribuicao do sistema radicular das plantas. Analise do custo/beneficio do sistema radicular das plantas. Analise do custo/beneficio dos sistemas agroflorestais.bitstream/item/197732/1/Id-3817-Shift.pdfRelatório Anual 1997. Ed. por Luadir Gasparotto e Gotz Schroth
Right to housing for residents of informal settlements
This policy brief provides details of the United Nations Special Rapporteur recommendations regarding how governments can upgrade informal settlements within a human rights-based framework. A human rights-based approach will require that residents are ensured security of tenure over the land on which they live. States are legally required to set in motion policies and plans which have as their end goal the fulfilment of the right to adequate housing. Upgrading can reduce poverty, promote economic development and prosperity, and improve the health and well-being of residents. Whilst upgrading might pose significant challenges, improving the housing of informal settlement dwellers is not a choice
Colgate Geographic: Geographic Survey of Well-being and Development
Sudan / Hailey Biscow -- Ethiopia / Saurabh Bhatia -- Namibia / Eli Brick -- Mozambique / Kate Faxon -- Mali / Harrison Gottlieb -- Togo / Nathan Harries -- Morocco / Karl Hommeyer -- Gabon / Chase Johnson -- Bhutan / Jake Lightman -- Indonesia / Emma Loftus -- The Philippines / Piper Marsh -- Mongolia / Nicholas Mather -- Uzbekistan / Lindsay McCulloch -- Kazakhstan / Hury Michael -- Sri Lanka / Jessie Nuthmann -- Jamaica / Meagan Klebanoff -- Trinidad and Tobago / Sebastien Lafontant -- Paraguay / Sierra Larson -- Uruguay / Gabriel Lazar -- Lithuania / Christian Quattrociocchi -- Estonia / Christopher Rothe -- Croatia / Nicole Olnhausen -- Poland / Monica Wegerer -- Syria / Caroline White -- Jordan / Hannah Wilson -- Qatar / Ian Wood -- Egypt / Shannon Youn
Water and nutrient fluxes as indicators for the stability of different land use systems on the terra firme near Manaus.
This project has by objective the quantification of water and nutrient fluxes in an experimental plantation, which is composed of different monoculture and polyculture systems with mainly perennial crops, as well as in primary and secondary forest at EMBRAPA-CPAA (Manaus, AM, Brasil). The flux measurements are expected to provide information about the efficiency with which the different land use systems exploit the available resources (water, nutrients) on the infertile soils of the area and minimize unproductive losses, e.g., through leaching. Efficient resource utilization is seem as a procondition of sustainable land use on this site.bitstream/item/180848/1/ID-4004-2.pdfAnnual Report 1995. BMF N.00396641 5
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