21,694 research outputs found
Наноструктурне и микроархитектонске карактеристике врата бутне кости: утицај на повећану коштану фрагилност са старењем код жена
Background: Hip fractures are among the most important health problems in elderly
population worldwide, particularly in elderly women. However, despite extensive
research on age-related bone fragility, the factors leading to decreased bone strength in
advanced age are not yet clear enough. Indeed, in clinical settings bone mineral density
(BMD) assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry has been used as an indicator of
hip fracture risk. However, as it has been already pointed out that age-related decrease
in BMD fails to fully explain the high increase in hip fracture risk with aging, other
bone features also account for age-related deterioration in bone strength. Since bone is a
hierarchically organized structure, it can be hypothesized that its strength depends on
various features from nano-scale to macro-scale. Although numerous studies addressed
macro- and microstructural basis of bone fragility, so far the direct data at
microarchitectural level have been scarce. Moreover, nanostructure of the bone
mineralized matrix has received insufficient attention with regard to effects of aging and
its relation to bone fragility.
Hypotheses: Our hypotheses were that region-dependant worsening of bone
microarchitecture in elderly women leads to increased femoral neck fragility, and that -
besides the microarchitectural deterioration - the age-related nanostructural changes at
the bone matrix level contribute to increased bone fragility in elderly women.
Material and methods: To test these hypotheses, we analyzed bone specimens from the
femoral neck region obtained at autopsy in young and elderly women without hip
fracture as well as in a group of postmenopausal women who sustained a hip fracture.
Following sectioning process, micro-computed tomography was performed to assess bone microarchitectural properties. Bone nanostructure was analyzed via Topography
and Phase modes of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), while chemical evaluation of bone material composition encompassed energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,
quantitative backscatter electron imaging, inductively coupled plasma optical emission
spectroscopy and direct current argon arc plasma optical emission spectrometry...Увод: Преломи кука су један од најзначајнијих здравствених проблема код старих
особа широм света, а посебно код старијих жена. Међутим, упркос многобројним
истраживањима узрока фрагилности скелета код старијих особа, још увек се врло
мало зна о чиниоцима који доводе до смањене чврстоће кости у старости.
Минерална густина кости (bone mineral density, BMD) утврђена применом
дензитометријске методе (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, DXA) је дуго сматрана
главним показатељем коштане чврстоће и до данас коришћена у клиничкој
процени коштане фрагилности и ризика за прелом кука. Међутим, будући да је
више аутора указало на податак да старосни пад BMD не може потпуно објаснити
значајни пораст ризика oд преломa кука код старијих особа, неопходно је
испитати и допринос других коштаних карактеристика смањењу коштане
чврстоће са старењем. Како је кост хијерархијски организована структура, може
се претпоставити да њена чврстоћа зависи од различитих елемената коштане
грађе од нанометарске до макро-скале. Премда су се многобројне студије
усредсредиле на испитивање макроструктурне и микроструктурне основе коштане
фрагилности, још увек недостају директни подаци о микроархитектури костију
код особа са преломом кука. Поред тога, старосним променама наноструктурних
параметара самог материјала од кога је кост изграђена није посвећена
одговарајућа пажња, као ни њиховом значају за коштану фрагилност.
Хипотеза: Нашe хипотезе су биле да регион-зависно погоршање коштане
микроархитектуре код старијих жена повећава њихов ризик за прелом кука, као и
да се, осим микроструктурних промена, са старењем јављају и наноструктурне
промене на нивоу коштаног матрикса које такође доприносе повећаној коштаној
фрагилности код старијих жена..
Right of state to self-defense in light of international practice
Pitanje prava drzava na samoodbranu je jedno od fundamentalnih pitanja medjunarodnog javnog prava. Ovo nacelo koji postoji koliko i samo medjunarodno pravo, formulisano je na univerzalan nacin sredinom proslog vijeka, i postoje mnogi pisani radovi o njegovoj izradi i tumacenju. Pozivanje na samoodbranu kroz cijelu istoriju je koristeno kao opravdanje za zloupotrebu sile od strane drzava van svojih teritorija...Question of right of states to self-defense is one of the fundamental questions of public
international law. This principle, which exists just as long as public international law
does, was formulated in universal manner by the mid 20th century and there are many
written works on its formulation and interpretation. Invoking self-defense during the
course of history was used as a pretext for the use of force by the states outside of its
Right of states to self-defense originates from customary international law. During antic
and medieval times, principle of self-defense was linked to the theory of just war which
was differently interpreted in different times. In the period between two world wars, still
there was no absolute prohibition of the use of force in international relations so the
principle of self-defense was linked to the right of self-help through use of different
forcible measures: retorsions, reprisals, naval blockade, intervention and demonstration
of naval power.
