5,630 research outputs found

    The Self-Introduction Exhibit

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    Abstract:This research investigated the use of Whole Brain Teaching method in teaching self-introduction. Whole Brain Teaching method is a method designed toward maximizing student’s engagement, and focusing on the way the brain is really designed to learn. The seventh grade students were chosen because based on the syllabus that self-introduction is a material for seventh grade students; there are 29 students of Junior High School Bina Kusuma Nanga Pinoh as participants. The type of this research is pre-experimental, that was made to try out the use of the Whole Brain Teaching method in teaching self-introduction. The purposes of doing this research were to investigate the effectiveness and the effect size of using Whole Brain Teaching method in teaching self-introduction.The writer used the measurement technique to collect the data and the tool of data collection was speaking rubric assessment. The data which have been collected are analyzed by using the speaking scoring rubric from Cohen, et al, and modified by the writer. The research found that the use of Whole Brain Teaching method is effective in teaching self-introduction, where tratio=6.17 is higher than tcritical=2.048 and the use of Whole Brain Teaching method gives a strong effect toward the students’ ability in performing self-introduction in English, where ES=1.11. Whole Brain Teaching method can be an alternative solution for teacher to teach the students since it can help the students in comprehending self-introduction. Keywords:Whole Brain Teaching method, Self-introduction Abstrak:Penelitian ini menginvestigasi penggunaan metode Whole Bran Teaching dalam mengajar self-introduction. Metode Whole Brain Teachig adalah metode yang di desain untuk memaksimalkan keikutsertaan siswa, dan focus pada bagaimana otak memang di desain untuk belajar. Siswa kelas tujuh dipilih karena berdasarkan silabus bahwa self-introduction adalah materi untuk siswa kelas tujuh; sebanyak 29 siswa dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bina Kusuma Nanga Pinoh yang menjadi peserta. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre-eksperimental, yang dibuat untuk mencoba penggunaan dari metode Whole Brain Teaching dalam mengajar self-introduction. Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi efektivitas dan effect size dari penggunaan metode Whole BrainTeaching dalam mengajar self-introduction. Penulis menggunakan measurement technique untuk mengumpulkan data dan alat untuk mengumpulkan data adalah rubrik penilaian berbicara. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan rubrik penilaian berbicara dari Cohen, dkk, dan dimodifikasi oleh penulis. Penelitian menemukan bahwa penggunaan metode Whole Brain Teaching efektif dalam mengajar self-introduction, dimana tratio=6.17 lebih tinggi dibandingkan tcritical=2.048 dan penggunaan metode Whole Brain Teaching member efek yang kuat untuk kemampuan siswa dalam mempraktikkan self-introduction dalam Bahasa Inggris, dimana ES=1.11. metode Whole Brain Teaching bias menjadi sebuah solusi alternatif untuk guru dalam mengajar siswa karena hal tersebut dapat membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan self-introduction. Kata Kunci: Metode Whole Brain Teaching, Self-introduction

    Self introduction

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    Topic-Guided Self-Introduction Generation for Social Media Users

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    Millions of users are active on social media. To allow users to better showcase themselves and network with others, we explore the auto-generation of social media self-introduction, a short sentence outlining a user's personal interests. While most prior work profiles users with tags (e.g., ages), we investigate sentence-level self-introductions to provide a more natural and engaging way for users to know each other. Here we exploit a user's tweeting history to generate their self-introduction. The task is non-trivial because the history content may be lengthy, noisy, and exhibit various personal interests. To address this challenge, we propose a novel unified topic-guided encoder-decoder (UTGED) framework; it models latent topics to reflect salient user interest, whose topic mixture then guides encoding a user's history and topic words control decoding their self-introduction. For experiments, we collect a large-scale Twitter dataset, and extensive results show the superiority of our UTGED to the advanced encoder-decoder models without topic modeling

    Ideational Meaning in Students\u27 Self-Introduction: What Are Realized?

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    Ideational meaning merupakan salah satu aspek dalam systemic functional linguistic yang lebih banyak dianalisa dalam teks tertulis. Ideational meaning terdiri dari tiga aspek utama yaitu participants, processes, dan circumstances. Adanya fenomena masih sedikitnya penelitian analisa ideational meaning dalam teks lisan, maka perlu adanya penelitian tentang realisasi ideational meaning pada teks lisan. Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif-analisis wacana dengan menggunakan analisa transitivitas (transitivity analysis) yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan aspek-aspek ideational meaning yang terdapat dalam video perkenalan diri mahasiswa di kelas Speaking 1. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aspek participants, processes, dan circumstances yang dominan terealisasi dalam video self-introduction adalah senser (participant), relational (process), and place and cause circumstances (circumstances). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa kelas Speaking 1 lebih dominan menggunakan senser, relational process, and place and cause circumstances ketika mereka memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris

    Not Your Average Speech of Self-Introduction: The Talking Resume Alternative

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    The “talking résumé” activity is designed as a creative and useful alternative to the standard speech of self-introduction exercise in the university public speaking classroom. Using Visual Communicator software, this assignment guides students through the process of preparing, orally delivering, and critiquing résumés for themselves and their classmates. This brief article is geared toward public speaking instructors looking for innovative ways to begin the semester and provides suggestions for how to assign, conduct, and evaluate the “talking résumé” activity

    Wayne Crothers, Self-introduction

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    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Penilaian Hasil Belajar Akuntansi pada Mahasiswa Konsentrasi Akuntansi BP 2010 di Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) PGRI Sumatera Barat

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    This research has a background by less. It is caused by lock of students emotional intelligence in the learning process. The research aims to know significant contribute of emotional intelligence of student, consist of self introduction, self control, motivation, emphaty, and social skill to result study of student accountancy in students accountancy academic years 2010. For, hyphothesis testing was used t test by using SPSS 15.0 version. Based on result of analyze data got self introduction have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, self control have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Motivation have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STIKP PGRI Sumatera Barat. Emphaty have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STIKP PGRI Sumatera Barat, and social skill have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STIKP PGRI Sumatera Barat

    Immune system, immune self. Introduction

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    The idea that the immune system distinguishes between self and non-self was one of the central assumptions of immunology in the second half of 20 th century. This idea influenced experimental design and data interpretation. However, in the face of new evidence there is a need for a new conceptual framework in immunology