242,330 research outputs found

    The Support to Improve Self Efficacy and Healing of Drugs Addict

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    Appropriate counseling and education can be adopted to achieve a change in attitude, knowledge and perception. Still there is a wrong perception of a given intervention. Peer support through a process of social learning, the process of growing understanding of how to process information from experience, observational include: attention (attention), given (retention), reproduction of motion (reproduction), motivation (motivation), and communication. The purpose of this study was to analyze resident self-efficacy to regardless of drug addiction through family support. This study employed qualitative approach with case study design. Subjects in this study were residents, ex drugs user, peer support, and resident family. The results showed that peer support from fellow residents and the support of the major on duty (MOD) very meaningful and helpful for resident in the healing process

    Brown Fields, a Regional Incinerator and Resident Perception of Neighborhood Quality

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    The authors discuss an extension of their research into residential perceptions of neighborhood quality as affected by urban blight. They believe that unwanted facilities may help deteriorate neighborhoods to the point where they are fit only for such uses

    Predicting Residential Satisfaction: A Comparative Case Study

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    This is a comparative case study that focuses on resident satisfaction in three buildings renovated for housing. A survey based on environment-behavior factors that can contribute to resident satisfaction was developed and distributed to the buildings\u27 residents. Residents in fifty-two percent (52.5%) of the units in the three buildings responded (N = 64). Index variables used were: management, perception, wayfinding, safety. comfort. and adequacy. There was a significant relationship between resident satisfaction and age for one building. Safety and perception were significant for all buildings. Safety, perception and comfort were significant in different ways for each of the three buildings

    Pengaruh Residents’ Perception Terhadap Civic Virtue Melalui Affective Commitment Warga Jakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji pengaruh resident perception terhadap civic virtue melalui ecoeconomic perception, cultural perception, environmental perception melalui affective commitment warga Jakarta. Sebanyak 103 responden warga Jakarta berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Metode cross-sectional digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Instrumen penelitian telah dinyatakan lulus uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah structural equation modelling (SEM) dengan menggunakan bantuan Smart-PLS versi 3.0. Seluruh hipotesis penelitian yang diusulkan didukung oleh data empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa resident perception berpengaruh positif terhadap civic virtue melalui affective commitment. Penambahan variabel environmental attitude sebagai pengganti variabel civic virtue merupakan pengembangan yang membedakan dari model konseptual pada penelitian sebelumnya

    Resident physicians’ perceptions of ambulatory care pharmacy

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    Background: Physicians\u27 acceptance of clinical pharmacy services is dependent on exposure to those services, with use increasing as resident physicians progress through their training. Resident physicians train within environments that have a multidisciplinary teaching and clinical care approach, working closely with other healthcare professionals. Ambulatory care pharmacists are increasingly working with resident physicians in clinic settings as part of the multidisciplinary team, and identification of resident physicians’ perceptions may influence future collaboration. Objective: The objective of this research is to evaluate the perception of ambulatory care clinical pharmacy services from the perspective of resident physicians. Methods: A statewide network of ambulatory care pharmacists was identified and received an electronic questionnaire. Pharmacists working within clinics that serve as training sites for resident physicians then completed and distributed questionnaires to the resident physicians within their clinical site. Items related to demographics and perception of involvement and interactions with clinical pharmacists. Results: Forty-five resident physicians responded from four unique clinical sites (response rate = 42%). They agreed or strongly agreed that pharmacists help patients obtain their therapeutic goals (97.8%), are able to educate patients effectively (95.6%), provide high quality care (97.8%), and do a good job helping co-manage patients (91.1%). Previous exposure to pharmacists was limited primarily to the drugstore (48.9%) and hospital (51.1%) settings. Resident physicians in the third year of training and those reporting a friend was a pharmacist, were more likely to have a positive perception of the pharmacist’s role as a resident educator (p=0.048 and p=0.044, respectively). Conclusions: Resident physicians with a longer duration of exposure and personal friendship with a pharmacist are more likely to express positive perceptions. Areas for further enhancements in this interprofessional relationship related to perceptions about pharmacist autonomy and patient relationships were identified

