28,112 research outputs found


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    Physical activity is exceptionally significant for a childā€™s regular growth and development and it should be practiced from the earliest age. The importance of physical activity is further accentuated in modern societyā€™s living conditions. Technology is becoming increasingly present and childrenā€™s movement is brought to a minimum. Therefore, children are included in the system of sport, where competition occupies a central role. Parents frequently attend childrenā€™s training and competitions. The goal of this paper was to determine the influence of parents as part of the sports audience on children who practice sport. The authors wanted to ascertain the extent to which parents arrive at their childā€™s training and matches in order to provide support, in what measure they interfere with the coachā€™s work in training and matches and whether they punish their child if it makes a mistake in a competition. Also, one of the tasks was to determine parentsā€™ opinion on whether insulting referees from the stands is a form of violence and to establish to what extent they give themselves the right to argue with referees during a childrenā€™s game. Two hundred and fiftyfive parents of children from five different sports, all of whom completed a survey, participated in the research. It was established that parents, in large part, interfere with the coachā€™s work during training and matches, despite most of them replying that the coach is competent to do his job in a satisfactory manner. Regarding pressure that is put on children, a small percentage of parents punish their child if it makes a mistake. What should be a cause for concern is the reply of a large number of parents that insulting referees is not a form of violence and that they consider it a normal phenomenon, as well as the fact that one-third of the respondents had witnessed an argument between parents of opposing teams at the stands, an occurrence which is, unfortunately, becoming increasingly present at children competitions.Fizička aktivnost je posebno važna za dječiji rast i razvoj, te bi se stoga trebala prakticirati već od najmlađih uzrasta. Važnost fizičke aktivnosti dodatno je naglaÅ”ena u životnim uvjetima modernog druÅ”tva. Tehnologija postaje sve viÅ”e pristunom i kretanje djece svedeno je na minimum. Stoga su djeca uključena u sustav sporta, a gdje natjecanje igra srediÅ”nju ulogu. Roditelji često posjećuju treninge i natjecanja svoje djece. Cilj je ovog rada odrediti utjecaj roditelja, kao dijela sportske publike, na djecu koja prakticiraju sport. Autori su željeli odrediti do koje razine roditelji posjećuju treninge i utakmice djece radi davanja podrčke, odnosno u kojoj se mjeri mjeÅ”aju u posao trenera prilikom treninga i utakmica, kao i kažnjavaju li djecu u slučaju da naprave pogreÅ”ku u natjecanju. Također, jedan od zadataka bio je odrediti miÅ”ljenje roditelja u pogledu predstavlja li vrijeđanje sudaca iz gledaliÅ”ta oblik nasilja i do koje razine si dopuÅ”taju ulazak u raspravu sa sudcima tijekom dječje utakmice. U istraživanju sudjelovalo je 255 roditelja djece iz 5 različitih sportova, a koji su u tu svrhu ispunili anketu. Rezultati su pokazali da se roditelji uvelike mjeÅ”aju u posao trenera tijekom treninga i utakmica, unatoč tome Å”to ih većina smatra da je trener zadovoljavajuće kompetentan za obavljanje svoga posla. U pogledu pritiska kojeg stavljaju na djecu, mali postotak roditelja kažnjava svoje dijete ako učini pogreÅ”ku. Ono Å”to bi trebalo biti zabrinjavajuće je odgovor velikog broja roditelja koji smatraju da vrijeđanje suca nije oblik nasilja i da to smatraju normalnom pojavom, kao i činjenica da je jedna trećina odgovorila da su svjedočili svađi između roditelja suprotstavljenih timova u gledaliÅ”tu, pojavi koja je, na nesreću, postala prisutna na dječjim natjecanjima

    Parental Quality of Life in the Framework of Paediatric Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease

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    Chronic gastrointestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and celiac disease (CD), might have impact not only on the affected child but also on their parents since inside the family framework, a change in each member may have influence on the whole system. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that parents whose children have IBD or CD will have a lower quality of life (QoL) compared to parents of healthy children, as well as that lower QoL will be found among parents who perceive lower health related quality of life (HRQOL) of their child. 55 parents of children with IBD, 49 of CD and 53 parents of healthy children were included in the study. Children were aged 7ā€“18 years. In order to measure parental QoL, a Croatian version of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was administered, with four domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environment. The Total QoL was calculated as a sum of all domain items. The parent-proxy report of childrenā€™s HRQOL, PedsQLTM 4.0 Generic Core Scales was used.Main result shows that parents of children with IBD report a significantly lower psychological health, compared to parents of other children, and significantly lower physical health compared to parents of healthy children. Among parents of children with CD and parents of healthy children, better parental Total QoL was significantly correlated with better parental report of childrenā€™s HRQOL, while for parents of children with IBD those associations were not found. Results of study show association between presence of the disease in offspring with poorer parental QoL, thus highlight the importance of supporting not only children with chronic disease but also involving their parents in psychosocial interventions, as well as supporting the patientā€™s association groups which gather both children with chronic disease and their parents

    ZaŔto biti su-roditelj?

