30 research outputs found


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    Lettuce is a plant whose leaves are taken to be used as vegetables or salad.  The purpose of this study was to obtain a combination of nutrients that can increase the growth and best yield of red lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Lollorosa) with hydroponic wick system.  The research method used in this study was a single-factor Randomized Group Design (RAK) consisting of 7 treatments repeated 4 times.  The treatments applied were A (AB Mix 3.2 EC), B (AB Mix 1.5 EC + Bayfolan 6 ml), C (AB Mix 1.8 EC + Bayfolan 3 ml), D (AB Mix 1.2 EC + Bayfolan 9 ml), E (AB Mix 1.5 EC + POC 6 ml), F (AB Mix 1.8 EC + POC 3 ml), and G (AB Mix 1.2 EC + POC 9 ml).  Giving a combination of nutrients gives a real effect on the growth and yield of red lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa var. Lollorosa) at the age of 2 weeks after planting, 3 weeks after planting, 4 weeks after planting, 5 weeks after planting.  Number of leaves at plant age 3 weeks and 5 weeks.  Leaf area, root length, fresh weight of plants with roots, fresh weight of plants without roots.  Treatment E, namely AB Mix 1.5 EC + POC 6 ml, gave the highest results on plant height, which was 20.96 cm, root length of 26.94 cm, leaf area of 100 cm2, fresh weight with roots of 13.3 g, and fresh weight without roots of 11.49 g &nbsp

    UJI JENIS NUTRISI PADA SELADA HIDROPONIK SISTIM WICK: Nutrition Type Test On Hydroponic Lettuce Wick System

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    Simple hydroponic wick system (Wicks) can be applied in overcoming the land crisis for the development of horticultural crops.  Nutrients are an important part of hydroponic activities and Abmix is ​​a standard nutrient in hydroponic farming activities.  It is necessary to test the opportunities for the utilization of nutrients from POC and synthetic fertilizers. This study aims to determine the opportunities for using liquid organic fertilizers (POC) and synthetic fertilizers in hydroponic lettuce plants using the wick system.  The treatment consisted of 5 types of nutrition, namely (1) AB mix (control) 50 mL per 10 liters of water (ABM); (2) NPK 10 g + Gandasil 5 g per 10 liters of water (NPG); (3) Abmix 25 mL + 5g NPK + 2.5 g Gandasil per 10 liters of water (ANG); (4) Abmix 25 mL + 400 mL POC from chicken feather waste (ABP) and (5) 5 g NPK + 2.5 g Gandasil + 400 mL POC chicken feathers per 10 liters of water (NGP).  The results showed that there were differences in the growth of lettuce in the hydroponic wick system due to the type of nutrition treatment. Alternative nutrients that have the potential to be used in wick cystic hydroponic lettuce are Abmix 25ml + 5g NPK + 2.5 g Gandasil per 10 liters of water (ANG) and Abmix 25 mL+ 400 mL POC from chicken feather waste per 10 liters of water (ABP

    The Growth of the Red Lactus (Lactuca sativa L. var. Crispa) After Using Nano Technology Liquid Organic Fertilizer Hydroponically cultivated

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    Hydroponics is a method of agriculture in which earth is not used. Among the plants amenable to hydroponic cultivation is red lettuce. One disadvantage of hydroponic cultivation is the occurrence of nutrient deposition, particularly in the wick system, where the nutrient water does not move. A technique that can lessen the amount of nutrient deposition that occurs in hydroponic systems is required in light of the aforementioned issues. Nanotechnology is one of the technologies developed. The five treatments and four replications in this study were P1 = AB Mix 100 percent, P2 = AB Mix 75 percent + POC Nano 25 percent, P3 = AB Mix 50 percent + POC Nano 50 percent, P4 = AB Mix 25 percent + POC Nano 75 percent, and P5 = POC Nano 100 percent. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was used to analyze the data, and the Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test at level 5 followed. The effects of nanotechnology-enhanced liquid organic fertilizer on red lettuce growth, including height, leaf area, number of leaves, fresh weight, and dry weight, were examined. The highest average plant is at P3 with a plant height of 36.42 cm, the highest average number of leaves is at P3 as many as 11.25 strands, the widest average leaf is at P4 with an area of ​​40.25 cm2, the average weight The highest wet weight was P4 with a weight of 17.01 g, and the highest average dry weight was P2 with a weight of 1.32 g


