10,108,455 research outputs found

    Election Results Show Frente Amplia Strength

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    Overweight in Swedish show dogs : prevalence and association with dog show results

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    Övervikt är idag ett vanligt problem hos hundar. I en studie från 2018 bedömdes 30 % av Sveriges hundar vara överviktiga. Övervikt är kopplat till många hälsoproblem som negativt påverkar både livslängd och livskvalité. Studier har tidigare visat att ägare ofta underskattar hullet på sina hundar. Huvudmålet med den här studien var att undersöka prevalens av övervikt hos några av de populäraste hundraserna på en svensk hundutställning. Ytterligare ett mål var att undersöka om hullet hade en association med hundarnas resultat i utställningen. I Sverige har inga liknande studier utförts tidigare. I den här studien hullbedömdes 124 hundar från åtta olika raser med hjälp av en niogradig body condition score skala (BCS) där de hundar med BCS≥6 räknades som överviktiga. Av de hundar som hullbedömdes hade 34 % ett BCS på ≥6. Labrador retriever, Golden retriever och Fransk bulldogg/Mops var de raser med högst prevalens av övervikt och var också de raser med högst BCS (medelvärde 5,6-5,7) jämfört med andra bedömda raser. Whippets hade lägst BCS (medelvärde 4,8). Studien kunde inte hitta någon association mellan hull och utställningsresultat. Enligt den här studien var prevalensen av övervikt bland utställningshundar väl överensstämmande med den uppskattade andelen överviktiga hundar i Sverige. En betydande proportion av utställningshundarna var överviktiga och det fanns tydliga skillnader i prevalens av övervikt mellan olika raser, där retrievers och brakycefala raser var de raser med högst prevalens av övervikt. Hundägare, uppfödare och domare av dessa raser bör göras extra medvetna om överviktsproblematiken för att kunna verka preventivt och undvika övervikt och dess kopplade hälsorisker. Inga indikationer på premiering av överviktiga individer sågs i denna studie, men eftersom studien endast innefattar ett litet urval av Sveriges utställningshundar kan resultaten inte rakt av extrapoleras till Sveriges utställningshundar. Fler och mer omfattande studier krävs för att kunna dra mer generella slutsatser om utställningshundars hull, förekomst av premiering av överviktiga individer inom andra raser än de som studerats i den aktuella studien. Detta för att få en bättre helhetsbild av överviktsituationen för utställningshundar i Sverige.Overweight is a common problem among dogs nowadays. A study published in 2018 estimated that 30 % of Swedish dogs were overweight. Overweight in dogs is related to a multitude of health problems that negatively affect both lifespan and quality of life. Studies have shown that owners tend to underestimate the body condition of their dogs. The main objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of overweight among some of the most popular dog breeds competing in a Swedish dog show. A secondary objective was to evaluate if body condition and the results in the dog show were associated. This is the first study of this kind to be conducted in Sweden. In this study, 124 dogs of eight different breeds were investigated with regards to body condition score (BCS) on a scale of 1-9 where a BCS ≥6 was considered overweight. Of the dogs that participated in the study 34 % had a BCS of ≥6. Labrador retriever, Golden retriever and French bulldog/Pug were the breeds with the highest prevalence of overweight and were also the breeds with the highest BCS (mean BCS 5,6-5,7) in comparison with the other breeds that participated in this study. Whippets was the breed with the lowest BCS (mean BCS 4,8). This study could not identify an association between BCS and dog-show results. According to this study, the prevalence of overweight among show dogs was consistent with the estimated prevalence of overweight in the Swedish dog population. A large portion of the investigated dogs were considered to be overweight. There was a clear breed difference where retrievers and brachycephalic breeds showed the highest prevalence of overweight. Dog owners, breeders and judges of those breeds should be made aware of the overweight problem to be able to prevent and avoid overweight and its associated health problems. No indication of favouring overweight individuals in the dog-show competition could be identified in this study. However, the study comprises only a small selection of Swedish show dogs and the results cannot be extrapolated to Swedish show dogs. In order to draw more definitive conclusions regarding body condition of Swedish show dogs and its association with dog-show results further studies are required

    Nicaraguan Election Poll Results Show Fsln Lead

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    Breast vibro-acoustography: initial results show promise

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    INTRODUCTION: Vibro-acoustography (VA) is a recently developed imaging modality that is sensitive to the dynamic characteristics of tissue. It detects low-frequency harmonic vibrations in tissue that are induced by the radiation force of ultrasound. Here, we have investigated applications of VA for in vivo breast imaging. METHODS: A recently developed combined mammography-VA system for in vivo breast imaging was tested on female volunteers, aged 25 years or older, with suspected breast lesions on their clinical examination. After mammography, a set of VA scans was acquired by the experimental device. In a masked assessment, VA images were evaluated independently by 3 reviewers who identified mass lesions and calcifications. The diagnostic accuracy of this imaging method was determined by comparing the reviewers' responses with clinical data. RESULTS: We collected images from 57 participants: 7 were used for training and 48 for evaluation of diagnostic accuracy (images from 2 participants were excluded because of unexpected imaging artifacts). In total, 16 malignant and 32 benign lesions were examined. Specificity for diagnostic accuracy was 94% or higher for all 3 reviewers, but sensitivity varied (69% to 100%). All reviewers were able to detect 97% of masses, but sensitivity for detection of calcification was lower (≤ 72% for all reviewers). CONCLUSIONS: VA can be used to detect various breast abnormalities, including calcifications and benign and malignant masses, with relatively high specificity. VA technology may lead to a new clinical tool for breast imaging applications

    Argentina: Poll Results Show Business Sector Optimism

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    Trial Results Show Dual Benefits of SCN Resistance

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    The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) continues to be a major yield-reducing pathogen of soybeans in Iowa, and it occurs in up to 75 percent of fields in the state. Growing SCN-resistant soybeans is an important part of managing SCN. Results from Iowa State University’s nine SCN-resistant variety trial experiments in 2013 illustrate how resistant varieties can produce high yields and suppress the buildup of the nematode in infested fields