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    The paper offers an account of co-parenthood according to which co-parents are parent and child to one another. The paper begins by reviewing extant theories of the value of being a parent, to see whether the value of co-parenthood is reducible to this. Finding that it is not, I briefly elaborate a theory of parenthood on which parents are those who create persons. Using Aristotleā€™s four causes as a helpful prism, I outline how parents are the cause of their child, and how in causing a child together co-parents become parent and child to one another. For instance, since parents create children by offering themselves as models to be copied, co-parents should enjoy the best type of friendship with one another, each treating the otherā€™s flourishing as a human person as their end. I suggest that co-parenthood contains parenthood virtually, that the co-parentsā€™ love of their child is a manifestation of their love for one another, that the teleological fulfilled state of the friendship between parent and child exists in the friendship of co-parents.U radu se nudi prikaz su-roditeljstva prema kojem su su-roditelji jedno drugom i roditelj i dijete. Rad započinje pregledom postojećih teorija o vrijednosti roditeljstva kako bi se vidjelo može li se vrijednost su-roditeljstva svesti na to. UtvrdivÅ”i da se ne može, ukratko elaboriram teoriju roditeljstva po kojoj su roditelji ti koji stvaraju osobe. Koristeći Aristotelova četiri uzroka kao korisnu prizmu, ocrtavam kako su roditelji uzrok svog djeteta i kako u stvaranju djeteta zajedno su-roditelji postaju roditelji i dijete jedno drugome. Na primjer, s obzirom na to da roditelji stvaraju djecu kao modele koje treba kopirati, su-roditelji bi trebali uživati u najboljoj vrsti prijateljstva jedni s drugima, tretirajući procvat onog drugog kao ljudske osobe kao svoj cilj. Predlažem da su-roditeljstvo sadrži roditeljstvo virtualno, da je ljubav su-roditelja prema djetetu manifestacija njihove ljubavi jednih prema drugima te da teleoloÅ”ki ispunjeno stanje prijateljstva između roditelja i djeteta postoji u prijateljstvu su-roditelja

    Types of cooperation between preschool teachers and parents of children with disabilities

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    Suradnja između odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju je izuzetno važna za pravilnu inkluziju djece i njihov pravilan rast i razvoj. U ovom radu pojaÅ”njeni su oblici suradnje odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju te su analizirana dosadaÅ”nja iskustva odgojitelja o suradnji s roditeljima. Kako bi odnos između odgojitelja i roditelja bio uspjeÅ”an za obje strane, potrebno je izgraditi međusobno povjerenje. Odgojitelji trebaju uvažavati roditelje kao primarne skrbnike djece i maksimalno ih uključivati u odgojno-obrazovni sustav dok bi roditelji trebali uvažavati znanja i stručnost odgojitelja. Samo uspjeÅ”na suradnja roditelja i odgojitelja može voditi k pozitivnoj inkluziji djece i njihovom uspjeÅ”nom razvoju.Collaboration between educators, in this case governess, and parents of children with disabilities is very important for the proper inclusion, proper development and child growth. In this paper, the ways of cooperation between governess and parents are explained and also analyzed through the forms of mutual cooperation. In order for the parent-governess relationship to be successful it is necessary to build mutual trust. Governess should respect parents as the primary caregivers of children and maximally involve them in the educational system, while parents should respect the knowledge and expertise of the governess. Only successful cooperation of parents and educators can lead to positive inclusion and successful child development