Contrary to the period of League of Nations, mechanism of implementation of
international law was centralized by the foundation of the United Nations because a
single body – Security Council – was entrusted with the authority to determine when the
use of force is allowed in international law. Article 51 of the United Nations Charter
defines that the states have a right to individual or collective self-defense in case of
armed attack on the UN member state.
This right is considered legitimate until the Security Council has taken measures
necessary to maintain international peace and security
Sinteza i karakterizacija optički aktivnih kompozita sa polimernom matricom na bazi monokristala.
Kompoziti sa polimernom matricom na bazi monokristala imaju veliki potencijal u oblasti optičkih komunikacionih sistema gde su aktivni mikro do nano kristali dispergovani u optički transparentnu matricu. Predmet ove doktorske disertacije obuhvata istraživanja u oblasti funkcionalnih optoelektronskih kompozitnih materijala s polimernom matricom za primenu u elektronskim tehnologijama kao i u oblasti komunikacijskih i navigacionih tehnika i mogućnosti razvijanja integralne optike i fotonike. U toku izrade ove disertacije izvedena je sinteza polimernih optoelektronskih kompozitnih materijala kontrolisanih optičkih svojstava. Dobijanje visoko transparentnih kompozita moguće je s jedne strane korišćenjem neorganskih punilaca dimenzija čestica manjih od talasne dužine elektromagnetnog zračenja, da ne bi došlo do rasejavanja. Drugi način je ugradnja materijala sa sličnim vrednostima indeksa refrakcije. U okviru ove disertacije izbor materijala pao je na poli (metil-metakrilat) sa indeksom refrakcije n600= 1.49 i kalcijum-fluorid sa n600= 1.43...Composites with a polymer matrix based on single crystals have great potential in the field of optical communication systems where active micro to nano crystals dispersed in an optically transparent matrix. The subject of this doctoral thesis includes research in the field of optoelectronic functional composite materials with a polymer matrix for use in electronic technologies, as well as in the field of communications and navigation techniques and possibilities for developing integrated optics and photonics. Polymer optoelectronic composite materials with controlled optical properties were synthesized. One way is use of the inorganic particle size smaller than the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation to avoid scattering, another way is the installation of materials with similar values of the refractive index. Within this selection of theses materials fell on the poly (methyl methacrylate) with an index of refraction n600 = 1.49, and calcium fluoride with n600 = 1.43..
Pristup integraciji tehničkih prostora zasnovan na preslikavanjima iinženjerstvu vođenom modelima
In order to automate development of integration adapters in industrial settings, a model-driven approach to adapter specification is devised. In this approach, a domain-specific modeling language is created to allow specification of mappings between integrated technical spaces. Also proposed is the mapping automation engine that comprises reuse and alignment algorithms. Based on mapping specifications, executable adapters are automatically generated and executed. Results of approach evaluations indicate that it is possible to use a model-driven approach to successfully integrate technical spaces and increase the automation by reusing domainspecific mappings from previously created adapters.За потребе повећања степена аутоматизације развоја адаптера за интеграцију у индустријском окружењу, осмишљен је моделом вођен приступ развоју адаптера. У оквиру овог приступа развијен је наменски језик за спецификацију пресликавања између техничких простора који су предмет интеграције. Приступ обухвата и алгоритме за поравнање и поновно искориштење претходно креираних пресликавања са циљем аутоматизације процеса спецификације. На основу креираних пресликавања, могуће je аутоматски генерисати извршиви код адаптера. У испитивањима приступа, показано је да је могуће успешно применити моделом вођен приступ у интеграцији техничких простора као и да је могуће успешно повећати степен аутоматизације поновним искоришћењем претходно креираних пресликавања.Za potrebe povećanja stepena automatizacije razvoja adaptera za integraciju u industrijskom okruženju, osmišljen je modelom vođen pristup razvoju adaptera. U okviru ovog pristupa razvijen je namenski jezik za specifikaciju preslikavanja između tehničkih prostora koji su predmet integracije. Pristup obuhvata i algoritme za poravnanje i ponovno iskorištenje prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja sa ciljem automatizacije procesa specifikacije. Na osnovu kreiranih preslikavanja, moguće je automatski generisati izvršivi kod adaptera. U ispitivanjima pristupa, pokazano je da je moguće uspešno primeniti modelom vođen pristup u integraciji tehničkih prostora kao i da je moguće uspešno povećati stepen automatizacije ponovnim iskorišćenjem prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja
Stress analysis of corner welded joints structure by modern numerical-experimental approach
Otvoreni i zatvoreni tankozidi preseci imaju široku primenu u industrijskim aplikacijama za
dizajn mnogih mašina i strukturnih komponenti. Ove komponente su često fabrikovane
zavarivanjem, a ne livenjem ili kovanjem. Tankozidi profili su obično povezani pomoću
ugaonih zavarenih spojeva. Takvi spojevi su takođe korišćeni u drugim inženjerskim
aplikacijama kao što su građevinske mašine, mostovi, ramovi, šasije vozila i dr.. U ovoj
disertaciji ponašanje zatvorenih profila (kutija, okrugla cev) i otvoreniih profila (L, Z, C i K
profili) šavnih profila, proučavani su tako što su izlagani statičkim opterećenjima i
numeričko-eksperimentalnim pristupom.
