9,740 research outputs found

    ASC filament formation serves as a signal amplification mechanism for inflammasomes

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    A hallmark of inflammasome activation is the ASC speck, a micrometre-sized structure formed by the inflammasome adaptor protein ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD), which consists of a pyrin domain (PYD) and a caspase recruitment domain (CARD). Here we show that assembly of the ASC speck involves oligomerization of ASC(PYD) into filaments and cross-linking of these filaments by ASC(CARD). ASC mutants with a non-functional CARD only assemble filaments but not specks, and moreover disrupt endogenous specks in primary macrophages. Systematic site-directed mutagenesis of ASC(PYD) is used to identify oligomerization-deficient ASC mutants and demonstrate that ASC speck formation is required for efficient processing of IL-1β, but dispensable for gasdermin-D cleavage and pyroptosis induction. Our results suggest that the oligomerization of ASC creates a multitude of potential caspase-1 activation sites, thus serving as a signal amplification mechanism for inflammasome-mediated cytokine production

    Assessing Positive Youth Development Programs for Sustainable Participant Outcomes

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    abstract: Positive Youth Development (PYD) programs include intentional efforts by peers, adults, communities, schools, and organizations to provide opportunities for youth to increase their skills, abilities, and interests in positive activities. The goal of PYD is to provide positive outcomes where youth are viewed as resources to be developed rather than problems to be managed. Future generations rely on youth as active contributing members of society and PYD programs promote sustainable futures for young individuals and the community. PYD programs started in the United States and grew out of interest in prevention programs targeting risky behavior of youth. Interest is growing in expanding PYD programs internationally as they may promote resilient characteristics and sustainable life skills. In particular, and one focus area of this dissertation, interest is growing in rural Asia. However, given the interdisciplinary nature of PYD programs, there are no standard assessment metrics or tools in place. Without standards, comparing PYD programs effectively is impossible. Within this dissertation, in four papers, I 1) develop a universal PYD assessment tool, the Positive Youth Development Sustainability Scale (PYDSS), 2) apply the PYDSS to two PYD programs in rural Thailand as a quantitative analysis, 3) use the categories of the PYDSS as a coding guide for qualitative analysis of two PYD programs in rural Thailand, and 4) assess a PYD program in the Phoenix-metro area that integrates physical activity, academics, and ethics. Results indicate that the PYDSS can be applied to PYD programs in both Thailand and Phoenix and that a mixed methods approach is a suggested form or data collection. My research could lead to the further improvement of current PYD programs and their intervention role, while also promoting universal PYD assessment techniques that support sustainable impacts on youth as a result of program intervention and design.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Sustainability 201

    Peace and goodwill? Using an experimental game to analyse Paz y Desarrollo

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    Several decades of conflict, rebellion and unrest severely weakened civil society in parts of Colombia. Paz y Desarrollo is the umbrella term used to describe the set of locally-led initiatives that aim at addressing this problem through initiatives to promote sustainable economic development and community cohesion and action. This project analyses the findings from a series of "public goods" games that were conducted in the spring and winter of 2006 in 103 municipalities in rural and urban Colombia with predominantly poor participants. These municipalities included both those with and without Paz y Desarrollo in place, and within those municipalities where it was ("treatment" municipalities), both individuals who are participants in the programme and those who are not. The municipalities where PYD is not in place ("control" municipalities) were surveyed as part of the evaluation of another programme - Familias en Accion (FEA), and this project also analyses the impact of this programme on game-play. The game is structured as a typical free-rider problem with the act of contributing to the "public good" (a collective money pot) being always dominated by non-contribution. We interpret contribution as an act consistent with a high degree of social capital. We find weak evidence that the programme acts at the group level: game sessions involving programme participants have higher levels of contribution than those not involving participants. In addition, there is some evidence that intensity of the programme matters: the more participants, the larger the impact. However, there is no evidence that the programme impacts at the individual level with participants no more likely to contribute than non-participants in treatment areas

    Rural Hispanic Youths\u27 Perceptions of Positive Youth Development Experiences

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    An exploratory study examined rural Latino youths\u27 perceptions regarding positive youth development (PYD), particularly related to aspects such as the definition of PYD, potential benefits of PYD, and motivations for participating in PYD activities. A total of 28 self-identified Hispanic youths participated in focus groups. Findings suggest that participants identified key components of PYD (e.g., skills gained through participation) that are generally consistent with broader research on the topic. Youths\u27 motivations for participating in PYD programs included familial encouragement, availability of the programs, and the engaging/enjoyable nature of the programs. Potential implications for Extension professionals are discussed