    Presence of disability in accordance to chronological age of children

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    Rani probir djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju postalo je jedno od prioritetnih područja različitih strategija u Europskoj Uniji pa tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ranim probirom želi se identificirati djecu s teÅ”koćama u razvoju ili djecu koja su rizična kako bi im se mogla pružiti primjerena i pravovremena podrÅ”ka. U zemljama EU-e i SAD-u rani se probir provodi pri zdravstvu i odgoju i obrazovanju, Å”to su ujedno dva najčeŔća sustava koja se bave djecom od najranije dobi. Uz pedijatre, liječnike i odgojitelje, u tom kontekstu roditelji imaju iznimno važnu ulogu jer upravo oni mogu prvi ukazati na postojanje odstupanja u razvojnom slijedu. Stoga se u ovome radu željelo saznati na koji način roditelji percipiraju djetetov razvoj, tj. kako procjenjuju djetetov razvoj u odnosu na kronoloÅ”ku dob djeteta te u kojem su razvojnom periodu najčeŔće zabrinuti za djetetov razvoj. U tu je svrhu primijenjen američki test probira Ages and stages 3 (Sqiurel i sur., 2009). Istraživanje je provedeno u sklopu istraživačkog projekta INGI 2015-29 pri SveučiliÅ”tu J. J. Strossmayer u Osijeku ā€žPromjena paradigme poučavanja u ranom djetinjstvu: konstruktivizam i razvojni pristup vs. biheviorističke strategijeā€œ tijekom 2016. i 2017. godine. Deskriptivna statistička analiza pokazuje kako oko 30% djece pokazuje razvojno odstupanje na jednom ili viÅ”e razvojnih područja. Roditelji su najčeŔće zabrinuti za djecu u dobi od 28. do 31. mjeseca života tj. najčeŔće zapažaju odstupanja u tom periodu. Prikupljeni podatci ukazuju na to da su roditelji zainteresirani za rani razvoj djeteta koji ujedno i pomno prate te da se aktivnijim uključivanjem roditelja u proces ranog probira proces uključivanja djeteta u ranu intervenciju može značajno ubrzati.The early screening test of children with disabilities has become one of the priority areas of different strategies in the European Union, including the Republic of Croatia. Early screening is intended to identify children with developmental difficulties or children who are at risk, so that they can be provided appropriate support on time. In the EU and US countries, early screening is carried out in health care and education, which are also the two most common systems that deal with children from the earliest age. With pediatricians, doctors and nurses, parents have an extremely important role in this context, as they can first point to the existence of discrepancies in the developmental sequence. Therefore, in this paper, the point is to find out how parents perceive the child's development, how to evaluate the child's development in relation to the chronological age of the child, and in which development period are most often concerned about the child's development. For this purpose, the American test script Ages and stages 3 (Sqiurel et al., 2009) has been applied. The research was carried out within the INGI 2015-29 research project at J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek "Changing the paradigm of teaching in early childhood: constructivism and developmental approaches vs. Behavioral Strategies "during 2016 and 2017. Descriptive statistical analysis shows that about 30% of children show developmental discrepancy in one or more developmental areas. Parents are most often concerned about children aged between 28 and 31, so they often notice deviations in that period. Collected data indicate that parents are interested in early childhood development, closely monitored, and that actively involving parents in the early process of screening the child's involvement in early intervention can significantly accelerate

    Psycho-physical readiness for school

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    Spremnost djeteta za polazak u Å”kolu uključuje tjelesnu, emocionalnu, socijalnu i kognitivnu zrelost. Tjelesna spremnost odnosi se na stupanj tjelesne razvijenosti u odnosu na dob te funkcioniranje osjetnih organa. Emocionalna razvijenost odnosi se na emocionalnu stabilnost i toleranciju na frustraciju. Socijalna spremnost odnosi se na vjeÅ”tinu komuniciranja i suradnju s vrÅ”njacima i odraslima, a kognitivna spremnost uz inteligenciju uključuje iskustva i spoznaje o samom sebi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi stav roditelja o pripremi djece za polazak u Å”kolu, o njihovoj angažiranosti oko iste te zadovoljstvu roditelja s predÅ”kolskim programom. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi prepoznaju li roditelji psihofizičke komponente koje dijete treba usvojiti prije polaska u Å”kolu te smatraju li da imaju ključnu ulogu u djetetovoj pripremi za Å”kolu i stvaranju pozitvne slike o Å”koli. Anketu je popunilo 35 roditelja čija djeca pohađaju predÅ”kolski program u tri vrtića u dva različita grada. Rezultati su prikazali da su roditelji upućeni u važnost pripreme za Å”kolu te da su svjesni Å”to se od djece očekuje u Å”koli. Izuzetno se zanimaju za one kompetencije koje su važne za praćenje i rjeÅ”avanje zadataka u Å”koli. Većina roditelja dobro poznaju koje kompetencije dijete treba usvojiti prije Å”kole i na kojem stupnju razvoja treba biti njihovo dijete prije upisa u Å”kolu. Roditelji su svjesni da njihovo dijete i dalje treba prostor za igru i opuÅ”tanje. Također, većina je roditelja svjesna važnosti suradnje Å”kole i vrtića po pitanju pripreme za Å”kolu te predÅ”kolskog programa koji u pripremi svakako treba pomoći.Child readiness for attending school includes physical, emotional, social and cognitive maturity. Physical readiness refers to level of physical size compared to age and functioning of sensory organs. Emotional readiness refers to emotional stability and ability to tolerate frustration. Social readiness refers to communication skills and cooperation with peers and adults, a cognitive readiness with intelligence includes experience and self-concept. Purpose of this research was to determine attitude of the parents about child's readiness of school about their engagement and about parents satisfaction with preschool programme. Also purpose was to determine do parents recognize psychophysical components which child needs to possess before school starts and do parents consider they have the key part about child's readiness for school and creating positive image of school. Thirty five parents which children attend preschool programme in three kindergarten in two different cities filled the questionnaire. Results showed that parents are awared about importance preparations for school and their awareness about what is expected from their children in the school. They are specially interested in competences which are important for monitoring and completing exams in school. Most of the parents know which competences the child needs to acquire before school and on what level of development child should be before school starts. Parents are aware that their child also needs time for playing and relaxing. Also, most of the parents know the important relation between kindergarten and school about readiness for school and preschool programme which is helpful in preparations as well

