624,312 research outputs found
Poetry by Lachlan Brown in Translation
As a result of Lachalns Brown’s visit to the Centre d’Estudis Australians – Australian Studies Centre - at the Universitat de Barcelona Bill Phillips translated some of his work into Catalan, Laura López into Spanish and Victoria Dimitrova into Bulgarian. As always the poetry is presented in bi-lingual format. The translators, guest editor Carles Serra and the Centre would like to thank Lachlan for his generosity to us all
Poetry by Lachlan Brown in Translation
As a result of Lachalns Brown’s visit to the Centre d’Estudis Australians – Australian Studies Centre - at the Universitat de Barcelona Bill Phillips translated some of his work into Catalan, Laura López into Spanish and Victoria Dimitrova into Bulgarian. As always the poetry is presented in bi-lingual format. The translators, guest editor Carles Serra and the Centre would like to thank Lachlan for his generosity to us all
Poetry by Stephanos Stephanides in Translation
Stephanos Stephanides visited the Australian Studies Centre and gave a lecture and poetry reading to poetry undergraduate classes. The students were so impressed by his poetry that the idea of translating some of his work for this edition of Coolabah. For both the students and the journal this has been a great priviledge. Stephanos Stephanides, himself a Spanish speaker, worked with the students as they translated. A rare chance indeed to work with a poet while translating his work. We are grateful to Stephanos Stephanides for providing this wonderful opportunity for the students
Cornwall Contemporary Poetry Festival 2016 (Programme)
The second Cornwall Contemporary Poetry Festival brought together leading contemporary poets for three days of readings, workshops, discussions and symposia. Held in November 2016 in Falmouth, it included a symposium on poetry and illustration, a poetry project for schools in collaboration with Falmouth Art Gallery, a poetry slam and an open-mic event on a boat on the River Fal. The festival was a project of Falmouth Poetry Group in collaboration with Falmouth University and Falmouth Art Gallery, and with the Support of Arts Council England and The Tanner Trust
Abstrak: Tata rias pengantin merupakan wujud kebudayaan yang konkrit. Lamongan merupakan kota yang terbagi atas beberapa wilayah kecamatan yang ada di Jawa Timur yang mempunyai ciri khas sendiri dalam tata rias pengantinnya, seperti pengantin Bekasri Lamongan yang ciri khasnya terletak pada busananya. Pengantin Bekasri merupakan tata rias pengantin yang belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui pengetahuan masyarakat desa Mekanderejo tentang pengantin Bekasri sebelum dilakukan pengenalan tentang pengantin Bekasri Lamongan; 2) Untuk mengenalkan tata rias Bekasri Lamongan pada masyarakat khususnya masyarakat kecamatan Kedungpring; 3) Untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat kecamatan Kedungpring setelah dilakukannya pengenalan tata rias pengantin Bekasri Lamongan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan angket dimana sasaran dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat desa Mekanderejo kecamatan Kedungpring kabupaten Lamongan. Analisis respon masyarakat dilakukan untuk mengumpulan data respon masyarakat terhadap pengenalan yang sudah dilakukan, dihitung dengan presentase. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh dari data angket yang menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat tertarik dengan adanya sosialisasi ini dan memahami materi pengenalan tata rias pengantin Bekasri karena peneliti dalam menyampaikan materi menarik dan mudah dipahami oleh masyarakat. Selain itu adanya handout dan power point serta wujud asli model berbusana pengantin Bekasri menambah daya tarik masyarakat untuk ikut serta dalam pengenalan tata rias Bekasri Lamongan.
Kata Kunci : tata rias, tata rias pengantin Bekasri Lamongan, respon masyarakat.
Abstract: Bridal make up is a form of culture that is concrete. Lamongan is a city which is divided into several districts that existed in East Java that has its own characteristics in her bridal makeup, Bridal Bekasri the Lamongan as his trademark lies in the clothes. Bridal Bekasri bridal makeup is yet little known by the public. The purpose of this research is to 1) to find out the knowledge society village of Mekanderejo about bridal Bekasri prior to the introduction of the bride Bekasri Lamongan; 3) to know the response of the community sub-district of Kedungpring after doing bridal makeup Bekasri introduction of Lamongan. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Method of collecting data using interviews, observation, documentation and question form where a target in this research is the villagers Mekanderejo sub Kedungpring Lamongan. Analysis of the response of the community was done to collect data on the response of the community against the introduction of the already made, calculated by percentage. Analysis of the response of the community was done to collect data on the response of the community against the introduction of the already made, calculated by percentage. The results of this research were obtained from data now to suggest that the public is interested in the presence of this material and understand socialization introduction Bekasri bridal makeup because researchers in presenting the material interesting and easily understood by the public. In addition the existence of handouts and PowerPoints and original bridal dress form model Bekasri allure people to participate in the introduction of Cosmetology Bekasri Lamongan.
Keywords: makeup, makeup groom Bekasri Lamongan, the response of the community
The New Writing Series Fall 2011
write to request the Committee\u27s support for the fall 2011 New Writing Series, an innovative literary arts program sponsored since 1999 by the English Department and the National Poetry Foundation. The amount we request, 13,338. The majority of the financial support for the Series will be provided by the English Department through its Elliott and Ellis Funds. I am happy to report that the Honors College has renewed its collaborative agreement with the Series for another academic year, promising $1000 per semester to support the Series; in renewing the arrangement Dean Slavin spoke appreciatively of the work the Series does to to enrich the atmosphere of UMaine. We\u27re grateful for the vote of confidence. The detailed budget appended to this letter provides an overview of projected expenses and revenue sources. Per the Committee\u27s recent request, I have adopted the standard budget form and supplemented it with a spreadsheet that itemizes projected expenses. The Fall 2011 line-up will feature nine writers-seven poets and two fiction writers-in CADLS-supported events. Two of the poets-Ken Irby and Piene Joris-are being carried forward from the spring 2011 schedule, when a bereavement in Joris\u27s family forced us to postpone the event after their plane travel had already been arranged and paid for. There will be some costs associated with rebooking those flights, but the honoraria and other expenses related to the spring visit will not be drawn against already committed CA/DLS funding (Wanda Madden-Carr and I are in communication about this)
The Northern Lights: Estimating Heights with a Clinometer
In this activity students apply direct measurement of angles and length to determine height. They will use the tangent ratio and a clinometer, an easy-to-make instrument that allows one to estimate the height of an object such as a building, tree, or flag pole by using the properties of a right triangle. This is one of a series of activities that will help students understand how the Northern Lights work, what causes them, and how to observe them. Educational levels: High school, Middle school
Electricity and Magnetism
In this two-part activity, students learn about electromagnetism by constructing electromagnets and observing their behavior. They will discover that there is a close relationship between electricity and magnetism in that moving magnets can induce electric currents and that electric currents can cause magnetism. They also learn that electric current flowing in a wire creates a magnetic field around it. Educational levels: Middle school
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