217,423 research outputs found

    Dilaton Gravity with a Non-minmally Coupled Scalar Field

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    We discuss the two-dimensional dilaton gravity with a scalar field as the source matter. The coupling between the gravity and the scalar, massless, field is presented in an unusual form. We work out two examples of these couplings and solutions with black-hole behaviour are discussed and compared with those found in the literature

    Differential Geometrical Formulation of Gauge Theory of Gravity

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    Differential geometric formulation of quantum gauge theory of gravity is studied in this paper. The quantum gauge theory of gravity which is proposed in the references hep-th/0109145 and hep-th/0112062 is formulated completely in the framework of traditional quantum field theory. In order to study the relationship between quantum gauge theory of gravity and traditional quantum gravity which is formulated in curved space, it is important to find the differential geometric formulation of quantum gauge theory of gravity. We first give out the correspondence between quantum gauge theory of gravity and differential geometry. Then we give out differential geometric formulation of quantum gauge theory of gravity.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    And what if gravity is intrinsically quantic ?

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    Since the early days of search for a quantum theory of gravity the attempts have been mostly concentrated on the quantization of an otherwise classical system. The two most contentious candidate theories of gravity, sting theory and quantum loop gravity are based on a quantum field theory - the latter is a quantum field theory of connections on a SU(2) group manifold and former a quantum field theory in two dimensional spaces. Here we argue that there is a very close relation between quantum mechanics and gravity. Without gravity quantum mechanics becomes ambiguous. We consider this observation as the evidence for an intrinsic relation between these fundamental laws of nature. We suggest a quantum role and definition for gravity in the context of a quantum universe, and present a preliminary formulation for gravity in a system with a finite number of particles.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of the DICE2008 conference, Castiglioncello, Tuscany, Italy, 22-26 Sep. 2008. V2: some typos remove

    The complete spectrum of the area from recoupling theory in loop quantum gravity

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    We compute the complete spectrum of the area operator in the loop representation of quantum gravity, using recoupling theory. This result extends previous derivations, which did not include the ``degenerate'' sector, and agrees with the recently computed spectrum of the connection-representation area operator.Comment: typos corrected in eqn.(21). Latex with IOP and epsf styles, 1 figure (eps postscript file), 12 pages. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    From Classical To Quantum Gravity: Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity

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    We present an introduction to the canonical quantization of gravity performed in loop quantum gravity, based on lectures held at the 3rd quantum geometry and quantum gravity school in Zakopane in 2011. A special feature of this introduction is the inclusion of new proposals for coupling matter to gravity that can be used to deparametrize the theory, thus making its dynamics more tractable. The classical and quantum aspects of these new proposals are explained alongside the standard quantization of vacuum general relativity in loop quantum gravity.Comment: 56 pages. Contribution to the Proceedings of the 3rd Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity School in Zakopane (2011). v2: Typos corrected, various small changes in presentation, version as published in Po

    Quantum Gravity: Has Spacetime Quantum Properties?

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    The incompatibility between GR and QM is generally seen as a sufficient motivation for the development of a theory of Quantum Gravity. If - so a typical argumentation - QM gives a universally valid basis for the description of all natural systems, then the gravitational field should have quantum properties. Together with the arguments against semi-classical theories of gravity, this leads to a strategy which takes a quantization of GR as the natural avenue to Quantum Gravity. And a quantization of the gravitational field would in some sense correspond to a quantization of geometry. Spacetime would have quantum properties. But, this strategy will only be successful, if gravity is a fundamental interaction. - What, if gravity is instead an intrinsically classical phenomenon? Then, if QM is nevertheless fundamentally valid, gravity can not be a fundamental interaction. An intrinsically classical gravity in a quantum world would have to be an emergent, induced or residual, macroscopic effect, caused by other interactions. The gravitational field (as well as spacetime) would not have any quantum properties. A quantization of GR would lead to artifacts without any relation to nature. The serious problems of all approaches to Quantum Gravity that start from a direct quantization of GR or try to capture the quantum properties of gravity in form of a 'graviton' dynamics - together with the, meanwhile, rich spectrum of approaches to an emergent gravity and/or spacetime - make this latter option more and more interesting for the development of a theory of Quantum Gravity. The most advanced emergent gravity (and spacetime) scenarios are of an information-theoretical, quantum-computational type.Comment: 31 page
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