173,432 research outputs found

    Polymer Translocation Through a Long Nanopore

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    Polymer translocation through a nanopore in a membrane investigated theoretically. Recent experiments on voltage-driven DNA and RNA translocations through a nanopore indicate that the size and geometry of the pore are important factors in polymer dynamics. A theoretical approach is presented which explicitly takes into account the effect of the nanopore length and diameter for polymer motion across the membrane. It is shown that the length of the pore is crucial for polymer translocation dynamics. The present model predicts that for realistic conditions (long nanopores and large external fields) there are two regimes of translocation depending on polymer size: for polymer chains larger than the pore length, the velocity of translocation is nearly constant, while for polymer chains smaller than the pore length the velocity increases with decreasing polymer size. These results agree with experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Local entropic effects of polymers grafted to soft interfaces

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    In this paper, we study the equilibrium properties of polymer chains end-tethered to a fluid membrane. The loss of conformational entropy of the polymer results in an inhomogeneous pressure field that we calculate for gaussian chains. We estimate the effects of excluded volume through a relation between pressure and concentration. Under the polymer pressure, a soft surface will deform. We calculate the deformation profile for a fluid membrane and show that close to the grafting point, this profile assumes a cone-like shape, independently of the boundary conditions. Interactions between different polymers are also mediated by the membrane deformation. This pair-additive potential is attractive for chains grafted on the same side of the membrane and repulsive otherwise.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Polymer depletion effects near mesoscopic particles

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    The behavior of mesoscopic particles dissolved in a dilute solution of long, flexible, and nonadsorbing polymer chains is studied by field-theoretic methods. For spherical and cylindrical particles the solvation free energy for immersing a single particle in the solution is calculated explicitly. Important features are qualitatively different for self-avoiding polymer chains as compared with ideal chains. The results corroborate the validity of the Helfrich-type curvature expansion for general particle shapes and allow for quantitative experimental tests. For the effective interactions between a small sphere and a wall, between a thin rod and a wall, and between two small spheres quantitative results are presented. A systematic approach for studying effective many-body interactions is provided. The common Asakura-Oosawa approximation modelling the polymer coils as hard spheres turns out to fail completely for small particles and still fails by about 10% for large particles.Comment: 68 pages, 6 figure

    Polymer chains in confined geometries: Massive field theory approach

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    The massive field theory approach in fixed space dimensions d=3d=3 is applied to investigate a dilute solution of long-flexible polymer chains in a good solvent between two parallel repulsive walls, two inert walls and for the mixed case of one inert and one repulsive wall. The well known correspondence between the field theoretical ϕ4\phi^4 O(n)-vector model in the limit n→0n\to 0 and the behavior of long-flexible polymer chains in a good solvent is used to calculate the depletion interaction potential and the depletion force up to one-loop order. Our investigations include modification of renormalization scheme for the case of two inert walls. The obtained results confirm that the depletion interaction potential and the resulting depletion force between two repulsive walls are weaker for chains with excluded volume interaction (EVI) than for ideal chains, because the EVI effectively reduces the depletion effect near the walls. Our results are in qualitative agreement with previous theoretical investigations, experimental results and with results of Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    A study of the entanglement in systems with periodic boundary conditions

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    We define the local periodic linking number, LK, between two oriented closed or open chains in a system with three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions. The properties of LK indicate that it is an appropriate measure of entanglement between a collection of chains in a periodic system. Using this measure of linking to assess the extent of entanglement in a polymer melt we study the effect of CReTA algorithm on the entanglement of polyethylene chains. Our numerical results show that the statistics of the local periodic linking number observed for polymer melts before and after the application of CReTA are the same.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
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