5,163,369 research outputs found
Glass-to-metal seals comprising relatively high expansion metals
A glass suitable for glass-to-metal seals that has a resistance to attack by moisture and a high coefficient of linear thermal expansion is introduced. Linear expansion covers the range from 12 to 14 x 10 to the minus 6 C between room temperature and 500 C. The glass is essentially composed of, by molar percent, about 9% of K2O, about 10% of Na2O, about 70% of SiO2, about 6% Al2O3, and about 5% of MgO
Stable superconducting magnet
Operation of a superconducting magnet is considered. A method is described for; (1) obtaining a relatively high current in a superconducting magnet positioned in a bath of a gas refrigerant; (2) operating a superconducting magnet at a relatively high current level without training; and (3) operating a superconducting magnet containing a plurality of turns of a niobium zirconium wire at a relatively high current level without training
Pre-trial detention in the Netherlands:Absolutely low, relatively high
In this chapter, we outline Dutch legislation and practice of pre-trial detention. We also elaborate on the findings we collected in the DETOUR project that is introduced in Chapter 1. The findings are still very much relevant today and are complemented by more recent research findings in the area of pre-trial detention in the Netherlands and case law from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Although the absolute number of pre-trial detainees in the Netherlands is low compared to most other European countries, the relative part has remained rather high (between 41% and 49%) in the last ten years. We demonstrate that decision-making in pre-trial detention cases in the Netherlands is driven by a couple of important factors among which legal culture is probably the most important. A preventive approach is leading, based on assumptions about the societal impact of the release of the suspect. Government policy is aimed at an “on-the-spot” approach and the mantra is being “tough on crime”. This causes a climate in which the provisional release of suspects of so-called high impact crimes or repeat offenders is an exception. This legal culture, that is manifest in the policy on the expedited proceedings as well, seems to be deeply institutionalised and has led to a very extensive interpretation of the statutory grounds for pre-trial detention.</p
Hindered Rotation in Molecules with Relatively High Potential Barriers
The theory of hindered rotation has been applied to the type of asymmetric molecule in which the hindering barrier is high enough so that the hindered rotation splittings of the energy levels are small compared with the rotational energies but yet large enough to be observable in the microwave spectrum. The specific type of molecule considered consists of a rigid asymmetric component which may undergo a hindered rotation about the symmetry axis of a rigid symmetric component where the symmetric component is in addition assumed to have threefold symmetry and the asymmetric component at least a plane of symmetry containing the symmetry axis of the symmetric component. An example might be the acetaldehyde molecule, CH3CHO.In principle, the theory developed by Burkhard and Dennison can be used directly but in practice the method is difficult to apply to such a molecule since the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian used previously do not degenerate naturally or easily to those for the rigid asymmetric rotator in the infinite barrier limit. In the present treatment a transformation is made on the Hamiltonian whereby this complication is avoided and the resulting calculations are greatly simplified.It is found that the spectrum is essentially that of the rigid rotator with the important exception that all the strong lines are split into two components. For the low J transitions specific formulas have been derived for these splittings which are relatively simple functions of the barrier height, the principal moments of inertia, and two additional parameters involving the molecular dimensions and the masses. The barrier height can thus be deduced from the observed splittings without the use of the somewhat cumbersome machinery needed in the general case.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69966/2/JCPSA6-26-1-31-1.pd
Spacecraft attitude sensor
A system for sensing the attitude of a spacecraft includes a pair of optical scanners having a relatively narrow field of view rotating about the spacecraft x-y plane. The spacecraft rotates about its z axis at a relatively high angular velocity while one scanner rotates at low velocity, whereby a panoramic sweep of the entire celestial sphere is derived from the scanner. In the alternative, the scanner rotates at a relatively high angular velocity about the x-y plane while the spacecraft rotates at an extremely low rate or at zero angular velocity relative to its z axis to provide a rotating horizon scan. The positions of the scanners about the x-y plane are read out to assist in a determination of attitude. While the satellite is spinning at a relatively high angular velocity, the angular positions of the bodies detected by the scanners are determined relative to the sun by providing a sun detector having a field of view different from the scanners
Spatial modelling of adaptation strategies for urban built infrastructures exposed to flood hazards
The recent 2010/2011 floods in the central and southern Queensland (Australia) prompted this research to investigate the application of geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing in modelling the current flood risk, adaptation/coping capacity, and adaptation strategies. Identified Brisbane City as the study area, the study aimed to develop a new approach of formulating adaptation/coping strategies that will aid in addressing flood risk management issues of an urban area with intensive residential and commercial uses. Fuzzy logic was the spatial analytical tool used in the integration of flood risk components (hazard, vulnerability, and exposure) and in the generation of flood risk and adaptation capacity indices. The research shows that 875 ha, 566 ha, and 828 ha were described as areas with relatively low, relatively moderate, and relatively high risk to flooding, respectively. Identified adaptation strategies for areas classified as having relatively low (RL), relatively moderate (RM), relatively high (RH), and likely very high (LVH) adaptation/coping capacity were mitigation to recovery phases, mitigation to response phases, mitigation to preparedness phases, and mitigation phase, respectively. Integrating the results from the flood risk assessment, quantitative description of adaptation capacity, and identification of adaptation strategies, a new analytical technique identified as flood risk-adaptation capacity index-adaptation strategies (FRACIAS) linkage model was developed for this study
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