142 research outputs found
Hegemonic Masculinity: Wacana Relasi Gender dalam Tinjauan Psikologi Sosial
Today, the world is languishing in a patriarchal structure. This patriarchal domination not only harms women, but also men, children, the elderly, and marginalized groups. Gender mainstreaming extends its studies not only to femininity but to parenting (motherhood and fatherhood), early childhood. In addition, gender also extends to the realm of masculinity or male studies. In this case, the psychology of gender underlines this phenomenon with hegemonic masculinity discourse. Masculinity is seen from the dominance of the spaces of life both public and private. This paper examines the ideology of hegemonic masculinity as the most desirable theoretical response to Critical Men Studies (CSM). This elaboration of the Hegemonic Masculinity concept is useful as a \u27binocular tool\u27 that is operational for empirical studies of masculinity
This article discusses education management in frame psychology. The education management is a factual behavior of the psychological discipline that is depicted in through the analysis of the behavior system of the school organization involving a number of components. In the application of psychology in education management is a part of the element that is not stuck in the view of uniformity that practically diversity by each education leadership. Each educational institution is a singularity that relates to the differences in the nature and condition of each component of the psychological system. To get an intact picture in this article, then used a qualitative approach with literature research design. The results of the study indicated that such an understanding is to be aware of educational practitioners of the importance of psychology universally, through culture, and psychology and social. Then the role of education management is very important especially educational institutions tailored to the psychological conditions of managerial and the needs of students
The Role of Grit In Indonesian Student
The current systematic review aims to investigate the role of grit in the Indonesian student setting. The search of the literature was conducted on two online databases, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar published between 2016 and 2020. There were seven studies identified using inclusive and exclusive selection criteria in this review. The primary findings demonstrated that grit has a positive influence on career decision-making and academic achievement. Perception of the father's involvement, the meaning of life, growth mindset, school wellbeing, self-control, and life satisfaction are known to have a significant positive correlation with grit. Finally, a positive variable such as self-efficacy can foster students' grit
This study aimed to observe to what extent the self-adaptation has a role as mediator in the correlation of religiosity and happiness. It involved 204 new santri in Islamic Boarding School X in Bekasi. This study used the scale of Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) as developed by Hills and Argyle, Indonesian Psychological Measurement of Islamic Religiousness (I-PMIR) developed by Abu-Raiya, et al. adapted into Indonesia Language by Salsabila, et al. and student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) by Baker and Siryk. Data were analized using exploratory factor analysis by means of software SPSS 20 and PROCESS macro analysis through SPSS 20 software. The results of this study showed that religiosity positively affecting self-adaptation and happiness, and self-adaptation mediated the effects of religiosity on happiness. Thus, the hypothesis in this study was accepted
This research will examine the psychology of communication in the community fostered at the Class II A Lubuklinggau penitentiary facility, the research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach, then in data collection by interviewing, documentation and in data processing used with data reduction, then the presentation of the data and in the end the data is concluded. The communication psychology of clerics and prisoners in the class II A penitentiary boarding school in Lubuklinggau City is very influential. Because some prisoners have shown a positive response while receiving guidance at this pesantren. Based on the results of observations, interviews, and documentation, the researchers got the results that the implementation of strategic management in the Class II A penitentiary of Lubuklinggau City ran optimally, it can be proven that the number of prisoners after leaving the coaching process can live and survive and are able to be accepted in the community, although not yet within the scope broad
Eksistensi Perkembangan Mazhab Psikologi Islam sebagai Aliran Baru dalam Psikologi
This paper explains about of the development of Islamic psychology which the explanation begins with the history of contemporary psychology. Then explain the reasons for the emergence of Islamic psychology. With the development of new schools and theories that emerged. Because it is open to scientists to provide criticism and refinement of existing theories. The presence of the Islamic Psychology school is a form of psychology based on human image according to Islamic teachings, which studies the uniqueness and patterns of human behavior as an expression of the experience of interaction with oneself, the environment, and spiritual nature, with the aim of improving mental health and the quality of religious life on the basis of Islamic noble values to achieve the happiness of living in this world and the hereafter. The existence of this paper is expected to trigger psychology scientists to develop Islamic Psychology according to figures in Muslim thought as a study of behavior and mental life on the basis of theories on understanding the verses of the Qur'an and Sunnah