Sa tačke gledišta strukturne analize, uprkos široko rasprostranjenim ugaono zavarenim
spojevima koji efikasno nose opterećenja na elementima, ne postoji praktičan, jednostavan i
precizan pristup za njihov dizajn i analizu. U tu svrhu , inženjeri često moraju pripremiti
relativno komplikovan model konačnih elemenata ploče ili zapremine. To je zato što
navedeni eleementi izloženi opštim opterećenjima proizvode koncentracije napona u blizini
spojeva. Jedan od doprinosa ovog istraživanja je bolje razumevanje ponašanja ugaono
zavarenih spojeva izloženi naprezanju savijanja i naprezanja savjanja sa uvijanjem. Primena
metode konačnih elemenata predstavlja osnovni numerički pristup. Posmatrani profili su
medelilrani različitim konačnim elementima (greda, ploča i zapremina) i sa različitim
slučajevima opterećenja. Primećuje se da na kratkom rastojanju od spoja putem ugaono
zavarenih spojeva struktura nosećeg elementa pod izloženim opterećenjem ponaša se kao
Zavareni spojevi su generisani različitim tehnikama modelrianja sa primenom različitih
tipova i veličina konačnih elemenata elemenata. Kompletni rezultati deformacija su, takođe,
eksperimentalno dobijeni pomoću tehnike primene korelacije digitalne slike (DIC).
Eksperimentalni testovi se izvode za proveru numeričkih simulacija u cilju ispitivanja
mehaničkih performansi zavarenh spojeva izloženi kombinovanim opterećenjima. Rezultati
numeričkog prroačuna pokazuju dobro slaganje sa eksperimentalnim rezultatom .Hollow and non hollow section members are widely used in industrial applications for the
design of many machine and structural components. These components are often fabricated
by welding rather than by casting or forging. For example, in agricultural machinery, the
hollow tubes are typically connected together through welding to form a corner welded joints.
Such joint connections are also employed in other engineering applications such as
construction machinery, offshore structures, bridges, and vehicle frames. In this dissertation,
the behavior of tubular (box and circle profile) and non tubular (L, Z, C and X profiles) joint
connections profiles, subjected to static loads were studied both experimentally and
From a structural analysis point of view, despite of the wide use of corner welded joints as
efficient load carrying members, there is no available practical, simple and accurate approach
for their design and analysis. For this purpose, engineers must often prepare relatively
complicated and time consuming Finite Element models made up of shell or solid elements.
This is because unlike solid-section members, when hollow section members are subjected to
general loadings, they may experience severe deformations of their cross-sections that results
in stress concentrations in the connection’s vicinity. One of the objectives/contributions of
this research work is the better understanding of the behavior of the corner welded joint
connections under out-of- plane bending and torsion loading conditions. Through a detailed
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using shell and solid elements, the stress distribution at the
connection of the tubular and non tubular corner welded joints were obtained for different
loading conditions. It is observed that at a short distance away from the connection of the
corner welded joints, the structure behaves similar to beams when subjected to loadings.
Finite element models with different modeling techniques and meshing with various size and
types of elements were created and analyzed. The full displacement field results were
obtained experimentally by using the digital image correlation (DIC) technique. Experimental
tests were performed to validate numerical simulations in order to investigate the mechanical
performance of a series of fillet-welded connections under combined loading. The full
displacement field results show good agreement comparing with the experimental results..