    National Curriculum Assessment and Public Examination Results in Wales: 1999 (Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, and 4; and Benchmark Information)

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    There are 2 types of documents attached to this record: 1. benchmark information; and, 2. National Curriculum Assessment Results. These resources all relate to the National Curriculum Assessment and Public Examination Results in Wales for the year 1999. Benchmark Information - "This is the third year for which benchmark information has been published and it is hoped that schools and LEAS will use it to support their target setting processes. The tables displayed in this booklet are based on the results derived from the 1999 National Curriculum assessments. Schools will be able to use information to help them set and publish targets annually for pupils’ performance in National Curriculum assessments." - Page 4. Examination Results - These booklets present for Wales and each local education authority area the 1999 results of Key Stage 1-4 pupils taught to National Curriculum standards. The aggregate data were derived from the results of the statutory assessments

    National Curriculum Assessment and Public Examination Results in Wales: 2001 (Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, and results of GCSE/GNVQ and A/AS Level; Benchmark Information; and Booklets for Headteachers and Governors)

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    There are 3 types of documents attached to this record: 1. benchmark information; 2. National Curriculum Assessment Results; and 3. Booklets for Headteachers and Governors. These resources all relate to the National Curriculum Assessment and Public Examination Results in Wales for the year 2001. Benchmark Information - This is the fifth year for which benchmark information has been published and it is hoped that schools and LEAs will use it to support their target setting processes. The tables displayed in [these] booklet[s] are based on the results derived from the 2001 National Curriculum assessments. Examination Results - This is the first time LEA-specific books containing the annual results for each Key Stage have been produced. They are designed to provide a comprehensive picture of standards attained in each LEA area and to place those standards within an all-Wales context. Booklets for Headteachers and Governors - These booklets provide an all-Wales summary of the 2001 results of Teacher Assessments and Tasks/Tests; divided by Key Stage

    Integration of positive youth development in community-based youth development organizations

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    Despite the growing number of organizations that classify themselves as youth development organizations in the country, we know very little about them, particularly as hosts of positive youth development (PYD) programming (Roholt, Baizerman, Rana & Korum, 2013). Absent from the literature is an understanding of how youth development organizations are responding to environmental shifts that have occurred over the past 20 years as the PYD movement has gained ground and legitimacy. Out of this movement has emerged an asset-based framework for working with young people. This framework is starkly different from the traditional view of youth, which historically has treated this age group as deficient and as passive recipients of services. PYD, on the other hand, sees youth as active contributors to society. PYD’s focus is on helping youth gain the skills and competencies necessary to transition successfully into adulthood. This study explored how PYD is influencing the work of community based youth development organizations. In addition, this study looked at how institutional pressures are influencing the way organizations are responding to PYD. The following research questions grounded the study: 1) How is PYD influencing community-based youth development organizations? 2) Are community-based youth development organizations responding similarly to the PYD logic? 3) How are isomorphic pressures influencing the adoption of PYD in community-based youth development organizations? 4) What is the relationship between the isomorphic pressures organizations face and the degree to which PYD strategies are implemented in daily practice? This study used a qualitative multiple case study method to examine three community-based youth organizations in a northeastern city of the United States. This study yielded three main findings: 1) PYD is influencing the work of community-based youth organizations; 2) implementation of PYD varies across organizations; and 3) institutional pressures explain some, but not entirely how PYD is being adopted in community-based youth development organizations. The findings from this study provide important insights on how PYD is influencing community-based organizations by describing how organizations are translating PYD into practice and how this relates to institutional pressures faced by these organizations

    National Curriculum Assessment and Public Examination Results in Wales: 1998 (Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, and 4; and Benchmark Information)

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    There are 2 types of documents attached to this record: 1. benchmark information; and, 2. National Curriculum Assessment Results. These resources all relate to the National Curriculum Assessment and Public Examination Results in Wales for the year 1998. Benchmark Information - "This is the second year for which benchmark information has been published and it is hoped that schools and LEAS will use it to support their target setting processes. The tables displayed in this booklet are based on the results derived from the 1998 National Curriculum assessments. Schools will be able to use information to help them set and publish targets annually for pupils’ performance in National Curriculum assessments." - Page 4. Examination Results - These booklets present for Wales and each local education authority area the 1998 results of Key Stage 1-4 pupils taught to National Curriculum standards. The aggregate data were derived from the results of the statutory assessments
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