765 research outputs found

    Brushes of flexible, semiflexible and rodlike diblock polyampholytes: Molecular dynamics simulation and scaling analysis

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    Planar brushes of flexible, semiflexible and rodlike diblock polyampholytes are studied using molecular dynamics simulations and scaling analysis in a wide range of the grafting density. Simulations show linear dependence of the average thickness on the grafting density for all the brushes regardless of their different equilibrium conformations and different flexibility of anchored chains. Slopes of fitted lines to the average thickness of the brushes of semiflexible and rodlike polyampholytes versus the grafting density are approximately the same and differ considerably from that of the brush of flexible chains. The average thickness of the brush of diblock polyampholytes is also obtained as a function of the grafting density using a simple scaling analysis which is in good agreement with the results of our simulations.Comment: 5 Figure

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Semiflexible Polyampholyte Brushes - The Effect of Charged Monomers Sequence

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    Planar brushes formed by end-grafted semiflexible polyampholyte chains, each chain containing equal number of positively and negatively charged monomers is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Keeping the length of the chains fixed, dependence of the average brush thickness and equilibrium statistics of the brush conformations on the grafting density and the salt concentration are obtained with various sequences of charged monomers. When similarly charged monomers of the chains are arranged in longer blocks, the average brush thickness is smaller and dependence of brush properties on the grafting density and the salt concentration is stronger. With such long blocks of similarly charged monomers, the anchored chains bond to each other in the vicinity of the grafting surface at low grafting densities and buckle toward the grafting surface at high grafting densities.Comment: 8 pages,7 figure

    Effect of chain stiffness on ion distributions around a polyelectrolyte in multivalent salt solutions

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    Ion distributions in dilute polyelectrolyte solutions are studied by means of Langevin dynamics simulations. We show that the distributions depend on the conformation of a chain while the conformation is determined by the chain stiffness and the salt concentration. We observe that the monovalent counterions originally condensed on a chain can be replaced by the multivalent ones dissociated from the added salt due to strong electrostatic interaction. These newly condensed ions give an important impact on the chain structure. At low and at high salt concentrations, the conformation of a semiflexible chain is rodlike. The ion distributions show similarity to those for a rigid chain, but difference to those for a flexible chain whose conformation is a coil. In the mid-salt region, the flexible chain and the semiflexible chain collapse but the collapsed chain structures are, respectively, disordered and ordered structures. The ion distributions hence show different profiles for these three chain stiffness with the curves for the semiflexible chain lying between those for the flexible and the rigid chains. The number of the condensed multivalent counterions, as well as the effective chain charge, also shows similar behavior, demonstrating a direct connection with the chain morphology. Moreover, we find that the condensed multivalent counterions form triplets with two adjacent monomers and are localized on the chain axis at intermediate salt concentration when the chain stiffness is semiflexible or rigid. The microscopic information obtained here provides valuable insight to the phenomena of DNA condensation and is very useful for researchers to develop new models.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in JC

    Equation of state for polymer liquid crystals: theory and experiment

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    The first part of this paper develops a theory for the free energy of lyotropic polymer nematic liquid crystals. We use a continuum model with macroscopic elastic moduli for a polymer nematic phase. By evaluating the partition function, considering only harmonic fluctuations, we derive an expression for the free energy of the system. We find that the configurational entropic part of the free energy enhances the effective repulsive interactions between the chains. This configurational contribution goes as the fourth root of the direct interactions. Enhancement originates from the coupling between bending fluctuations and the compressibility of the nematic array normal to the average director. In the second part of the paper we use osmotic stress to measure the equation of state for DNA liquid crystals in 0.1M to 1M NaCl solutions. These measurements cover 5 orders of magnitude in DNA osmotic pressure. At high osmotic pressures the equation of state, dominated by exponentially decaying hydration repulsion, is independent of the ionic strength. At lower pressures the equation of state is dominated by fluctuation enhanced electrostatic double layer repulsion. The measured equation of state for DNA fits well with our theory for all salt concentrations. We are able to extract the strength of the direct electrostatic double layer repulsion. This is a new and alternative way of measuring effective charge densities along semiflexible polyelectrolytes.Comment: text + 5 figures. Submitted to PR

    Radial Distribution Function of Rodlike Polyelectrolytes

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    We study the effect of electrostatic interactions on the distribution function of the end-to-end distance of a single polyelectrolyte chain in a rodlike configuration. We investigate the validity of the concept of electrostatic persistence length for uniformly charged wormlike chains for both screened and unscreened Coulomb interactions. We find that the distribution function of a polyelectrolyte often differs significantly from the distribution function of a wormlike chain.Comment: RevTeX 4, 7 pages, 6 figure
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