Optimization of extraction and characterization of Urtica dioica L. leaf extract for the evaluation of dose-dependent response in experimental hypertension
This doctoral dissertation was focused on the optimization of the extraction parameters to achieve the maximum yield of phenolic compounds in the Urtica dioica L. leaf extracts. The extract with the highest content of phenolic compounds was tested in the model of experimental hypertension to determine its effects on oxidative and hemodynamic status, lipid profile, and biochemical parameters. It was shown that the most abundant phenolic compounds present in extracts of Urtica dioica L. were chlorogenic acid, 2-O-caffeoyl malic acid, and rutin. It was shown that aqueous-methanol is a better solvent for the extraction of phenolic compounds compared to aqueous-ethanol and water. Also, extracts prepared using ultrasound-assisted extraction technique had higher phenolic yields and antioxidant capacities than extracts obtained by maceration. The maximal content of phenolic compounds in the Urtica dioica L. leaf extracts was achieved by ultrasound-assisted extraction with 54% aqueous-methanol and 38 min extraction time. It was shown that the methanol percentage in the extraction solvent significantly affects phenolic yield, unlike the extraction time. Results of in vivo study showed that four-week long treatment with Urtica dioica L. leaf extract decreased arterial pressure and improved systemic oxidative status of spontaneously hypertensive rats, as well as the lipid status by increasing plasma HDL cholesterol and decreasing atherosclerosis-index
Qualitative and quantitative assesment of biological traces in forensic DNA analysis
Ćelije kože ostavljene na površini bilo kog predmeta nakon kontakta sa njim mogu biti izvor DNK materijala. Ova vrsta biološkog materijala, u odnosu na količinu DNK koju je moguće izolovati iz nje, obično je mnogo manje izdašna u odnosu na tragove koji se rutinski analiziraju (krv, semena tečnost, pljuvačka). Iako visoko osetljive tehnike analize omogućavaju dobijanje rezultata iz minimalnih količina DNK, još uvek postoje znatne poteškoće u radu sa ovakvim uzorcima, i to iz više razloga. Različit kvalitet i kvantitet izolovane DNK, te posebno izraženi stohastički efekti samo su neki od njih. Zbog toga je proces analize DNK materijala izolovan iz ovakvih uzoraka posebno kompleksan. Biološki uzorci ove vrste se vrlo često nalaze u izuzetno malim količinama (doslovno tragovima), što se postojećim rutinskim metodama analize DNK ne mogu pouzdano interpretirati. U cilju poboljšavanja rezultata analize DNK materijala dobijenog izolovanjem biološkog materijala zaostalog na površini dodirnutih predmeta, analizirano je više od 700 otisaka prstiju. Svaki korak procesa je testiran posebno u cilju dobijanja STR profila koji su bar 70% kompletni, te stoga mogu biti uneti u baze podataka. Kompletnost profila je određivana na osnovu broja dobijenih alela iz 15 testiranih lokusa (najviše moguće 30 alela). Testirani su sledeći koraci u proceduri dobijanja DNK profila: prikupljanje uzoraka, izolovanje DNK, umnožavanje STR lokusa kao i detekcija proizvoda umnožavanja kapilarnom elektroforezom. Ćelije su prikupljene korišćenjem mikrosfera, lepljivih traka, lepila ili pamučnih briseva natopljenih različitim rastvorima. DNK materijal je izolovan korišćenjem interno razvijenih metoda i/ili komercijalno dostupnih kompleta hemikalija za njenu izolaciju. Izolovana DNK je umnožavana Identifiler® kompletom, korišćenjem različitog broja PCR ciklusa...Skin flakes left on an object after it has been touched or handled could be a source of DNA. These skin flakes tend to be deposited in considerably smaller amounts than from routinely tested cells of blood, semen or saliva. Although, highly sensitive DNA analysis procedures are able to provide results from trace amounts of DNA there are still some fundamental difficulties inherent to these samples, including variability in quality and quantity of extracted DNA and exaggerated stochastic effects, making it hard to reliably interpret DNA profiles of these samples. These types of samples could also carry skin flakes in trace, which currently applied methodology of testing frequently cannot interpret. In order to improve the results from touched DNA samples, over 700 fingerprints were tested. Each step of the workflow for genotyping was assessed with the goal to generate STR profiles that were at least 70% complete and therefore database eligible. The profiles were calculated from the number of obtained alleles with a maximum of 30 for the 15 amplified STR loci. The steps evaluated in the workflow included sample collection, DNA extraction, STR amplification and detection utilizing capillary electrophoresis. Cells were collected using microglobes, tapes, glues, or cotton swabs moistened with different solutions. DNA extraction was assessed with methods designed in the laboratory and commercially available extraction kits. Extracted DNA was amplified with Identifiler® kits using various number of PCR cycles. These comparisons led to the best method that generated a database eligible STR profiles from almost 70% of tested fingerprints. This method suggested collection of fingerprints by swabbing with cotton swab moistened in detergent solution, then extracting DNA using a commercially available extraction kit that uses enzyme activated at a high temperature, followed by amplification at higher PCR cycle number and analysis at longer injection time and higher voltage during capillary electrophoresis..
