1,814,472 research outputs found
Systems effectiveness evaluation program
Eight integrated computer programs provide needed capability to reduce man-hours needed to perform routine monitoring and assessment of effectiveness, reliability, and maintainability of large electronic equipment systems
Effectiveness of Adult Literacy Program through Computer Assisted E-Learning
There are innumerable means, sources and methods of adult learning for adult literacy programs are experimented over the period of time. The evolutionary trends of methods, means and modes of adult education and its teaching methods are notable. There are number of researches shows that the methods of teaching especially adult literacy teaching have made positive impact on the adult learnerrsquos performances from time to time since adult literacy is a basis for the development of society. In the recent years, technology has played a key role in promoting literacy among the illiterates in the rural and urban areas. Particularly, the computers are being utilized under this study to assists in teaching basic 3 ldquoRrdquo skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. The present article is highlighted the impact and effectiveness of the Adult Literacy Program through Computer Assisted E. Learning Software used in the promoting adult literacy among rural and urban illiterates
The Effectiveness of the Raskin Program
The Raskin program is a subsidized rice program for poor families which provides 10 kg of rice per poor households at the price of Rp1,000 per kg. This report describes the findings of the study undertaken by the SMERU Research Institute to uncover the effectiveness of the Raskin program in achieving its objectives as well as to obtain lessons learned to improve the program. This qualitative study uses three different approaches to data collection : document review and secondary data analysis or meta- evaluation; interviews of key informants at the central level; and field study. The findings suggests that, in general, the Raskin program indicates relatively low effectiveness, that many problems emerge in the distribution of the rice from the primary distribution point to the beneficiaries, and that the issues faced are actually similar each year. The low effectiveness of the program is indicated by the lack of program socialization and transparency; inaccurate targeting, amount, and frequency of rice received by beneficiaries, as well as price of rice; high cost of program management, ineffective monitoring and evaluation; and ineffective complaint mechanism.Raskin, program evaluation, poverty reduction program
Effectiveness of a Natural Family Planning Service Program
Purpose: The aims of this study were to determine and compare extended use-effectiveness of an online nurse-managed fertility education service program among women (and subgroups of women) seeking to avoid pregnancy.
Study Design and Methods: This was a 24-month prospective study of a university-based online Web site with 663 nonbreastfeeding women using an online charting system to avoid pregnancy. Participants tracked their fertility online with either cervical mucus monitoring, electronic hormonal fertility monitoring, or both fertility indicators. Unintended pregnancies were validated by professional nurses.
Results: Participants had a mean age of 30.4 years (SD = 6.3) and mean 1.7 children (SD = 2.0). Among the 663 nonbreastfeeding participants there were 2 unintended pregnancies per 100 at 24 cycles of correct use and 15 pregnancies at 24 cycles of typical use. However, the 212 women using the electronic fertility monitor had a typical use unintended pregnancy rate of 6 at 24 cycles of use in comparison with the 118 women using cervical mucus monitoring that had a typical use pregnancy rate of 19 at 24 cycles and with the 333 women using both fertility indicators that had a pregnancy rate of 18 at 24 cycles of use.
Clinical Implications: Use of the fertility monitor to estimate fertility among nonbreastfeeding women provides the most secure method of avoiding pregnancy
Helicopter roll control effectiveness criteria program summary
A study of helicopter roll control effectiveness is summarized for the purpose of defining military helicopter handling qualities requirements. The study is based on an analysis of pilot-in-the-loop task performance of several basic maneuvers. This is extended by a series of piloted simulations using the NASA Ames Vertical Motion Simulator and selected flight data. The main results cover roll control power and short-term response characteristics. In general the handling qualities requirements recommended are set in conjunction with desired levels of flight task and maneuver response which can be directly observed in actual flight. An important aspect of this, however, is that vehicle handling qualities need to be set with regard to some quantitative aspect of mission performance. Specific examples of how this can be accomplished include a lateral unmask/remask maneuver in the presence of a threat and an air tracking maneuver which recognizes the kill probability enhancement connected with decreasing the range to the target. Conclusions and recommendations address not only the handling qualities recommendations, but also the general use of flight simulators and the dependence of mission performance on handling qualities
Organizational Effectiveness Literature Review
Provides an overview and analysis of recent literature related to organizational effectiveness and management in nonprofit organizations. Prepared for the foundation's Organizational Effectiveness and Philanthropy Program
Computerized Schedule Effectiveness Technique /SET/ determines present and future schedule position
Computerized scheduling system calculates an index of overall schedule-effectiveness. The schedule-effectiveness index is a measurement of actual overall performance against the existing schedule, and a series of schedule-effectiveness values indicates the trend of actual performance. This computer program is written in Fortran 4
The Effectiveness of Teaching Program of CIPP Evaluation Model
This study aimed at finding out the level of effectiveness of the implementation of the teaching at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Politeknik Negeri Bali (PNB) viewed from the interrelatedness of the components of context, input, process, and product, This study used the evaluative study model of CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) and was done in two stages. The data were collected using a questionnaire, interview guide, and related documents that have proved to be highly valid and reliable. The data were analyzed descriptive-qualitatively and descriptive-quantitatively. The result showed that the implementation of the teaching program at the Department of Mechanical Engineering PNB viewed from the interrelatedness of the components of CIPP falls into the fairly effective category. On the other hand, the constraints encountered in the teaching program implementation were faced in the components of context and product. The greatest constraints were found in the variables of process and product related to the evaluation of nonacademic learning achievement
Impact of the Sierra Health Foundation's Clinic Capacity Building Program: Final Evaluation Report
Sierra Health Foundation (Sierra Health) launched the Clinic Capacity Building Program in 2013 as part of the Sacramento Region Health Care Partnership. The goal of the Clinic Capacity Building Program was to respond to the anticipated growth in demand (i.e., number of patients) created by the implementation of the Affordable Care Act by strengthening community health centers' administrative and operational capacity. The program aimed to improve clinic leadership, care quality and financial sustainability, thereby increasing the number of high performing Federally Qualified Health Centers in the region.In July 2014, Sierra Health contracted with the Center for Community Health and Evaluation (CCHE) to evaluate the effectiveness of its Clinic Capacity Building Program. The goal of the evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the Clinic Capacity Building program and contribution of the program to changes in capacity among the five grantees. This is the Executive Summary of the final evaluation report, which was submitted to Sierra Health in December 2015
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