1,356,791 research outputs found
Production RAW Material Inventory Control Information System at PT. SIIX EMS Indonesia
Application of web-based raw material inventory control information system with a bill of materials (BOM) using the PHP and MySQL programming language as a database, and using the SDLC livestock device engineering method with stages of planning, design, implementation, and testing. I create a recording application that provides information about the availability of raw material reducing the error in calculating the amount of raw material based on the bill of material. With this application, it can help to purchase in determining the number of raw materials needed for production based on the master bill of material data
Raw Material
Honors (Bachelor's)Creative Writing and LiteratureUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/115858/1/mwais.pd
Raw Material Supply System Information PT. Comfort Aire Aneka Technic
Raw materials inventory system at PT.Comfort Aire Aneka Technic stillmenggunakansistem manually, which causes the system procedures haveshortcomings and weaknesses that have not been able to optimize vehicle is inproviding information quickly and accurately.The purpose of this paper is to design a computer-based information system thatfocuses on raw materials inventory information system located on the logistics of PT.Comfort Aire Aneka Technic . So that can be developed a system that could expeditethe process of service and information needs for management and stakeholders. Thissystem can also produce fast and accurate information in the form of reports and dat
Straw biomass - potential raw material for ethanol production
Barley straw was found to be suitable raw material for ethanol production. Straw could be easily pre-treated with steam explosion, hydrolysed to monosaccharides and fermented to ethanol. The optimum harvesting times for bio-ethanol raw material are at grain maturity for barley straw. Potential raw material, barley harvested at full ear emergence, when straw is rich in soluble sugars, need further research
Characterization of LUSI Mud as Geopolymer Raw Material
The mud of mud volcano samples were collected from an eruption site named āLUSIā
(Lumpur āmudā āSidoarjo), East Java, Indonesia for characterization. Analysis showed that, the
major constituents of mud are SiO2 and Al2O3 which are higher than those in fly ash. The particle of
mud has a flake-shaped particle and the overall particle size is dominated by particles between
2.5Ī¼m ā 25.0Ī¼m. The results of XRD shows that mud of mud volcano have a characteristic of
structurally disordered compounds, and a set of peaks corresponding to minor crystalline phases
such as quartz, feldspars, and kaolinite. FTIR adsorption bands of the raw material of mud have the
chemical bonding between bands 1-5
Information System in Raw Material Supply PT Tuntex Using Visual Basic 6.0.
PT. Tuntex is a company engaged in the textile, in the process of production of PT. Tuntex uses three types of raw materials Wool, Foy (FULL ORIENTED yare) and Poy (Pree ORIENTEDYARE) three types of these materials have a variety of types which will be combined with each type of different raw materials becoming a cloth with the flexible nature of berpariasi. The type of yarn that will be used is Foy, because of the string can not be pulled or wrinkle that can produce a strong fabric. Meanwhile, Poy yarn types can be processed into a flexible material and soft no heat easily, therefore the two types of raw materials can be incorporated in the processing will produce the best quality fabrics
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