Ekspresija neuralnih adhezionih molekula (NCAM) u zdravom i obolelom bubrežnom tkivu
Introduction: Kidney performs essential physiological roles that include
metabolic waste excretion and maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance. Different
factors may lead to renal dysfunction. Kidney diseases are currently a global public
health problem. Fortunately, dialysis and transplantation provide life-saving treatments,
but these therapies are rife with limitations. Thus, new ways of therapies, such as stem
cell treatment are more than required as an alternative and new glimmer of hope to all
nephrology patients. Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is widely expressed during
kidney development and it presents potential marker for renal stem/progenitor cells.
Aim: Aim of this dissertation was evaluation of NCAM presence in different
types of renal tissue (normal fetal or adult, and pathologically changed), and comparison
and correlation of NCAM expression with already defined stem cell markers in order to
more closely characterize renal fetal progenitor cells.
Method: Specifically designed primers were used for reverse transcriptase PCR,
after mRNA isolation from fetal, neonatal, adult normal, adult tissues with interstitial
fibrosis and tumor tissues, to clarify presence of different NCAM on nucleotide level.
Also, Western Blot tests were performed in order to identify expression of different
NCAM protein isoforms in healthy and kidney with disease. Further, FACS analysis
was done on renal cell lines to correlate NCAM expression with adult renal stem cell
markers CD24 and CD133. Co-expression and co-localization of NCAM with other cell
surface markers was also examined using immunohistochemistry and double
immunofluorescent staining.
Results: Our results showed aberrant NCAM expression in renal tumor tissues
as well as in tissue with interstitial fibrosis. Interestingly in both types of mentioned
tissues NCAM had co-expression with FGFR1, tyrosine kinase receptor, responsible for
cell proliferation and aggressive behavior in some epithelial tumors. Considering
NCAM expression on fetal samples possible renal progenitor population cell pool of
NCAM+CD24+ cells was found, which was not the case with NCAM+CD133+ cell pool.
Also, we had detected that NCAM molecules were post-trasnaltionally modified...UVOD: Bubreg ima značajnu fiziološku ulogu u izlučivanju štetnih produkata
metabolizma putem urina, kao i ulogu u održanju ravnoteže vode i elektorlita. Različiti
faktori mogu dovesti do poremećaja funkcije bubrega. Bolesti bubrega su trenutno
globalni problem javnog zdravlja. Dijaliza i transplantacija su trenutno dominantni
vidovi terapije koje se primenjuju u lečenju bubrežne isuficijencije, ali uz puno
ograničenja. Novi načini terapije, kao što je tretman matičnim ćelijama, su više nego
potrebni kao alternativa standardnim metodama lečenja i predstavljaju novi tračak nade
za sve pacijente koji imaju neki oblik bubrežne disfunkcije. Neuralni ćelijski adhezioni
molekul (NCAM) je široko ispoljen tokom razvoja bubrega i predstavlja potencijalni
marker renalnih stem/progenitorskih ćelija.
CILJ: Cilj ove disertacije je evaluacija NCAM ekspresije u različitim tipovima
bubrežnog tkiva (fetalno, adultno normalno i adultno tkivo sa intersticijskom fibrozom i
tumorsko tkivo), kao i njena korelacija sa ekspresijom već definisanih markera renalnih
stem ćelija kako bi se preciznije definisale fetalne renalne progenitorske ćelije.