    First Year Resident Assistant Retention at Grand Valley State University

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    The following study investigated the perceptions of resident assistants at Grand Valley State University in regards to retention rates of first year resident assistants. The study looked for links between cognitive dissonance about the resident assistant position and the intent to return to the position the following year. The study was qualitative by nature, asking a series of questions to first-year resident assistants concerning job responsibilities, perceptions of the position before applying and while in the position, and their relationship with their supervisor. There were few studies found that addressed resident assistant retention or how the perception of the resident assistant position changed over time. The research pointed out that there was a clear link to miscommunication, cognitive dissonance, and job satisfaction in the work place. Other studies pointed out that retention of quality employees is becoming more and more challenging in today’s world. The findings indicated that most resident assistants interviewed stated they really did not have a good idea of what they were really getting into. Resident assistants interviewed also said their perception of the job changed three times: while applying, during training, and while actually doing the job. Recommendations include but not limited to having a mentoring program that would have a prospective resident assistant shadowing a current resident assistant to ease the dissonance of the job during and after resident assistant training

    Residents’ perceptions of wine tourism on the rural destinations development

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of wine tourism on rural destination development. Consequently, this study attempts to develop contemporary insights on this under-researched area such as residents’ perceptions of wine tourism and its impact on the rural destination development. Design/methodology/approach – In this study, the authors used a structured survey questionnaire from a random sample of 318 respondents based on the Fruška Gora Mountain in Serbia. Research also used structural equational modeling for empirical econometric testing in this data sample. This technique is appropriate for multivariate analysis. Findings – Personal resident benefit associated with wineries is positively related to resident perceived economic impact (H1) R2 ¼ 0.624; socio-cultural impact (H2) R2 ¼ 0.685 and environmental impact (H3) R2 ¼ 0.716 of wineries on local communities. Looking at the path diagram, the authors concluded that personal resident benefit associated with wineries is strongly related to resident perceived impact of wineries on local communities as regression weights are higher. Other findings relate those residents’ positive perceptions of wine tourism to increases in sales revenue, environmental protection, intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. Research limitations/implications – The positive attitude of the local population is an essential link of development. Such understanding of residents’ perceptions optimizes destination management in the future and, more importantly, local sustainable development. This has high policy implications. Originality/value – The present study contributes to the scientific circles by connecting perception research with wine tourism

    Residents' support for tourism development: The role of residents' place image and perceived tourism impacts

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    Drawing on the triple bottom line approach for tourism impacts (economic, socio-cultural and environmental) and adopting a non-forced approach for measuring residents' perception of these impacts, this study explores the role of residents' place image in shaping their support for tourism development. The tested model proposes that residents' place image affects their perceptions of tourism impacts and in turn their support for tourism development. The results stress the need for a more flexible and resident oriented measurement of tourism impacts, revealing that more favorable perceptions of the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts lead to greater support. Moreover, while residents' place image has been largely neglected by tourism development studies, the findings of this study reveal its significance in shaping residents' perception of tourism impacts as well as their level of support. The practical implications of the findings for tourism planning and development are also discussed

    Assessment of Resident Doctors’ Perception of Postgraduate Medical Education in Nigeria Using the SPEED Tool: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Obtaining feedback from trainees is important in the evaluation and evolution of Postgraduate Medical Education (PME), and policies made based on their felt needs would go a long way in making residency training a worthwhile experience. This pilot study aimed to assess resident doctors’ perception of the training content, atmosphere, and organization using the Scan of Postgraduate Educational Environment Domains (SPEED) tool. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study conducted amongst resident doctors at Babcock University Teaching Hospital (BUTH) in Nigeria, between May and August 2019. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect participants’ sociodemographic data, their perception of PME in their respective departments, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the training programmes. Validity and reliability indices were assessed, and descriptive, inferential, and correlational analyses were run where appropriate. Results: The mean score for the resident doctors’ perception of training content, atmosphere, and organization was 4.0 ± 0.4, 4.2 ± 0.5 and 3.69 ± 0.60 respectively, out of a maximum of 5, indicating a positive perception of training in BUTH. The major strengths perceived by most residents were good inter-personal relations between residents and their trainers, as well as conducive learning and work environment; while the weaknesses include poor remuneration and limited staffing which hampers rotations. Conclusion: Resident doctors in BUTH mostly had a positive outlook on their training. This study serves as a reference point for local policy change (in BUTH), and a framework from which future studies on PME can emerge

    Profile of residents: attitude towards tourism in Benalmádena (Costa del Sol, Spain)

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    Tourism development and evolution along the time causes multiple impacts. Based on characteristic profiles of resident, these impacts may be assessed differently. The attitude of residents and the identification of profiles is a tool that allows to asses the status of destination and propose future strategies for improving the destination. This study aims to analyse the role of residents regarding the perception of tourism.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Así mismo, Esta investigación ha sido subvencionada por el programa Nacional de Investigación Básica 2012, CS2010-30840. "Geografías de la crisis: analisis urbano turístico de las Islas Baleares, Costa del Sol y principales destinos en el Caribe
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