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    Hidroponik dikenal sebagai budidaya tanaman tanpa tanah, istilah hidroponik digunakan untuk menjelaskan cara bercocok tanam tanpa menggunakan tanah sebagai media tanam dengan penambahan nutrisi hara untuk pertumbuhan. Hidroponik DFT (Deep Flow Technique) menjadi teknik penanaman yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan mensirkulasikan larutan nutrisi dan media tanam secara terus menerus selama 24 jam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik cair daun kelor dan nutrisi Ab Mix terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman selada merah (Lactuca sativa var. crispa) dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pertumbuhan tanaman selada merah (Lactuca sativa var. crispa) dengan pemberian pupuk organik cair daun kelor dan nutrisi Ab Mix. Penelitian ini di lakukan pada bulan Januari-Maret di Kebun Hidroponik Gampong Peurada Banda Aceh. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan Uji Independent Sampel T-Test dan Uji Man-Whitney dengan 2 perlakuan media tanam yaitu, 1 media tanam menggunakan nutrisi Ab Mix dan perlakuan 2 menggunakan Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Kelor ( Moringa oleifera ). Berdasarkan hasil Uji Independent Sampel T-Test dari parameter tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun (helai) dan lebar daun memiliki hasil yang signifikan dengan pemberian media tanam nutrisi Ab Mix dan Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Kelor yang signifikan dengan pemberian media tanam nutrisi Ab Mix dan Poc Daun Kelor yaitu <0,05, sedangkan parameter morfologi daun selada merah memiliki bentuk daun yang sama yaitu berbentuk memanjang dan lebar, masing-masing daun berwarna hijau di bagian pangkal dan berwarna merah di bagian atas, daun selada merah pada perlakuan pupuk organik cair daun kelor lebih merah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan nutrisi Ab Mix

    Pengaruh Ecoenzyme Teknologi Nano Terhadap Pertumbuhan Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) yang Dibudidayakan Secara Hidroponik

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    Peningkatan produksi pakcoy pada lahan yang sempit dapat menggunakan budidaya hidroponik. Hidroponik adalah budidaya tanaman menggunakan air dan membutuhkan larutan nutrisi untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Upaya mengurangi penggunaan nutrisi AB Mix yang tidak ramah terhadap lingkungan, digunakan pupuk organik dari ecoenzyme. Solusi mengatasi pengendapan nutrisi adalah teknologi nano yang sifatnya slow release dan meningkatkan penyerapan unsur hara. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh ecoenzyme teknologi nano terhadap pertumbuhan pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) yang dibudayakan secara hidroponik. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Juli-Desember 2022 di Laboratorium Penelitian dan rumah kawat Departemen Biologi, Universitas Negeri Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 6 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan : Kontrol (Air sumur+AB Mix), P1 (Air Nano+100% AB Mix), P2 (Air Nano+25% Ecoenzyme Nano+75% AB Mix), P3 (Air Nano+50% Ecoenzyme Nano+50% AB Mix), P4 (Air Nano+75% Ecoenzyme Nano+25% AB Mix), P5 (Air Nano+100% Ecoenzyme Nano). Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan uji DNMRT pada taraf 5%.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat basah dan berat kering tanaman tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P2 (Air Nano+75% AB Mix+25% Ecoenzyme Nano), sedangkan luas daun tertinggi pada P3 (Air Nano+50% AB Mix+50% Ecoenzyme Nano). Pengunaan ecoenzyme teknologi nano berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan pakcoy yang dibudidayakan secara hidroponik. Kata Kunci: AB Mix, ecoenzyme, hidroponik, pakcoy, tekologi nan

    Performance Test of LED Grow Light with Indoor Hydroponic System for Horticultural Plants

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    This study aimed to evaluate the performance of LED grow lights in an indoor hydroponic system for horticultural plants. The problem identified was the need for energy efficiency and optimal yield in hydroponic growth systems. The experimental research method involved collecting descriptive data presented in tables and figures. Variables measured included power consumption, light intensity, temperature, humidity, plant height, leaf count, leaf width, and pH and EC levels. The results showed that lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown with a 25-watt LED grow light in a wick hydroponic system exhibited the best growth compared to lower power levels. The highest productivity was achieved under 12 hours of sunlight, yielding 17.82 tons/ha, while 20 hours of LED lighting resulted in the lowest productivity at 7.11 tons/ha. A 16-hour lighting treatment produced better results, with a yield of 11.05 tons/ha. In conclusion, the duration and type of lighting significantly affect lettuce productivity in a hydroponic system