    Parental involvement in education and adolescent peer relations

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    Osnovni cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati postoje li dobne, spolne i razlike u socioekonomskom statusu roditelja, u odnosu na njihovu uključenost u djetetovo Å”kolovanje i adolescentske vrÅ”njačke odnose. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 192 roditelja (25% očeva i 75% majki) adolescenata prvih, drugih, trećih i četvrtih razreda iz sedam srednjih Å”kola s područja Slavonije. Prosječna dob roditelja bila je 45,28 godina (sd=6,03), a raspon dobi roditelja od 33 do 65 godina. Roditelji su ispunili Upitnik Socioekonomskog statusa obitelji (SES; Velki, 2012), Skalu roditeljske uključenosti u obrazovanje djet eta (RUOD; Velki, 2012) i Upitnik roditeljskog poznavanja djetetovih vrÅ”njaka (RPDV; Velki, 2012). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se roditelji, s obzirom na njihov spol, ne razlikuju u uključenosti u djetetovo Å”kolovanje; ali da majke bolje poznaju djetetove vrÅ”njake od očeva. Također, roditelji različite dobi podjednako su uključeni u djetetovo Å”kolovanje kao i u adolescentske vrÅ”njačke odnose. Rezultati ovog istraživanja također ukazuju da ne postoji ni razlika u uključenosti roditelja u Å”kolovanje i adol escentske vrÅ”njačke odnose s obzirom na njihov socioekonomski status.Basic goal of this study was to examine age, gender and socioeconomic differences between parents, in relation to their involvement in childhood education and ado lescent peer relationships. The study included 192 parents (25% fathers and 75% mothers) of adolescent s of first, second, third and fourth grade from the seven secondary schools in Slavonia. Average age of parents was 45.28 years (sd = 6.03) and age ranged from 33 to 65 years. Parents completed the Socioeconomic Status Family Questionnaire (SES; Velki, 2012), the Scale of Parental Inclusion in Childā€™s Education (RUOD; Velki, 2012) and Questionnaire on Parental Knowledge of a Child (RPDV; Velki, 2012). The obtained results show that parents do not differ in involvement in childā€™s education, regarding gender; but that mothers are better acquainted with child's peers than fathers. Also, parents of different ages are equally involved in childhood education as well as adolescent peer relationships. The results of this research indicate that there is no difference in involvement of parents in schooling and adolescent peer relations, due to socioeconomic status

    Reading encouraging from earth childhood

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    U vremenu smo gdje se puno govori i piÅ”e o obitelji, odgoju i brizi unutar obitelji. Jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika razvoja djeteta je upravo njegov razvoj u obiteljskom okruženju. Kroz tijek vremena, teÅ”ko da se obitelj može zamijeniti bilo kojom drugom sredinom. Roditelji, kao primarni skrbnici od najranije dobi, djeci služe kao izvor informacija, a nasuprot tome dijete im vjeruje, oponaÅ”a ih i želi vrijeme provoditi s njima. Čitanje djetetu od najranije dobi jednako je važno za njegov razvoj kao i briga o njegovim osnovnim potrebama - potrebi za hranom, odmorom, zdravljem, ljubavlju, igrom i sigurnoŔću. Roditelj čitajući djetetu, čak i onda kada zna da dijete ne razumije Å”to mu se govori, izgrađuje s djetetom poseban osjećaj bliskosti i povezanosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je saznati stavove roditelja djece dječjeg vrtića na području grada Daruvara o čitanju djeci od najranije dobi te njihove navike čitanja s djecom.We live in a time where there is much talk about family, care within a family and upbringing. One of the most important factors in childrenā€™s development is its developments in a family surroundings. Family has always been the most important surroundings for a child, irreplaceable with any other. Parents, primary caregivers from the earliest age, serve as a source of information for their children. Children trust them, imitate them and want to spend time with them. Reading to children from earth childhood is just as important for their development, as taking care of their other basic needs, such as food, rest, health, love, game and security. When a parent reads to a child, he is building a special connection and closeness to this child, even when a child canā€™t comprehend what exactly is being said to him. The objective of this research was to learn what the attitude of parents is, in a kindergarten in Daruvar, towards reading to children from earth childhood, and also to learn something more about their reading habits with children
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