Relationship Quality in Early Adult Individuals That Are in Long-Distance Relationships
Technological advances make communication easier for couples who have long-distance relationships. The quality of the relationship between a couple who being apart and being together is not necessarily the same, especially when it comes to intimacy. This study aims to determine the quality of relationships in early adults who undergo long-distance relationships. The qualitative research method was chosen with a case study approach that focuses on how the individual interacts in long-distance relationships. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews. The subjects of this study were 2 early adult couples who had a long-distance relationship between Surabaya and outside Surabaya and the couple had been in a relationship for at least 1 year. The data analysis technique used in this research is thematic analysis technique theory driven. The results indicate that respondent 1 shows relationship satisfaction despite feeling uncomfortable with the relationship being undertake. Respondent 2 showed relationship satisfaction but not appreciate his partner's achievements. From these results can be concluded that the quality of the relationship of each partner who has a long-distance relationship is different
Father Nurturance as Moderators of Perceived Family Support for College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions
The main objective of this study is to examine the role of family support in the entrepreneurial intentions of college students, particularly the role of fathers. Understanding entrepreneurial intentions in the context of college students are imperative to encouraging future entrepreneurial behaviors. Family support is an important external factor in predicting college students’ entrepreneurial intentions. Another aspect of family support that must be considered is the unique role of father nurturance, specifically, in relation to college students’ entrepreneurial intentions. The respondents consisted of 189 college students between the ages of 18 and 25 years studying in Surabaya. The study utilized quantitative and correlational approaches with data analyzed using regression. The main data collection tool used in the study was a questionnaire. The research findings show that family support has a significant positive influence on entrepreneurial intentions in college students. Father nurturance is a moderating variable that strengthens the influence of family support and entrepreneurial intentions on college students. The implication of this research is to highlight the importance of the family’s role in supporting the entrepreneurial process. In addition, fathers, specifically, play a unique role as supporters and positive role models in increasing the entrepreneurial intentions of college students
Intervensi Mindful Breathing Untuk Mengatasi Stres Akademik Pada Remaja Sekolah Menengah Atas
High school students are prone in experiencing academic stress. Academic stressors faced are in the form of pressure to have a lot of assignments, length of study, poor time management, to anxiety facing exams. Some research shows that academic stress of high school students are in the high category. In an extreme case, academic stress can lead to self-harm behavior. One of the interventions that can overcome academic stress is mindful breathing. This study aims to determine the result of mindful breathing intervention to overcome academic stress in high school students. This study used a single-subject design, with one subject aged 16 years who was in grade XI. The flow of intervention consists of counseling sessions, preparation, implementation of the intervention, and evaluation. The results showed that the mindful breathing intervention was successful in dealing with academic stress in high school students
The purpose of this study is to offer solutions related to the prevention of domestic violence, especially those related to children, through improving the quality of children's relationships with their parents. This research departs from the increasing number of violence occurring in the household realm, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which causes individuals to remain at home. The research method used is qualitative research supported by a literature review. The study results suggest two activities that parents and children can do to make their relationship closer, particularly within this pandemic situation. The quality of a good relationship between them will minimize the potential for disharmony and even violence. The two activities are; 1) Indoor Outbound, this activity helps both children and parents feel cooperative and trusting each other through the house’s outbound activity. Direct parental involvement in children will help improve this relationship. This involvement is divided into two, namely partial and whole. 2) Parenting Day, an effort that parents can increase to their children. In children who are still not yet adolescents, the effort is to overcome tantrums and in adolescents is to create effective communication between the two. The author concludes that the main key to preventing child abuse is the quality of the child's relationship with his/ her parents
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