METOD: Detekcija različitih NCAM izoformi na nivou nukleotida je vršena
primenom RT-PCR metode, nakon izolacije iRNK iz fetalnog i normalnog adultnog
tkiva, kao i tumorskog i tkiva sa intersticijskom fibrozom. Prisustvo NCAM isoformi na
proteinskom nivou, u pomenutim tkivima detektovano je upotrebom Western blot-a i
Imunoprecipitacije. Ko-ekspresija NCAM-a sa CD24 i CD133, markerima adultnih
renalnih progenitora ispitivana je upotrebom protočne citomertije (FACS) na renalnim
ćelijskim linijama. Imunohistohemijskim i dvostrukim imunofluorescentnim bojenjem
ispitivana je koekspresija i kolokalizaciji NCAM-a sa drugim ćelijskim markerima.
REZULTATI: RT-PCR rezultati ove doktorske disertacije su pokazale da sve
ćelijske linije i ispitivana tkiva, osim tumorskog tkiva eksprimiraju tri glavne NCAM
isoforme NCAM-120, NCAM-140 i NCAM-180. Takođe, detektovana je aberentnaprekomerna
NCAM ekspresija u tumorskom, kao i u tkivu sa intersticijskom fibrozom.
Interesantan nalaz čini pokazana koekspresija NCAM-a sa FGFR1, tirozin kinaznim
receptorom, koji ima ulogu u ćelijskoj proliferaciji i agresivnom ponašanju pojedinih
epitelnih tumora
Микробиолошки квалитет воде и детекција генотоксичног загађења различитих сектора реке Саве прокариотским и еукариотским тест системима
The Sava River Basin is under strong impact of stressors related to anthropogenic activity, yet the consequences that the stressors might have on aquatic biota are not properly addressed. This dissertation aims to provide data on genotoxic potential along the Sava River. Research was organized in two campaigns. In the first campaign, preliminary research was conducted to indicate optimal bioindicator, season, sample preservation and bioassays for performing the research on the scale of the whole Sava River. The second campaign consists of comprehensive survey along the 900 rkm of the Sava River. With combined in vivo and in vitro approach, 12 sites were analyzed in total. The genotoxic potential was assessed using a complex battery of bioassays performed in prokaryotes and aquatic eukaryotes (freshwater fish). Battery comprised evaluation of mutagenicity by SOS/umuC test in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. The level of DNA damage as a biomarker of exposure (comet assay) and biomarker of effect (micronucleus assay) and the level of oxidative stress as well (Fpg - modified comet assay) was studied in blood cells of bleak and spirlin (Alburnus alburnus/Alburnoides bipunctatus respectively). Results indicated differential sensitivity of applied bioassays in detection of genotoxic pressure. Comet assay showed higher potential in differentiation of the sites based on genotoxic potential in comparison with other assays. Data presented in this dissertation are a snapshot of the current status of the river. Genotoxic potential along the river can be traced to the deterioration of water quality by communal and industrial wastewaters. The major highlight of the study is that the complex set of data was obtained from a single source (homogeneity of analyses for all samples).Слив реке Саве је под снажним утицајем стресора антропогеног порекла, међутим последице које стресори могу имати на водену биоту нису довољно испитане. Ова дисертација има за циљ да испита генотоксични потенцијал дуж реке Саве. Истраживање је организовано у две целине. У овиру прве целине испитивало се који биоиндикаторски организам је оптималан за истраживање на нивоу читаве реке. Такође испитивао се утицај сезоне на одговор биомаркера као и методологија очување узорка на резултате анализа. У оквиру друге целине рађено је комплексно истраживања дуж 900 ркм реке Саве. Коришћен је комбиновани in vivo и in vitro приступ, при чему је анализирано укупно 12 локација. Генотоксични потенцијал је праћен употребом сложене батерије биотестова на прокариотским и еукариотским организимима. Батерија је обухватала процену мутагеног потенцијала SOS/umuC тестом на бактерији Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. Ниво оштећења ДНК, као биомаркер излагања (кометни тест) и биомакер ефекта (микронуклеус тест) као и ниво оксидативног стреса (Fpg - модификовани кометни тест) праћен је у крвним ћелијама риба (Alburnus alburnus/Alburnoides bipunctatus). Резултати су показали различиту осетљивост примењених биолошких тестова у детекцији генотоксичног потенцијала. Комет тест је имао већи потенцијал у диференцирању локалитета по генотоксичном потенцијалу у поређењу са другим примењеним тестовима. Подаци представљени у овој дисертацији представљају слику тренутног стања реке. Генотоксични потенцијал забележен дуж реке се може везати за нарушен квалитет воде утицајем комуналних и индустријских отпадних вода. Подаци приказани у овој студији потичу из јединственог извора (хомогеност анализа за све узорке) упркос великој географској површини коју студија покрива што јој додатно даје на значају
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